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Which Comes First? UX or UI Design?


Website design is often confused with user experience design. Singly considering these two distinct concepts is wrong and has become a major pitfall to which many websites designers are prone.

While on your site, the UX is more than just the user experience. It is associated with the full customer experience from the moment a prospective customer hears about your product, makes their first purchase and if you are lucky, become loyal customers. You will have to think outside the site to make customers excited about your product, services or brands.

The Significance of Focusing on UX First

A valuable and meaningful human-computer interaction is the goal of good UX. These increases customers satisfaction and sales. UX deals with customer’s emotions and how to capture their attention. Since different website designs will be preferred by different users, to a degree, UX is subjective. However, most audiences can be pleased with specific universal best practices. Through effective design tactics, user interface takes over to form a positive UX.

Building new websites is an excitement for designers. They examine many possibilities through going over every detail. Sometimes in the shuffle of website design, the actual essence of UX is ignored. Before the stages of website creation or design, some essential aspects of UX should be considered. You can conveniently master the user experience if you can tap these aspects.

The first thing is to capture the attention of the customer.

The order in which the design is to be done is UX first, then UI

Knowing that UI is tangible and UX is intangible is an excellent way to comprehend the relationship between the two concepts. While UI is the tool that transforms ideas into realities, UX is the brainstorming, the process of the product. UX encompasses many right strategies such as research, information architecture, analytics and data, and visual design. Until you are physically designing the product, you will not get to UI. The worst thing that you can do is to skip UX altogether or tackle both the UI and UX at the same time.

Do Research before Starting UX Design

It is paramount for the UX team to carry out a lot of observations, surveys, and research to realize how important the goals for the site are and to identify the target audience before that can go ahead and begin the UI design. The rest of the website design process will be known by the way users respond to UX. Some critical questions that should be asked by the team are: what do you dislike the most about the checkout process? And what types of items do you buy online?

All the data needed to attract prospective customers through your UI will be gotten from the research conducted during the UX design process.

Before Users Visits your Site, Attract them

The customer experience that comes before they get to your site should not be ignored. You should understand that outside your website’s circle, several critical elements of UX exist. You may think that your work starts and ends within the site as a designer and it is wrong to assume that. The amount of positive feedback a product, app or sites gets depends on the complete UX. The website is just a part of this experience.

Start planning your UX through marketing. How your audience will be aware of the new feature or website, needs to be discussed by your marketers. Marketing is an integral part of UX because it may be the first time that a customer has ever interacted or heard about your product. A first good impression is always important, and this is your big opportunity. Form a marketing strategy that compliments branding mechanisms and other aspects of your UI. Your marketing strategy will determine how people will talk and think about your product. Its impact on the general user experience should not be undermined.

The removal of any barrier is another effective way to push prospective customers to your brand or to switch to your product from your competitor. Determine the factor that may hinder your competitors’ customer from buying your product. It may be that they are not able to transfer data to your app or it may be something simpler. Solving simple barriers might just lure your competitors’ customers to patronize your brand instead.

Effectively use Push Notifications

One good example of a UX that has almost nothing to do with the UI is the push notifications. If you do not abuse their power, they can preserve your user experience. They can serve as irritating interruptions or unfriendly reminders. The ball is in your court. To strike the perfect balance, push notifications require the right strategy. To implement this UX strategy, there are several best practices some of which are:

Send notifications for important news only. If you notify your users about everything, customers will get irritated easily. Send information that customers will find useful. You can use customer’s data and send only notifications that they will find relevant. And always determine the perfect timing to send notifications.

Before users sign up for push notifications, explain the type of information you will notify them about. If users understand that you will be too triggering happy with updates, they may not accept push notifications. Assure them that it will not be a nuisance; instead, it will be an asset through adding a small blurb about how you will use the tool. Even when they are not on your site, A creative and wise use of push notifications can give an excellent UX for customers. In this way, your brand will engage and interact with people relevantly.

Before Starting UI, Deal with Every Aspect of UX

Before you get to user interface design, there are many ways to give a long-lasting experience and reach many customers. Business owners should not confuse UX and UI even though they are significantly related. If UX is neglected because UI is the more exciting part of the establishment, it will drastically affect the business eventually. From the marketing tactics to customer research, there is more to UX than just app or website.

You must build the UX before the user interface to achieve a satisfactory customer experience. Think about how the application will generate hype for your product, how customers will use it and how it will function before you begin the development. Skipping over UX can risk having a product that is functionally graded but has no resonation with your target audience. This leads to waste of time and resources.

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