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Progressive Enhancement Podcast with Aaron Gustafson

Do you understand what Progressive Enhancement is about? It is the core principle of the web, so if the phrase doesn’t tell you much, listen to today’s progressive enhancement podcast.

Aaron Gustafson and Jen Simmons will explain why and how your website should be built using the principles of Progressive Enhancement.

Who is Aaron Gustafson?

He is a former manager of the Web Standards Project, who is passionate about web standards and accessibility. He has been working on the Web for nearly two decades. Aaron has worked with a number of famous companies like Box, Happy Cog, Major League Baseball, McAfee, The New York Times, SAS, StubHub, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Vanguard, Walgreens, and Yahoo. He recently joined Microsoft as a web standards advocate to work closely with their browser team.

Aaron likes to share his knowledge and insights through the written form. His three-part series on progressive enhancement for “A List Apart” is a perennial favorite, and his seminal book on the subject, “Adaptive Web Design”, has earned him numerous accolades and honors. Besides writing, Aaron is frequently on the road presenting at conferences and running workshops across the globe.

When he is at home in Chattanooga, TN, Aaron is the proprietor of the Chattanooga Open Device Lab and helps organize the Code & Creativity talk series with his partner Kelly McCarthy. He is a longtime member of Rosenfeld Media’s “experts” group and writes about whatever’s on his mind at

Here is a list of questions that will be discussed in this podcast:

We are sure that you’ll get to know many new, useful things on designing with progressive enhancement listening to this podcast, so press the button and enjoy.