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Professional Web Development: Prime Kit of Resources to Follow in 2020

The key to a successful developer career is that everyone has their own toolkit. But what should a good developer have? Some good tools are talent, ability to logic, a decent customer base, and resources for where to get new ideas and grow even more as a professional. Yes, we believe that the availability of different web sources today is a gift for the developers as well as for any other professionals. Among the billions of these resources you should find for yourself something that is worth spending your time on. After all, many developers sooner or later begin to think about what else they need to learn in order to become more in demand in the labor market and to improve their skills.

And to be honest, in the modern information world to stay on top is not enough to know the base because even this base will keep improving every day. Therefore you need to keep up with the modern trends and follow all the innovations and understand them. And even better would be to promote these innovations on your own and set a whole new trend.

For some this is a new framework and for others – it’s the basics of meta-analysis. Depending on how you perceive the information, we have compiled a selection of the best web resources with video and text materials. Here you will find different podcasts, blogs, and channels that will help you create a project and inspire you with fresh ideas.

The Important Element for Professional Web Development: Prime Kit of Resources to Follow in 2020 #WebDevelopment


Communities create a wondrous world from which various techniques, fantastic delusions, and new inventions regularly come out to the huge realm that is the internet. And it is also a handy tool to monitor the development of any sphere of human activity, including web development, because on the Internet there is always someone who is not too lazy to monitor the news and notify their subscribers about something important. It will be helpful for you, as a growing developer, to familiarize yourself with similar communities and learn how you can participate. All of these websites have some space for novice developers so that they can at least look around and ask questions. Experienced developers are often happy to help active learners if these learners are receptive and respectful. - a place where you can learn about and discuss what is happening in the web industry and beyond, build mobile applications, create WordPress themes, write code, etc.

DEV - this is a community for developers who are eager to learn, immerse themselves in work processes and share their experiences. The creators of the community themselves declare that cross-posting from your own blog is welcome. So feel free!

Entirely Front-end:
Hashnode - a platform for Q&A, plus you can find remote and full time programming jobs here.

Reddit's /r/perfmatters/ and /r/webdev - there are thousands of active sub-reddit where you can discuss literally everything about everything: programming, learning programming, computer science, software, startups, django, databases, rails, ajax, etc.

Refind - a community where developers can share ideas and help each other grow. All subscribers can send tutorials, different stories, questions, or anything they want to discuss on

SitePoint Community - there is a very large selection of categories here. And the community is focused on helping newbies while at the same time you can get advice on internet business and marketing. There is also a bookstore where you can get a free two-week trial subscription. - this community is both about web design and development (plus SEO, Marketing, Hosting and Business) which publishes articles and guides about the latest trends on the internet, methods, and new features.

Bytes - this is a traditional community where newbies and experts can participate in discussions regarding the development of programs, databases, and the administration of networks, systems, and databases.

Devshed - this is a community for designers, developers, and entrepreneurs who are eager to learn and immerse themselves in the work process. The main page contains articles on such topics as: web development, system administration, web design, computer hardware, mobile programming, etc.

GitHub - this is more a collection of materials and data than an active community. This is a resource where you can find and contribute to almost any open source project.

Treehouse community - this is a great community where you can freely ask questions on a variety of programming topics and answer questions from others.

DZone - this is a place where developers share useful links and web news. There are many similar platforms but this is one of the oldest and largest therefore it has a large base of links, training videos, textbooks, etc. There is also a division into “zones” in the programming sections. Mobile and Java zones are the most popular.

Lobsters - a place where developers can submit their mini-projects and work in progress.

Daniweb - with half a billion visitors this website has turned into an active community of participants who learn, share knowledge, and interact with other developers, IT specialists, technophiles, and computer fans.

Dream.In.Code - users have free access to thousands of programming textbooks, code snippets, forum topics and much more.

Digital Point - an interesting community dedicated to the exchange of their experience in programming and free development, excellent textbooks, useful online resources, tips and recommendations for developers.

Best thematic communities at

Newsletters, blogs

There are a lot of Web Development blogs and newsletters in the global network but as a rule we can single out a small group of the most useful and serious ones. Even if they are intended for a specific audience many of them are people who want to know about the latest trends in the field of programming.

WDRL (Web Development Reading List) - carefully selected list of web development related resources from the WEB.

WebOps Weekly - a weekly newsletter about various web operations or more specifically server-side and tools, from how everything is displayed in the browser to the device itself.

Entirely Front-end:
Smashing magazine - an online magazine for professional web designers and developers who publish articles on the latest trends and techniques in web development.

/dev tips - weekly tips for developers in the form of a gif.

Codrops - a blog that publishes articles and tutorials.

html5 doctor - it is about the how’s and why’s of implementing HTML5.

Entirely CSS:
Entirely JavaScript:
Pixelhint - dedicated to detailed, understandable, and high-quality tutorials on the web interface.

Jquery - a source of news about one of the most popular web tools.

A List Apart - this blog is about web content development with a focus on web standards and best practices.

Tutorialzine - they publish advanced methods in web development and design plus you can download open source components.

Five a day - the ability to receive five articles or tutorials on web design and development every day.

Github - a kind of social network for IT-specialists. It creates repositories of remote projects, on which you can work together with someone.

Code tutsplus - There are thousands of free lessons and online courses that will help you learn software development.

CODING HORROR - this Jeff Atwood blog is dedicated to all sorts of topics in software development and security.

Pttrns. - mobile design pattern.

Toptal Engineering Blog - a place for tutorials and announcements of new technologies created by professional software engineers who work in the Toptal network.

Codecondo - they explore, collect, and share useful news, tutorials, tips, resources, and tools for design, development, and other inspiring topics.

Bloggers: (category - web-development) - a collection of the best news for designers.

DigitalOcean - web development blog for discussing all questions about programming, development, web, and design.

Sidebar - every day you will get the 5 best design links.

Position absolute - this blog is about application development and technology management.

CatsWhoCode - this blog is designed for those who create and maintain websites: web developers, web designers, web masters, and so on. Meow!

Onextrapixel - dedicated to the exchange of excellent textbooks, useful online resources, online tips and tricks for web developers.

WordPress Weekly - all the latest news about WordPress.

Developer drive - they brought together the most valuable content from leaders and experts in the field of web development, including articles and tutorials for developers of all skill levels.

WPkube - an online WordPress website that focuses on WordPress tutorials, instructions, plugins, news, and more. - High quality tutorials for the community, by the community.

IOS dev weekly - IOS weekly =)

Entirely Android:
Hacker News - news about tips, tricks, and different techniques.

Code project - a place for developers to meet and exchange ideas.

W3schools - here you can learn EVERYTHING.



This is especially popular with leading businessmen and their audiences. If you do not have time to read articles or watch videos during a busy day then you’ll find that podcasts are very convenient. You can listen to them during training, on a subway, in a car, or just taking a walk and thereby expanding the range of your knowledge.

Syntax - the work of Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski who share their experience in web development.

CodePen - focusing primarily on interface languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and preprocessing syntax which turn into these things.

Entirely JavaScript:
Full stack radio - topics cover everything from product design and user experience to unit testing and system administration.

Shop talk show - this podcast is about front-end web design, development, and UX.
+ Front-end happy hour

React podcast - supportive podcast for programmers and people learning to code.

CodeNewbie - stories from different professionals from all over the world about their coding life.

Social Networks

Snipplr - offers its users the ability to download pieces of useful code and share them with others. There are thousands of snippets on JavaScript, PHP, CSS, Ruby and other languages.

Stackoverflow - they call themselves the largest and most trusted online developer community, where you can find news, share your programming knowledge, and even find a job. Here you must first build your reputation to be able to comment, vote, etc.

YouTube Channels

One explanation - almost everyone adores visual content.

Popular tutorials for all of the latest web technologies. Master development technologies like JavaScript, PHP, SQL, Python, HTML, CSS, ActionScript and more:
Entirely JavaScript:
Entirely Front-end:
Also various tutorials from professional bloggers. Different manner of presentation, video colors, and gender. Maybe someone will be your favorite:
The latest updates across Google products:

Facebook Groups

In FB groups not only administrators but all group members can create events, upload files and documents, and invite their friends to a group. Therefore today it is a powerful alternative to forums without having to leave Facebook. Plus, unlike the categories of resources listed above you can search for content in a Facebook group. For example, if you have previously seen the discussion of an upcoming event or some topic of interest to you and you want to connect to this discussion, then you just need to perform a search by name in the corresponding search line. So it is really comfortable.

Facebook Developer Community - A very popular forum for developers that work specifically on the Facebook platform, to communicate with the Facebook team and other technical developers around the world.

Advanced WooCommerce - official Facebook group. As in any FB group here you can follow the exchange between developers of ideas and knowledge in the direction of WooCommerce and also get answers to your questions in this sphere.

Best WordPress groups:
DigitalOcean - this group provides the simplest cloud-based platform for deploying, managing, and scaling applications of different sizes.

A little bit of advice from TM: You need to concentrate on your work and if this is not possible you will get a bad code. If you are tired - do not write the code, but rather sleep a little. If your wife left you - do not write the code. If your cat has just given birth to seven kittens - do not write the code. Very carefully!

Sometimes you realize that you do not have the special tools or skills necessary to complete even the simplest project. And sometimes your brain just boils over ideas but you cannot embody them. But over time you will grow as a specialist and will discover many unique things that will help you implement your ideas. Write in the comments about your favorite resources that we may not have listed. We will be grateful for the fact that you share. We wish you professional success!

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