How To Create A Catchy Search Field With CSS?

Still building your website? Check out these eight easy ways to create an attractive search field to ensure that your visitors definitely find what they are looking for!

Make Your Search Field Fancy with CSS: 8 Simple Ways

With a narrowly targeted function, a search field is still an important part of HTML5 templates. Primarily, content-heavy websites need a tiny, almost invisible line that guides users to the right page.

That’s why taking some time to provide convenient search makes sense, and you can start by creating an attractive search field with CSS. You can choose a more progressive and less muddled language or switch to HTML and create an HTML search box.

We won’t do anything super complicated and sophisticated. Instead, you will familiarize with eight simple ways to create a worthy search bar for your website with CSS.

You can handle moving up a notch with a search form in several steps. So, let’s start!


1. Morphing Animation

When it comes to the Bootstrap search box, morphing animation is always a good solution because it stands for aesthetics and usability.

Your users will see the icon of the magnifying glass. But, only after clicking on it, will the entire Bootstrap search field appear. If you wants to clear the bar, you should click on the X icon.

Good for: small screens.

2. Hover over the Icon

In this case, the CSS search box also remains hidden until the user hovers over the magnifying glass. The functionality might seem the same as the functionality the morphing animation offers, but the user shouldn’t click on the icon but rather hover over it.

Good for: small screens and fun.

3. Movable Website Search Field

The heavy-content sites mentioned above contain tons of valuable information, and the users might need to scroll down the page in search of something. If they don’t find it, they need to make the same way to the top of the page (to the search box).

Movable search bar Bootstrap is attached to the top of the page. So, you don’t need to go back to the top again after you reach the bottom of the page.

Good for: scrollers.

4. Fullscreen Bootstrap Search Bar

Material design launched by Google is gaining popularity. So, it’s not surprising that this project also occupied the search field.

The major advantage and peculiarity of this option are that the so-called search box CSS appears on the full screen and occupies the whole room (screen). On the one hand, nothing disturbs the user from their search. On another hand, not every user will find this design attractive and convenient.

Tastes differ.

5. Well-Known Custom Search

Users will like this type of search because the website search bar contains a couple of icons that represent separate categories – users, posts, images (another visual content), specials, etc. The well-known custom search has never looked that attractive, by the way.

Good for: those who know what they look for and those who need specifics.

Need a sample?

6. Context Visual Effects

Some web developers use AJAX (as a sample) to change the background, color, add context animation, etc. to create an outstanding Bootstrap w3schools search fields.

Good for: those who are interested in everything new and extraordinary.

7. Imponderable Search Box Bootstrap

Some websites have a transparent search bar icon that is almost invisible. It usually has a thin border around or other elements that “frame” the search field. It is also placed at the top of the page but doesn’t occupy the entire space.

If you want something that won’t strike an eye, then transparency is a good choice.

Good for: those who like this stylistic idea and those who want to focus on other elements of the page.

8. Multi-Search

Your visitors will definitely like the opportunity to choose the category for search. Most of the website developers limit the search by location and by name. Fewer web developers are more creative.

Good for: websites with various products, content on multiple topics, blogs, ecommerce stores, etc.

Where Do You Get More Ideas?

Still not inspired?

Check out CodePen if you want to get some more awesome exanples of web forms. You will find codes in different languages including HTML, CSS, and JS.

Want to know how to place an HTML search bar on your website? Stay tuned to not miss a guideline on how to make a search bar in HTML!

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Alma Diaz

A freelancer, who is nuts about traveling, art, and learning foreign languages. Excited about exploring new cultures. Particularly jazzed about conveying ideas with words in an outstanding way. Instagram

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