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10 Most Profitable Upwork Jobs for WordPress Professionals

It’s never too late to become your own boss. With a certain level of skills in web design and development, you can easily join the Upwork community, apply for the jobs you like and earn a decent amount of money.

Premium WordPress themes will make your work much easier by eliminating the need to build websites from scratch. Instead, you will receive a stable platform with a great, modern design, which only needs a bit of customization.

For this article, we’ve gathered 10 of the latest Upwork jobs for WordPress professionals and supplied each of them with a suitable WordPress theme from our store.

Also, check out our previous posts about how readymade templates can help you save the lion's share of your budget and time:

And now, it’s time for the recent Upwork projects that require a skilled WordPress developer.

How you can save $275 on a medical website

What is this project about?

The client needs a simple 3-6 page website with a top menu for his memory center. The website should be based on a CMS (we strongly recommend WordPress because of its flexibility) so that it would be easy for its owner to edit the information.

Estimated budget: $350

What would a professional designer do?

He would use UniversalCare - Medical Center Responsive WordPress Theme

UniversalCare is a responsive medical WordPress theme designed specifically for clinics. It allows its visitors to book via integrated forms effortlessly. The classic design of this theme and its intuitive navigation provide great user experience ensuring high conversion rates. You can quickly reshape the layout of your website with the help of Power Builder and the modified WordPress live customizer.

You save: $275

How you can save $325 on a website selling glassware

What is this project about?

The client wants to establish a luxury website selling glassware: whiskey decanters, glasses, etc. The site should be integrated with Amazon, and contain “Buy Now” buttons leading to the Amazon marketplace.

Estimated budget: $400

What would a professional designer do?

He would use GutenBerg - Beer Pub and Brewery WordPress Theme

GutenBerg is a beer WooCommerce theme designed in retro style. If you want to bring your restaurant, brewery or glassware business online, this theme is just what you need. It stands out because of the hover effects, handmade fonts, and large parallax scrolling images. GutenBerg is WooCommerce-ready out of the box, which means that you can launch an online store in no time.

You save: $325

How you can save $525 on a website for a personal training company

What is this project about?

The client needs a business website for his company to sell personal training packages online.

Estimated budget: $600

What would a professional designer do?

He would use J.Trudeau - Business Coach WordPress Theme

J.Trudeau is a pixel-perfect business coaching WordPress theme built for a broad array of businesses. With its help, you will be able to build a sustainable website with a full set of necessary pages, numerous UI components, working forms, and much more. This theme is supplied with Appointment Manager, a timeline plugin, Power Page Builder and a selection of custom widgets.

You save: $525

How you can save $2425 on a website for an ophthalmology clinic

What is this project about?

Required is a website for an ophthalmology clinic. The website must be clean and pleasant to the eye, contain links to social media accounts, and embedded phone numbers and other contact information.

Estimated budget: $2500

What would a professional designer do?

He would use Healtro - Private Medical Clinic Responsive WordPress Theme

This flexible and clean WordPress theme is another awesome design solution for medical websites. It has a cheerful design based on modern gradients, embedded Google Maps, lots of plugins and premade pages for any business purpose. Thanks to Power Page Builder, you can modify the appearance of your website endlessly without writing a single line of code.

You save: $2425

How you can save $645 on a corporate website for a startup

What is this project about?

A startup company needs a professional website with a techy look. The designer will have to add graphics, incorporate the company logo seamlessly and optimize the website for search engines. A readymade template can be used to complete the task.

Estimated budget: $720

What would a professional designer do?

He would use TechnoFix - Tech Repair Company Responsive WordPress Theme

TechnoFix is a simple, yet powerful responsive WordPress theme for tech startups: repair services, online stores selling electronics, apps, etc. It comes with a conversion-optimized home page improved with sliders and forms, several blog layouts and post formats, a sticky drop down menu and dynamic, Ajax-powered search. This theme is best for companies that seek to build an effective funnel and run content marketing campaigns at the same time.

You save: $645

How you can save $275 on a website for a cleaning company

What is this project about?

The task is to build a responsive website for a cleaning company. The website should contain such pages as Home Page, About Us, FAQ, Book Cleaning, Charity, Tidy Tara Checklist and Contact Us.

Estimated budget: $350

What would a professional designer do?

He would use Cleaning & Maid Service Company WordPress Theme

Cleaning.Pro will make your corporate website look bright and professional. This responsive WordPress theme is best suited for companies providing cleaning services, but it can be redesigned easily to serve any other purpose. Its homepage contains such essential elements as customizable pricing tables, blog post previews, and Google Maps. With this bright theme, your website will undoubtedly stand out among its peers.

You save: $275

How you can save $130 on a photographer’s portfolio

What is this project about?

A freelance photographer needs a visually attractive website with approximately five pages.

Estimated budget: $205

What would a professional designer do?

He would use GeoPhoto - Portfolio Responsive WordPress Theme

GeoPhoto is a full-page photography WordPress theme with powerful portfolio options and breathtaking design. Thanks to animated preloaders and customizable sliders, it provides seamless user experience worthy of your best creative works. It is a blog and eCommerce-ready, allowing you to sell photos on your website, and also inform your subscribers about new collections.

You save: $130

How you can save $125 on a personal website for a business consultant

What is this project about?

A business consultant needs a professionally crafted personal website with the following pages: Home, About, Events, Course, Podcast and Contact Me.

Estimated budget: $200

What would a professional designer do?

He would use Loan Dolphins - Loan Company One Page WordPress Theme

Loan Dolphins is a modern GPL WordPress theme consultant for financial websites, which is ideal for business consultants who want to attract new clients via the web. Designed with green color palette and large, hi-res photos, it looks fresh and professional.

You save: $125

How you can save $575 on a business website

What is this project about?

The client looks to build a mobile-friendly and well-organized business website built with WordPress.

Estimated budget: $650

What would a professional designer do?

He would use Business Responsive WordPress Theme

New York is a responsive futuristic WordPress theme originally created for IT startups. It comes with flexible premium MotoPress slider and intuitive visual MotoPress editor to help you build an outstanding business website. You will also gain access to a host of useful plugins seamlessly integrated into the theme: Google Maps, Contact Form, TM Gallery, and more.

You save: $575

How you can save $255 on a personal website for a poet

What is this project about?

A poet wants to build a blog-first website where he will be able to publish his works. We recommend using WordPress, as it is the most efficient solution for creating a frequently updated website.

Estimated budget: $300

What would a professional designer do?

He would use Editorso - Journalist Blog WordPress Theme

Editorso has is crafted for writers, journalists, and poets. This minimalist, blog-centric WordPress theme is compliant with GPL 3.0 license and is perfect for wordsmiths of any kind. Built with Bootstrap and Cherry Framework 5, it ensures flawless display of your posts on any desktop and mobile device, and full compatibility with all modern browsers.

You save: $255

Wrapping up

Don't miss your chance to become a freelancer, create an Upwork account right now! And don't forget to check out our gallery of WordPress themes that will help you do your job easily and with pleasure.