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Killer Secrets On How to Promote Your Website or Blog on Social Media

Whether you are a small, medium or enterprise level of business, promoting your business website or blog on social media is important. With three million advertisers now using Facebook to reach their customers, the reach that social media provides is unlike anything we have ever seen before in marketing. Never before could brands directly converse 1:1 with their target audience, and interact with their customer persona in a way that helps to directly drive revenue and conversion opportunity. In fact, 93% of shoppers’ buying decisions are influenced by social media. Amazing, right?

So, if you are ready to promote your website or blog on social media, the opportunity is there for the taking; and we have the killer secrets you need to know now. These secrets will increase your traffic and conversions, creating and scaling ROI for your business.

Read on for our Killer Secrets On How to Promote Your Website or Blog on Social Media.

Take advantage of Facebook advertising.

We’ll let you in on a little-known don’t need a massive budget to launch Facebook ads. It’s a common concern that so many companies have, and it often stops them in their tracks from actually giving this tactic a try. In fact, you can start with $20, $50 or $100, and still generate ROI for your campaigns.

Over 50% of B2B marketers consider social media as a “very” or “somewhat” low-cost option. Facebook minimum ad spending generally depends on your targeting; however, generally just $5 per day can help your brand drive traffic to your website now.

Mobile is King.

First things first, it’s so important to make sure your website is mobile-friendly. In 2017, it’s no longer a question of “is mobile important?” - as this was answered years ago. Now, it’s integral to your company’s success to consider how to optimize your mobile marketing strategy.

In 2014, the global number of mobile users exceeded that of desktop users. Now, the desktop is still integral to a website and blog’s success, but your platforms need to be mobile optimized in order to truly succeed.

Target, target, target

You’re well aware of your target customer persona; “Jackie the Millenial”, a 20-something marketing manager with interests in yoga, retail therapy and Friday nights out with her girlfriends. Sound familiar?

Targeting on social media is so important to the success of your campaigns. When booking Twitter ads, for example, you would benefit from including interests like Macy’s and yoga studios for Jackie the Millennial. Spend time on this portion of your campaign launch, as you will not only drive greater, more targeted traffic to your website and blog, you will also stretch your dollar far further than you would if your campaigns are not specifically targeted.

Hashtags are everything.

On Twitter and Instagram, hashtags are your friend. Like, your best friend.

Using Jackie, as a continued example - on her Friday nights with girlfriends, she might tag her selfies with #girlsnight or #friYAY. Running a search with these hashtags will lead you to a plethora of opportunity to reach an expanded target audience. With Jackie comes Jenny, Cassandra, Chelsey and Diana, and so on and so forth, who are all doing the same thing, and fit under your persona. This is an ideal opportunity to engage with your target customer.

Partner with brands or influencers to create co-campaigns.

This is all the rage on Instagram, and we foresee this trend continuing throughout 2017. Many brands and influencers will partner together for co-campaigns, either in the form of contests or sponsored posts. With this tactic, you can extend your reach far beyond what could be done organically or exclusively on your own. A great example of this is Alaska Airways’ partnership with Luanna90 on Instagram (who has 2.1 million followers). The level of partnership is dependent on the size and objective of your business and campaign, but the concept remains the same - partner with like-minded individuals through social media and your reach will expand greatly. Take a look at one of Luanna90’s posts above.

Post regularly, but keep it short.

This goes for social media and on your blog. Your posts should be regular, and they should be concise. The worst thing you could do for your brand is to be a ghost town in terms of your content, while hoping that traffic will simply generate itself.

We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this takes work.

Post on your social channels every day or two, and keep your blog’s content fresh in nature. Benefiting from organic SEO on your blog will aid in traffic generation.

Use bio linking to your advantage.

Bio links on social media are there for the taking - so grab it!

One of the easiest and most effective strategies that won’t cost you a dime is to overtly promote your product or service through social media in a frequency that aligns with your content calendar.

For example, posting a great photo with a suitable caption on Instagram, and linking to your eCommerce store or service page on your website will generate awareness and create traffic for your brand.

The example here is of gnubees, a healthy beverage product for children. On their Instagram account, the company frequently promotes products through tasteful images and captions. It’s done in a way that is not overly imposing on the user but is tastefully educational and effective.

Include a commenting tool on your blog.

Commenting tools are not only excellent for engagement on your blog and website, they are also extremely effective for cross-linking to your social media accounts and vice versa. Disqus, for example, encourages sign-on with your Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn account. Through this, users have an easy way to sign-in and engage with your content, thereby increasing engagement on your site and sharing your brand through their social media accounts.

When it comes to promoting your website or blog through social media, the options are many. So many, it can often become overwhelming in nature; however, these killer secrets on how to promote your website or blog on social media have given you the ingredients you need to launch an effective engagement strategy while building your business and generating ROI for your brand.

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