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eWebDesign Hands-on

The life of a web designer was rather tough just a decade ago. And not because there wasn't any work. Oh no, we had our hands full! The difficulty was of different nature.

There simply were very few places where you could go for education, resources, insight, or inspiration.

Basically, the only things we had were books. And as you know, those tend to go out-of-date pretty quickly in any tech-related niche, which web design is.

Fast forward ten years, and it's a whole different story. Nowadays, there are many great blogs and websites where you can easily get your daily dose of web design resources.

So today, we're reviewing one of such places. Particularly, this is about eWebDesign - one of the thought leaders in the web design space, and an overall great place to go for resources around web design and development.

What is eWebDesign?

Something you'll see right away when giving eWebDesign a visit is that there are two main sides to their offering:

  1. The blog.
  2. The newsletter.

The purpose of the blog is very straightforward - to make your life easier as a web designer.

Here's what I mean, just in the recent weeks, they published things like:

The thing that all these posts have in common is that they are resource packs that any web designer can use right away.

Now, the other part - the newsletter.

While many newsletters these days focus primarily on affiliate promotions and effectively wasting your time, eWebDesign's stands out by delivering useful content first.

The main idea of the newsletter is to connect you with the latest web design news and articles from industry experts. So as part of the newsletter, you get access to tutorials and resources not available anywhere else.

Just to get a preview, you can check out the archive of past newsletters at There are two categories of messages that the team sends out regularly: weekly newsletters and exclusive newsletters.

The former is a collection of resources and articles published the previous week, while the latter contain packages of the top industry offers from eWebDesign's partners (some really cool things here, like the aforementioned pack of 14,000 icons, for example).

What makes eWebDesign different?

Quick question: How many design blogs are there?

"A lot" seems to be the right answer.

But in all that abundance, eWebDesign really manages to stand out.

They do so thanks to two factors:

In the end, eWebDesign seems like the right place to be for any web designer who wants to stay on the bleeding edge of what's new and interesting. To be a part of it, just go to the eWebDesign homepage and jump on the bandwagon by subscribing to the newsletter.