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Marketing Techniques for a Restaurant Business

The ultimate goal of your restaurant is to bring in new customers and bring back returning customers, right? Some of the best ways to do that are through marketing. Your food may be great, but no one will know about it unless you put your business out there for everyone to see.

Whether it’s social media, emails, or your website, finding the right technique can use some trial and error but they will get your marketing strategy going. Your main concern is becoming visible to not only future customers but also customers who you want to return. If you’re a local business, make sure your information is available online when a user searches for it.

These techniques are surefire ways to help you gain the customers you need for your restaurant business.

Social Media

The best thing about social media is it’s free to use. It’s free for your customers and free for you. For the most part, marketing your brand on social media is a way to reach your loyal audience and turn possible new customers into returning customers.

Let’s face it. Everyone gets hungry. We eat food and when it’s presented in front of us, it makes our mouths water, especially when we’re hungry.

For your restaurant business website, reaching out to a more qualified customer base is the best through social media. Using promoted advertising lets your message be seen by people who matter most. It won’t be seen by everyone but the good thing is your message will be seen by a specific audience of your choice who will more likely take action on your ad. It’s about quality versus quantity.

Use a social media management tool that works best for your company. If your business is small, consider using a tool such as SproutSocial or Socialbakers. These platforms provide the best for your startup needs. A more robust tool for social media management is Sprinklr or Mention which are used by many big companies.

These social media management tools allow you to listen to your audience and competitors. Find out what they are currently talking about and any trending topics online for the day or week. Post images of your food. What online users find appetizing will get them craving what you serve.


A search engine result should show your business in the top right of the SERP. Google My Business allows you to add your restaurant to their database so users know your address, contact phone numbers, and hours.

An optimized website will show up first in the SERP. Follow up your content marketing by providing blog posts with new menu items, how-to articles, or restaurant stories for adding some personality to your brand. Involve your customers in on a review or short story of their first time at your restaurant. This shows your business has some personality. Recipes can even be helpful bringing in traffic to your website.

Email Marketing

Take advantage of holidays. People love to treat their families to a nice dinner on a holiday. During the time leading up, offer specials on social media or send emails to your subscribers. Ask them to join your email list and get 10% off their next purchase of an entrée. People love discounts on things they want.

If they haven’t been to the restaurant in a while, send an email out saying, “You haven’t been back in a while? Come in for a free side!” When they see an incentive, they’ll more likely participate.

As a part of your email marketing strategy, offering a simple free recipe or unique food story can help build their trust. Using an email marketing automation tool helps you easily send emails to your subscribers with ease. Some are free up to a certain amount of subscribers and it doesn’t cost much after that.

In exchange for their email, thank them for joining, give them an incentive for coming in, link your website, and ask for a review on popular rating sites. This increases loyalty and trust. With email marketing, you can try campaigns, promotions, and informational. Promotions can bring emails about new menu items, upcoming special events, or birthdays. Informational such as newsletters and recipes give your customers a way to know you care and would like to educate them.

And more…

Mobile apps for restaurants are increasingly becoming popular. You can use a loyalty program to keep customers coming back. If your business budget allows, for every 6th visit to your establishment, the customer gets a free dessert or entrée. When they see something free, they’ll more likely want it and use it.


Oftentimes, customers can be your best marketers. If your food is good and service is great, they’ll come back for more. Remember, communication is the key to retaining customers and bring in new ones. These marketing techniques for your restaurant should help your business become recognized.

Your online presence is just as important as your offline presence. Bring the people in with your web marketing and advertising and they’ll come in for a bite to eat.

While people are out and about searching for a place to eat, how does your company look in a plethora of restaurant results?