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Learn How to Survive in the Modern Multi-Device Web Development Space

Modern web design trends and technologies change so fast that it’s almost impossible to stay aware of all innovations that are being introduced every now and than. General obsession with mobile devices dictates its own specific rules advanced designers should strictly follow to be in the stream. Current apps should look perfect either on a widescreen monitor of desktop computer or on a three-inch phone screen.

But how to reach this perfection as well as multi-browser and display compatibility? If this question bugs you at the present moment, we can give you a hint at possible solution. All answers are hidden under the Peter Gasston’s book cover. Want to know more details about the book?

Here is a brief content for you. So, you will learn how to:

We hope you are already interested and wish you a pleasant reading that will help you master the tricks of device-independent development.

Source: The Modern Web: Multi-Device Web Development with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript