In the modern world where everything is computerized and kids know how to manage smart devices far better than adults, knowing at least one programming language is a must to withstand competition. Whether you are aiming to be on top of App Store downloads or simply upgrade your skills, these 12 Android & iOS applications to learn CSS can be of use to you.
It’s become more congenial to use desktops for programming. However, it can hardly beat the convenience of creating and editing code on-the-go, from smartphones and tablets. The latter allow you to edit the source code from anywhere and manage the rush job far from your home or office. Android and iOS are the two most popular mobile operating systems as yet. As of December 2014, Android gained 47,06% of the market share, whereas iOS ended the year with 43,86% (according to Net Applications). They are all different and come with a varied set of features, which makes it easier to select the best tool.
In our blog post today we have gathered together 12 free apps for learning CSS & HTML on Android and iOS. Browse the collection and start learning CSS or upgrading your skills with these handy tools.
Start learning CSS to control the style and layout of web pages with CSS Tutorial / Programs app. Downloading it to your smart device, you will have access to almost all topics, including backgrounds, fonts, dimensions, image galleries, opacity, text, tables, lists, links, etc. Additionally, the app provides examples for each section with output.
CSS Editor requires Adobe Air and Android 2.2 or later. With this simple CSS editor you can color the syntax nodes (nodes, attributes, properties, events, support autocompletion and search and replace).
The app will come in handy to those of you who want to learn HTML / HTML5 / CSS/ CSS3 right on your smartphone. It contains brief descriptions with different online examples of HTML, HTML5, CSS, and CSS3.
You can learn while playing and play while learning with this CSS tutorial. Basically, it’s a free game that will teach you how to control the style and layout of your website. You will listen to handpicked YouTube videos, complete a series of interactive quizzes and checkpoints, and fill out actual CSS templates. As you proceed through the game, you’ll be able to collect colorful points and compete with other players.
The app covers all basics of HTML code and CSS tag. It will be of use to both students and programmers who want to have a better understanding of how to edit HTML attributes, headings, lists, links, images, tables, forms, fonts, etc. Also, you will learn what CSS is, as well as how to add CSS in HTML.
Here is an offline CSS tutorial that you can install on your Android device for free. It contains CSS and CSS3 books and tutorials, with sample HTML and examples.For the user convenience, all important index keywords are organized in an alphabetical order.
Css Programming – ITA is an ultimate to learn CSS on your Android smartphone or tablet. The tutorial is divided into chapters, which makes it easier to read and find the necessary content. Theory is fortified with numerous examples for better comprehension.
Download WTF, HTML and CSS? app and get quick access to the list of the most frustrating HTML and CSS quandaries, miscues, and dilemmas. Fix all issues and prevent a replay of old mistakes.
HTML5 and CSS by WAGmob is an eBook and app for learning HTML and CSS in an interactive way. The app is available in free and premium versions. Choosing the free package, you’ll get access to two tutorials, one quiz and one set of flashcards. For full access of the content you will need to purchase “HTML and CSS” application from within the app for $1.99 each. Thus, you’ll be provided with informative tutorials for easy learning, flashcards to memorize key concepts, as well as simple and easy quizzes.
As the name suggests, CSS Installation Instructions app provides lessons on how to make your own style sheets with CSS and give your site a brand new look.
The app has been developed for both iPhone and iPad. With its help you’ll learn the basic concepts behind the apps you use and websites you visit. Also, you’ll understand the structure of the code, how it works and powers the web. Alongside with the theoretical part, you’ll be able to apply your skills in practice by passing quizzes and making a web page of your own.
Udacity provides online courses taught by industry experts from Facebook, Google, Cloudera and MongoDB. Whether you are only making your first steps in programming or you need to upgrade your skill, here you will be able to find classes that range from the very basics of programming to the more advanced ones. In case you can’t view classes online, you can download them to your device ahead of time.
Programming can be a fun time-passing not only for adults, but also for their kids. Lightbot One Hour Coding is a puzzle game that was developed to introduce kids who have no experience in programming to the basic concepts of this science. While playing kids will learn real programming logic, gain practical understanding of instruction sequences, procedures and loops, by guiding a robot and solving levels.
What other Android and iOS apps for learning coding to do you know? Maybe there are more cool free apps to learn programming with kids? You’re welcome to speak up and share your thoughts with us below this post.
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