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Let’s Start Over…But How?

Sometimes it happens, when you need to start it over...for such a long time you’ve been together, but nothing came out it. After being apart you feel like something is missing, and you decide to start over again, but it’s not that simple...

That sounds rather ambiguously, I don’t know what you were thinking about, but I’ve been talking about deleting a WordPress website and starting it over again.

If you’re asking a question right now “Why would anyone need to delete a website?” I can assure you that not all users, after their first acquaintance with WordPress, make things right, especially those who don't play well with coding.

Of course there could be some other reasons like hacker abuse, somebody could intentionally spoil some website, and due to lack of experience site owner was not be able to fix it. The right decision would be to start it over again.

So, in this blog post we'd like to help you figure out the other side of WordPress and help you start over again.

Where to Start?

First of all we need to delete the database, enter your cPanel...

...find the shortcut MySQL Databases click it and you will see the list of databases you may have.

Next you need to find and open configuration file i.e. wp-config.php there you will see the name of a database and the username. You need to fulfill this step in case you have a number of databases and sites hosted within one account, and just to make sure everything will be 'deteled properly'.

Compare the name of the user an delete it in the MySQL Databases tab. After getting rid of the user you can safely delete your database.

Next, open your file manager and browse to the public directory i.e. the one where your site's files are being stored. Highlight them all and press delete.

After fulfilling these simple steps you can start over. right now there is a WordPress 3.9 available, with a bunch of new features and updates.

* * *

Your domain still remains and now you have a chose either to try WordPress again, or switch to some other CMS. It's up to you to decide, but you know trial and error always helps to become smarter and bypass mistakes you've made previously.