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Episode 6: How to Market and Promote Your Digital Business

Paul and Marcus invited Donovan Hutchinson to the studio. This time they are going to talk about how to market and promote your digital business or, in other words, how to advertise your digital business.

Donovan and Paul met a while back and had a little chat because Donovan is multi-talented and is accomplishing a lot with CSS animation, which, at the moment, is Donovan’s main focus. He is teaching what he knows about the process and is building up a website around that as a theme. This is a side project on which he is working right now. He works full time for a company called Kitman Labs. They provide software for avoiding injury in professional athletics. The company is Irish. They started off in Ireland but have expanded into the US this year.

So the reason why Paul wanted Donovan on the show was because Donovan was thinking about producing a book about CSS, and material associated with it. The two of them were chatting about the idea of building a brand, along with a marketing strategy. Paul gave him a little bit of advice and Donovan went away and basically ignored it all. But he did something far, far cooler. So that’s why Paul wanted him back on the show because he’s been involved with some really interesting stuff and when they started talking about the marketing, Donovan showed that he had been doing a lot around CSS animation. So that’s the kind of logic.

The guys discuss the common problems with marketing that startups traditionally face. People don’t understand how this is an ongoing process. They get into this boom/bust cycle of ‘Oh we are really busy so we’re not going to do any marketing’ which means that they don’t get work through the door because they are not marketing and then they have nothing to do, so they should do loads of marketing! Donovan has a full time job and does this as well as his development work on CSS animation.

Would you like to know his secret? Then, get ready to listen to this building a personal brand podcast.