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Ruby on Rails Tutorials for Web Development Beginners

Well, for those of you who have no idea how such weird things as ruby and rails can be used in web development, here is a little tip that might clear the situation. Rails is a framework that is mostly used in the field of web applications development and it is written in the Ruby programming language.

So, basically this is one of the most simple yet very efficient languages for developing various web applications for your websites. The following Ruby on Rails tutorials cover various aspects of this programming language. If you are a newbie and have just started learning how to create a website from scratch we assume that you'll find these tutorials really useful for you because they are pretty much plain and easy. And for those you, our dear friends, who buy website templates and want to go further than the simple customization (like changing texts or photos) Ruby on Rails is definitely the right solution. So these Ruby tutorials will be your perfect first step in building great ruby-based apps.

Ruby for Newbies: Working with Directories and Files

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Ruby On Rails Tutorial – Setting Up The Environment

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How to install Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu

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Advanced Data Models with Rails

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Getting Started with Rails

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How to Build a Shortlink App with Ruby and Redis

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How to Create a Blog from Scratch Using Ruby on Rails

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Ruby for Newbies: Working with DataMapper

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KickStart Ruby on Rails installation with MySQL

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Ruby for Newbies: Missing Methods

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