TemplateMonster is proud to have one of the most impressive collections of high-quality web design items and professionally made themes that are suited for all purposes and occasions. We are proud to share works made by the leading authors from multiple micro-niches. Today, we would like to introduce you to one of our top-performing authors creating stunning social media themes, corporate identity templates, and Illustrator designs - AgataCreate.
Agata is a creative graphic designer with a passion for branding concepts, high-quality print products, modern digital media, and vector art. Her works stand out with a modern and feminine style. With more than 14 years of experience in the development of creative web design stuff, there's a lot that other designers learn from Agata's experience. So, we've reached our author for an interview to ask her about her life and career. Make yourself comfortable and let the story begin...
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her portfolio in the marketplace
her website - AgataCreate
AgataCreate: Hey! My name is Agata (AgataCreate) and I’m a graphic designer from Spain. But my journey didn’t start in Spain, I was born in Poland, grew up in Germany and now I live for 4 years at this beautiful island Majorca/Spain. My whole journey shaped me, so I’m very down to earth and thankful through my polish family, hardworking and disciplined through German working world and funny, creative and relaxed through the wonderful Spanish mentality and lifestyle.
To live at Majorca is generally very inspiring and in my free time, I enjoy the beaches, mountains, Pilates, and the Mediterranean lifestyle… simply everything outdoors and in nature that offers me a good balance to my daily work at the desk. I am currently self-employed for almost 10 years, so a balanced lifestyle is very important, to stay creative and effective.
My career began with a classical education as a graphic designer, but after that, I quickly realized that I wanted to go my own way and now here I am, 14 years later writing this interview and very happy to share my work, inspirations, and thoughts with others.
TemplateMonster: What features are common for all of your products? How we can distinguish them among others? (How would you describe your products?)
AgataCreate: I am now looking back on many years of working experience on selling digital resources and in recent years my personal style has become more and more crystallized so that I feel now arrived and comfortable in my style and I think that others can see and feel that.
My style combines female design aesthetic, natural color schemes and minimalism limited to the essentials. I love floral designs, watercolor graphics, and warm and calm colors and always try to create something new and special, but also that all results come together in a coherent way so that my clients can tell their own stories with them and at the end, all communication channels look harmoniously.
I have specialized in digital media on animated/static social media templates, vector graphics, patterns, and backgrounds and for printing, I offer most logo, stationery, and brochure templates. In the future, I will complete all with my own stock images and mock-ups.
TemplateMonster: Do you remember when you submitted your first product for sale?
AgataCreate: Yes, absolutely! My first product for sale was a vector graphic on a stock agency. When I see it today, I just think how ugly it is, but this is the process – the possibilities, my style, and my experiences have grown and now I have over 5000 vector graphics for sale.
I created my first template a few years later when I saw that templates are also very popular, and that's why I started to work in this field as well. Of course, all needed a lot of time, but now I can look back on a great portfolio which is constantly growing. Currently, I sell on the most popular and largest stock and graphic websites and till today I love to upload something new and to see how the audience will react to it.
TemplateMonster: How much time does it usually takes to create a template?
AgataCreate: Before I start a new project I first think about a concept and that always takes the most time in my working process. Which topics are currently trendy? Which fonts and colors would I like to use? And then I'm looking for pictures that have a lot of meaning for the overall appearance and therefore have to be curated considerately.
Since I almost always use free images to give my clients the possibility to use them in their projects as well, the image search can also be time-consuming to find free but also individual and not often seen images. After the concept is done, I start the actual creative work and put everything together in InDesign, Illustrator or Photoshop.
It's hard to say how long a project lasts, but I would roughly say that a product with 20 templates, a detailed description, and all preview images needs about a week… if everything goes right. Sometimes a project runs slowly, but then I do something else because I always work on different projects – templates, vector graphics and also, for example, my own marketing. And with some distance, the lie-down project will also be ready at the end successful.
TemplateMonster: What is the most complicated stage of template creation?
AgataCreate: Generally it can be everything and nothing, I can hardly commit myself to something special. Sometimes a project is made very quickly and other days I’m sitting on a preview image for hours and then closing unsuccessfully the window. It always depends on the form of the day, after all, we are all just humans and not design machines.
So if I have a creative depression, I love to go outdoors for a walk charging my batteries and after that, the preview image could be ready in 15 minutes. Another point is to stay unique with all designs, which is every day harder, because of the flood of new designs every day. For me, it's important to search for inspirations, but after the idea is made in my mind I close all and concentrate only on my work – trust your design feelings and don’t always look on others.
TemplateMonster: What do you like the most about being an author of digital products?
AgataCreate: I have already worked in a design agency and as a freelancer and now just self-employed selling digital goods and I can really say with the distance that the best thing in selling digital products is the freedom of working! And I mean not only the open time-management, most the freedom of creativity.
I remember for example that I had a client in the agency with a forklift truck business, and I was always working on the entire printing stuff for them. Honestly, the work was very easy and nice, but forklift trucks are really not my passion. Now I don’t have to look at others, I can work with my own style and I’m very glad and thankful that so many other people like my style too.
TemplateMonster: With what products you are planning to amaze your customers in the future?
AgataCreate: Currently I have so many ideas in mind… in the near future, I will further focus on digital media resources like social media templates and vector graphics and patterns, which are already one of my bestsellers. New things in the pipeline are also mock-ups and stock photography. My plan is to complement my portfolio so that my templates will also contain my own images and for presentation, I will use my own mock-ups.
All this is also an enrichment for my customers, then they get a holistic service from a single source and don't need to search for matching images or presentation possibilities. Then lately I've often noticed that more and more people want to use my designs, but they are not familiar with the Adobe programs, so I'm planning to do small "How to do?" video tutorials, to give everyone the chance to work easily with my templates. I always love to have good contact with my audience and therefore the services next to the creative business – like "How to do?" videos, test freebies and blog posts with design tips - will be also more expanded in the future.
You can take a look at more stunning social media themes by AgataCreate on their author's page. Get inspired by Agata's stylish and refined works that can bring an outstanding and professional presentation to your personal or business social media profiles.
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