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Design Is a Job

This book by Mike Monteiro, Co-founder of Mule Design, is worth its weight in gold because of all those topics revealed in it and the confidence that it builds in readers. The raconteur explains how to do job better, gives useful advices and charges for work. A bunch of tips on contracts, selling design, dealing with your customers and co-workers and a lot of others are compiled in this easy-to-read book. Schedule several hours to make yourself acquainted with it, you won’t regret.

The books starts with the chapter that tells about designer as a person, then come secrets of getting clients and choosing the ones you need. The art of working with contracts, presenting your brilliant designs, managing feedback, and, of course, getting money – all these aspects are revealed in the following book. It consists of 2 parts that demonstrate you everything you should know to achieve success in your work as a designer. The author has done a great job of summing up all useful tips, and now you just need to have a look at them and make use in your work.

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