3 Killer Tactics to Get Visitors to Your Website

Want to get visitors to your site? If the answer is “yes,” let’s discover the underground secrets and learn how these tactics will spike the profit-generating traffic to your site and how to get them. Getting visitors to the site is not as hard as you may think, but it takes the proper knowledge and tactics to stay ahead.

There are 3 tactics to get visits which are called the 3Ps:

  • You can pull visitors to your website (Pull)
  • Push visitors to your website (Push)
  • Or, use your product for visits (Product)

1. Getting visits to your site (Tactics Pull)

The first tactic is used to bring the customer to your site. The first way to grow your visitors is to offer them what they want by offering them something of value & freebies - something to reward them.

For example, if you decided to open an ecommerce business, you should focus on some specific tactics to pull the customers by giving some discount coupons. Some of way to market these tactics include:

  • Blogging or Guest Blogging
  • Podcasting or Guest Podcasting
  • EBooks or guides
  • Info-graphics
  • Webinars
  • Powerpoint Presentations
  • SEO
  • Social Media promotions via Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn
  • Contests
  • Word of mouth promotions

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2. Push Visits to Your Site (Tactics Push)

Push tactics are a little more aggressive. Push tactics mean that marketers are taking the product directly to the customers to ensure the customers are aware of the product.

This simply means that marketers go out and find the right customer and push them back in return. An example might be the announcement coming out while loading the YouTube video or AdWords ad that appears at the top of our search results.

Examples of push tactics include:

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3. Using Your Product

The third option, (which, personally, I'm most passionate about) is using the product to automatically distribute. That is the product involved in its own distribution and generating new visits.

If you have invited your friends to join Facebook, Pinterest or any other social network you have already experienced this tactic. The product tactics to attract new customers:

  • Integrations with Social Networks: It is about making your product work through integration with social platform; Airbnb integration with Craigslist to attract customers
  • Incentives: The best example is that of Dropbox (which we've talked occasionally), but there are many other businesses that also use this tactic - Bitbucket is one of them where users can invite friends and thereby earn users for their projects
  • Adding Hyperlinks – One of the product tactics to attract new customer is by adding hyperlinks inside of your product; in WordPress theme, they always included a link to their site
  • Invite more people via Phone contacts, Email contacts, and Social connects (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest etc.)
  • Spread products organically



Pull and Push tactics are based on the redefinition of the distribution. It is therefore essential to know how the world works well online. If you do not understand how people move online (how they’re navigating through the pages), we will be hardly able to pull or push traffic to our website.

Product tactics, however, are based on the redefinition of the product. Most startups and growing companies successfully use a combination of the 3 tactics to get visitors… and you can too. Is there any of them that you are not using?

Then try it.

If you have any interesting experiences and if you liked the article, please share. If you want to increase the number of potential visits for your website, then these 3 tactics are must! These tactics are so easy to run, and, you can have your potential visits. Right after you master these tactics consider starting your own PPP marketing agency with any of these marketing templates.

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Ashok Sharma

I am a copywriter and web development fan. I like to find different tricky solutions and then share them with others. LinkedIn

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