Every Social Media Marketer needs a checklist to keep a track and follow-up of his work and progress.
Social Media Marketing is all about how you manages your content and how you present it. After presenting content, the real talent of an SMM shows how he/she manages the content flow afterward.
In this Article, I am going to give you a different checklist that will not only helps you in managing the content but also let you know about the common mistakes in Digital marketing and how to avoid these mistakes.
So, if you’re ready, let’s get started,
#1. Having a Social Media Strategy

Now, creating a social media strategy helps you to build a constructive criticism for your goals and to execute tactics and measure success. Your strategy must have these bullet points which can assist you in execution and measurement.
- What do you want to tell your followers about your brand?
- What is the pain point of your audience?
- What type of content your audience consumes on a daily basis?
- Which Social Media platforms your audience use?
- What exactly you want to achieve from this campaign? (You should be specific about the desired outcomes like promotion of blog, increase sales, etc.)
- And in the end, how will you measure results?
With these strategically enhanced questions, you can quickly build up a strategy which can make your Social media campaign an ironic achievement for your business or blog.
#2. Tailor Message for your Audience separately for every Social Media platform.

Remember, one very important tip when it comes to tailoring the message for SM platform. Never cross-post the same message on a different social media platform. Doing cross-post will bring an appalling impression on your audience. Seeing the same message on every Social media platform shows that how committed you’re towards your audience.
Always use data and insights to understand the content type and style of messaging that reverberate with your audience on each social media platform. This will make you design your content separately for every platform which will result in better impact.
#3. Never Just Post Links to Your Business Website only
Nowadays, the audience looks for relevant post no matter from where these post may come. You should never just promote your website’s content and links. Include some links from another website (Only the relevant one).
This helps you to build rapport and spread goodwill and information. So, always curate that content, which is relevant to your audience.
#4. Avoid Long Content Body
Keep the post short, simple, innovative and engaging. Think of your audience perspective, how would they react to content that is not ending? Well, as you can imagine, things doesn’t end well if the content is long. The reason behind this is in social media if the content is long, it tends to be less interactive.
Allow me to present to you word limit for different social media platforms.
- Facebook: 90-100 Words.
- Twitter: 90-100 Words.
- Linkedin: 90-100 Words.
- Google+: 90-100 Words.
- Instagram: 175-200 Words.
- Pinterest: 175-200 Words.
Do not extend these given word limits or you might lose your audience interest.
#5. Check the Way of Usage of Hashtags
The hashtags have different relevance on a different social media platform. It seems to be a trend using hashtags on Twitter while this hashtag trend deteriorates when it comes to Facebook.
Many of Social Media Expert believes that the usage of hashtags in Facebook is irrelevant, while usage in twitter helps to find the pattern of the trend of that hashtag.
#6. Do not Avoid to tag or mention others when curating content
It is very unethical if you didn’t mention the reference to the curated content. I would like to mention one more pressure point related to this scenario. Mentioning the references and tagging references always attract more audience. It encourages the referred person to share your content which will increase user engagement.
So, do not forget to put this on your checklist.
#7. Talk less and Listen More
Always remember, a better interaction is always a result of effective listening not talking. To be frank, the audience doesn't want you to babel about your content (be it your product or services or blog post or website).
So, let them speak and observe what they expect from you. This way it is easy for you to understand what they want which will give you precise inputs what to do in your next course of action. So, remember not to babel.
#8. Avoid embedded youtube videos, go for direct uploads
You must have seen many pages and profiles on Facebook update status with a link to youtube or any other website to watch the video. Here, your audience is low on time, and by embedded videos, you will be wasting their time. Because all these videos ask your user to move ahead for more steps, which is highly unpredictable. If he wants he will see, or else he might not go to the video as the steps are too much to ask from him. Anyway, whatever the reason maybe the result is your audience going away.
To avoid that, go for direct video uploads. This will allow your user to directly access to the videos which are conservative and comfortable for your user.
So, here’s the pro tip,
Make the content easy for your audience and they will give you easy interactions which will increase your online presence and reliability.
#9. Never Underestimate the Power of Images
Now, you all must have heard this quote in your childhood, “When you see things happening, you learn it quicker.”
So, all these things justify one thing, All humans are visual creatures. They grasp things faster when they see things. Even more, 90% of our information are all visual memories. So, the impact of visually striking images is very deep in all human beings. I recommend of using striking, relevant and exciting images that match the topic description.
So, these are the checklist for an SMM executive, which you should keep in mind while planning a campaign on Social Media.
Let’s recall what those checklists are
- Having a Social Media strategy.
- Tailor Message for your Audience separately for every Social Media platform.
- Never just post links to your Website only.
- Avoid Long Content Body
- Check the Way of Usage of Hashtags.
- Do not Avoid to tag or mention others when curating content.
- Talk less and Listen More.
- Avoid embedded youtube videos, go for direct uploads.
- Never Underestimate the Power of Images.
So, what do you think? Like my post? Share it and give your views on the comments section. You can also share your own to-do list in the comments sections.