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Total Recall: Web Design Cheat Sheets

No matter how good your memory is, you can't remember all things properly. Your memory is highly elaborate tool that may throw out something that once seemed to be important. That's the reason why people have diaries since the writing appeared.

As for the working notes you can have some sticky notes or just a heap of A4, covering your desk. Swipe files also help, but when used heavily they turn into some immense chunk of text where you can't make head or tail of it.

To have a structured prompter you need to make use of the cheat sheet. People know how important they are, because everyone forget some things (except for these guys) and having a prompter is really important. Now you can easily find lots of cheat sheets for almost any topic. But in this article we'd like to provide some interesting and informative cheat sheets for web designers. In our round-up we've covered following topics:


Common fonts to all versions of Windows & Mac equivalents

Set of vector icons

Web Safe Fonts

Font Cheat Sheet


jQuery Cheat Sheet

jQuery Selectors

jQuery Quick API Reference

jQuery 1.8 API Cheat Sheet


HTML 5 Cheat Sheet (PDF)

HTML5 Visual Cheat Sheet

HTML5 Canvas Cheat Sheet

HTML5 Security Cheatsheet


CSS Specifications

CSS3 Color Names


Adobe Photoshop with Image Ready

Photoshop Secret Shortcuts


WordPress Cheat Sheet

WordPress Help Sheet

WordPress Template Designer CheatSheet

WordPress Theme Tags Code Snippet Collection

WordPress Visual Cheat Sheet


I hope these cheat sheets will be helpful for you, since we wanted to cover most important topics for web designers and starters.

SPEAK UP! If your are having some other cheat sheets you're using on regularly feel free to share some links in the comments section. We are always glad to hear from you.