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Facebook Advertising Strategies – What You Need to Know

Through the years, it is already proven that the use of social media marketing plays a big role in making a business successful through sales by conversion. If a social media marketing plan is well-implemented, it brings the audience to display actual interest in the products or services that you offer.

Nowadays, there are lots of social media platforms available for your online marketing plan, and they are all free to use. Among these platforms is Facebook. It is considered the best social media platform that has the potential in reaching a huge and ready-made market pool with its more than 1 billion users around the globe.

If you have not decided where to post your Ads yet, you might want to consider using Facebook Advertising. Not only is this a great platform to promote something because of its massive number of users, but it is also easy and efficient to use. If you are struggling with making your Facebook advertisement a success, these simple tips will give you a head start on what you need to know about Facebook advertisement strategies.

Set Your Campaign Objectives Strategically

Just like any other business plans, there is a need for well-planned objectives which serve as your guide in marketing your business. It is okay to test the water, but not to the point that a lot of things will be at stake and time will be wasted.

Set your campaign objectives strategically. See to it that you prioritize the things that your business badly need. Decide which of the objectives shown above need to be done first. If you think you have already a lot of likes and followers on your page, then perhaps you can focus more on other objectives. This way, you are not only setting your objectives, but you are also maximizing your time.

Target the Right audience

Some marketers think that by reaching a large number of Facebook Likes and Facebook Followers is all it takes to have a higher chance of conversion. This might be true, but if you want to bring your Facebook advertisement to a real success and to gain more conversion, then your ads should be targeting people who are really interested in your products or services rather than targeting some random Facebook users. So, how can you possibly ensure that you have targeted the right audience for your campaign?

Advertising your business is already tough, so much more if you do not know who to advertise it for. This is why the first thing to do is to do your research. Are your products and services enticing enough for teenagers, adults, mothers, office workers, or couples? Stalk your competitor’s account if you must, read surveys, news, and business articles that could give you some clues as to what the majority are into at the moment.

Researching is not enough though, after you have gathered the necessary information, it is time to test your theories. To do this, you can use the segmentation feature in Facebook to test the different groups of people who you think will take interest in your services.

Facebook Management now offers a Segmentation feature for Facebook marketers. This feature enables marketers to test the right audience to target thereby, ensuring that you focus your campaign to the right market. Through segmentation, you can reach people based on their age, gender, relationship status, interest, geography, and many other options as parameters. After sending your Ads, study their responses and feedback. Which group has the most number of positive feedback? Which one has the lowest?

This type of strategy will help you narrow down your audience to the ones who will surely convert. After all, what is the use of having a lot of followers if none of them even spare a second to read your Ads? It is better to have not so many but secure and loyal followers who will like, comment, share, and eventually convert your Ads into sales.

Make an Appealing Advertisement

Once you have targeted your potential clients, an appealing advertisement will make your ads gain more Facebook Likes and Facebook Followers from the right Facebook users. Having the perfect Demographics that really complement what you are offering will make your Facebook advertisement a success. In order to find the right Ads, you could always try and test multiple types of advertisement with different contents.

Spend some time tweaking and changing your ads until you find the one that suits best your product presentation and groups of audience. Always remember that for a successful conversion, targeting the right audience should be paired with appropriate and interesting content.

If you have a business online store, one way to make an appealing advertisement is by offering discount codes, free shipment, and other freebies to your audience. Other ads that have been proven to have positive results are those with EBooks giveaways and free video tutorials.

Also, it really helps if you spend time looking and studying your competitor’s ads. This way, you can simply refine your Facebook ads better than what they have. Delete or improve your ads that perform poorly in conversion and maintain the ones that provide more successful conversion. Having this type of strategy will make your Facebook Ads generate better results over time.

Make use of a powerful landing page

Making an appealing Facebook advertisement is useless if your audience click the ads and end up on a dull and non-engaging website; keep in mind that your landing page is where the actual conversion comes from. A landing page is the page where your potential customers will be lead to once they click your Ads.

Many online marketers nowadays are losing the potential of having customers because they fail to provide a powerful or high-converting Landing Page for their Facebook Leads. Always remember that you cannot possibly expect your audience to buy your products or services if they are confused just by looking at your landing page. Also, do not make the mistake of asking unnecessary information from your customers; they might change their minds while giving you these pieces of information. Remember, you only got seconds to convince people to convert, so might as well give your best shot and make it quick.

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A recommended landing page design should at least contain the following elements: a headline, subtitles, bullet points and more. These simple elements are important in making a powerful landing page.

Schedule a Perfect Time for Your Ads

Another thing to consider in Facebook Marketing is to make a successful campaign schedule. This kind of Facebook management affects conversion results and ad performance depending on what time or day you are running your ads. If you are targeting both local and international potential clients, you must consider the time difference. To identify which time is best for your campaign, you should conduct some tests and run your ads on different days or different hours of the day to identify which time has a big impact on the ad’s performance.

Through this Facebook management, you can use the campaign-scheduling feature to test on what days and at what hours of the day you want your ads to be shown. Normally, the best days for your ad campaign is during weeknights and weekends. Scheduling for a perfect time for your ads can be the best Facebook marketing strategy that will surely increase your ad’s performance and increase your ad’s reach.

Setup a Conversion Tracking

For every Facebook advertisement strategy you make, it all leads to the one ultimate goal – conversion. By having a conversion tracking system, you will be able to track which Facebook ads deliver more audiences to your landing page that eventually makes the conversion. In your Facebook ads setup configuration, you can track the conversions by placing conversion pixels on your site then adding it to your Facebook advertisement.

If your website is using WordPress, you can simply download and install a plugin called the Facebook Tracking Pixel plugin; this will add the Facebook conversion pixel code to the landing pages of your WordPress site. With this useful tool, you can keep track the poor performing Facebook ads to make improvements for better conversion.

Add Facebook Plugin in WordPress

Some websites are powered by WordPress; in fact, almost all leading blogs on the web nowadays are managed by WordPress. For this reason, there is no denying that it is by far the most notable Content Management System (CMS) in the market.

Facebook made sure to acknowledge this influence and created a highly comprehensive Facebook page plugin for WordPress. Through the Facebook plugin, sharing and commenting on your site is made easier. Through combining these two powerful platforms, you can guarantee a boost in your business. Potential clients can now see, like, comment, and share your blog posts on Facebook.

To take advantage of this feature, simply go to the Facebook page plugin site and fill out the necessary information. After that, just click the “Get Code” button. You will be given two types of code; copy these codes and paste the first code in your WordPress theme header file while paste the second code on the widget area of your site.

However, to ensure this marketing campaign’s success, it is important to target the right audience. With a lot of tough competitors out there, you need to secure your audience by running ads that are in line with their interests. This powerful marketing tool allows you to narrow down your audience so that you are only focusing on the ones who will likely convert. You can customize and specify the gender, age, location, interest, etc. Facebook Custom Audiences will then match your website’s visitors to these specified audience. These visitors will be automatically added to your Facebook’s custom audience. This way, running ads specifically for your target audience is easier and more efficient.

These tips mentioned above will surely help you define your Facebook marketing plan and strategies. Follow these tips and you will be able to effectively make some tweaks to your campaign to gain more conversions.

Keep in mind though that when you have successfully made a Facebook ad that really converts, don’t make yourself relaxed and contented. Internet technology evolves faster than what you think and so is Facebook. It is only a matter of time before Facebook changes things that could affect your Facebook advertisement strategy.