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7 Smart Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Mobile App

It's an absolute no brainier to assert that a business needs a mobile app. But believe me, many businesses still lack this common wisdom. This is the precise reason why we are going to explain the standout advantages of having a mobile app for any business.

Here we explain 7 such reasons that make mobile app absolutely invaluable and irreplaceable for any business.

1. Staying visible and connected continuously

Most statistics agree on one point that the average time spent on mobile devices is increasing rapidly all over the world. As per the latest statistics, an average person in the US at least spends two hours or more on the mobile device. In most cases only just a few apps consume most of the user time spent on mobile. So, in overall measured, this is probably the biggest exposure a business gets from its users when its app is actively used.

Obviously, not all apps drive the same amount of traction and engagement. But for that matter, every app does not require the kind of user engagement global brands get. They can opt for more realistic goals and find a loyal user base. But, the biggest advantage that they get is the constant visibility and connection with their loyal users and customers. Even for a small business staying visible and connected all the time makes the bond stronger that in turn adds value to the brand.

2. Creating better customer experience

Contrary to the perception that considers mobile apps only as a promotional tool most users find an app interesting and unconsciously develop a soft corner for it just because of the quality user experience. If an app can impress users with lean, smart and rewarding user experience, nothing can stop it from achieving traction and popularity among its target audience.

For businesses that lack a robust offline presence with a great business store or grand business office, can actually find it more effective to come with a great app that can touch the hearts of millions. If across other channels you couldn't deliver your users the kind of experience they love, here a mobile app can allow you to do the same.

3. Free promotion tool for your business

A mobile app once built practically becomes a free promotional tool. Let us look at other web alternatives through which you can sell your product. There are large online stores like Amazon, eBay, SnapDeal, Flipkart and many others. To sell your products across these channels you need to face bullish competition from most of the recognizable brands in your niche beside shelling out a hefty commission against every sell and for advertising and promotion you need to follow their guidelines and pay a good price. In complete contrast to these, an app offers a credible promotional platform with negligible investment requirement.

4. Local businesses can penetrate global markets

Do you think your business to have only local potential? Do you consider these worth selling products and services at a local level do not have any scope in becoming successful in faraway markets across the globe? Is it the specific reason why you always considered mobile apps to be something for big businesses and global brands? Let us tell you, a whole array of successful small business apps will just make you believe the opposite. Thanks to the opportunity unleashed by the web, mobile apps, and social platforms, any local business can become global overnight.

A brick and mortar store in your locality that for years produced stunning handcrafted products can now consider making its products reach offshore clients through a mobile app. Mobile apps in more ways than one allow local businesses reach global markets and audience. The world of apps beyond the so-called geographical boundaries allows connecting similar minded people and their produce. With a mobile app, a local business can have global exposure wider audience beyond boundaries.

5. Integrating all business channel under mobile app

When a business has a mobile app to represent its brand and business offerings, the app soon becomes synonymous with its digital identity. Once the app starts to get traction and engagement from its loyal customers and peers, many of these people begin to consider it as the hassle free and smart alternative to interact with the business.
Soon, your app becomes the primary business channel that works as a hub for all other channels. It results in superior branding, more integrated and digitally focused business process and consistent customer-centric marketing campaigns across all channels. With a mobile app, you have complete control over all your channels internally as well. The increasing number of workplace apps for businesses is a sure proof how mobile app is integrating business processes in a single thread.

6. Earning with your app

Even after being aware of the huge potential of mobile apps in spearheading growth and driving sales, many small businesses simply think the investment of building a new does not worth the value. They actually fear that the development cost will exceed their budget and will not bear fruit as early as it seems to be. Let us counter this logic with few credible truths.

First of all, if you already have a business blog or website to your name, converting the same to a stripped off and simple app will not cost you a fortune. Even while building an app from the scratch, you can always find a quality developer with proven background who can be ready to take the challenge in a very competitive budget. Build a simple and content focused app that would cost you minimum while allowing quick engagement because of the simple and easy interface. Now, does your app offer something valuable that others do not have?

If yes, you can actually make money from the app through monetizing it. Either through paid downloads for feature rich premium versions or through in-app ads or through partnering with another successful app and cross promotions, your app long before selling your actual business offerings can sell itself and earn for you.

7. Gaining competitive lead

Finally, many small businesses will find it alone to have treated the digital world with a mobile app to its name while its competitors still thinking about it or considering it to be unnecessary. Naturally, with a mobile app, a business can stand a class apart from its competitors and grow in estimation in the eyes of the customers and audience. A small business making a smart move with a mobile app can also lower the cost of digital marketing and promotion significantly and thus can gain a huge competitive lead.

It’s a wrap, guys!

The above-mentioned reasons that explain why a small business needs a mobile app only takes into consideration the most prominent aspects. As technology is the biggest alley for businesses of present and future, sooner a business shapes its mobile presence the better gain it can ensure for the time ahead.