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Grid Approach in Web Design: Pros and Cons

Many of the web pages we see today use a grid for optimizing web layouts. Usually that is an invisible or subtle structure that guides the placement of the page elements determining the margins of the piece and space between page elements. And even though web designers have been slow to embrace the grid concept, now they are increasingly turning to grids, and even more explicit grid-based forms, to control the structure of web pages.

In modern web design the use of grids is very much obliged to the modern typographic grid that became associated with the International Typographic Style of the 1950’s. At that time a number of graphic designers began to devise a flexible system able to help designers achieve coherency in organizing the page. The result was that grids came into public awareness; however they have in fact long been used extensively in other design mediums.

The grid is used to structure content. It serves as the framework for page layout dividing the page horizontally and vertically into columns and rows to order the elements of the design in literally a grid of X and Y pixels. The elements are then placed on the cell border lines and overall aligned on horizontal and vertical lines, and items of equal hierarchical importance reside within columns of the same width. So when you’re designing a website that needs to follow the normal visual design standards, that’s a grid which is considered as a first priority to align all visual objects on the web page.

Now that we’ve covered the basics of grids, let’s explore the evident advantages and disadvantages of using the grids. As for the advantages (+) of the grid-based system being applied to web design, we should mention the following:

Obviously, we should define a range of counterarguments and disadvantages (-) that somehow deny the usage of grids as being applicable to web design:

Though now the concept of grid-based design is taking hold on the web having become a commonplace, we still see some objections to using grids. Hope you'll share your opinions in our comment section saying whether it's favorable to use a grid when developing a web page or it's not a beneficial principle for website design.