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Tips on How to Get Accepted on High Authority Websites

Authority websites? Well, it is a high-quality website whose content is really good, knowledgeable, and useful for the people who visit it. Moreover, the people who visit eventually are glad they came to the page and even share the information with their friends and family. Now take an instance that you have created a blog website and you need to get high on the ranking. One of the ways is to get genuine traffic on your website. But how is that possible. And we come back to the authority websites where they help us get the traffic we want and this, in turn, helps us to get a higher rank on Google or anywhere else.

Anyways, blogging is one of the best ways to get the perfect quality links. According to HubSpot, a marketing website, a business that has a consistent on-going blog get more than 90% inbound links to their website. Moreover, there is no one exact and right way to get links in your website, but there are some proven methods that do help. Furthermore, these methods do not remain the same every year as things develop just like methods enhance. The rules need to be followed since you need a high ranking on Google. So, here are the effective ways for the bloggers to get high-quality incoming links.

1. Develop Free Valuable Resources

Resource here means something that can help the person who would visit the website, like a good content that would offer a lot of benefits to the readers. These resources can be blog posts, short reports, videos, whitepapers and even ebooks. That is when a person would relate to the information they are looking for if it is unique and exactly what they need. The same can be done on the social media pages.

Moreover, you can connect it with linking it to your website and sharing it in as many social media platforms. This way, both gets a lot of traffic as well as rankings. At first, it might seem tough, but if you leverage other people's posts on social media and get connections, they can help you with sharing the links. That is another way that can help you get enough of traffic back to your website.

Tips for the posts: Write unique headlines, and don't copy. The same goes with the content. Add pictures, videos even if it is from youtube. Connect with linking and then find people visiting just to get some knowledge from your website.

2. Get Involved in Online PR

Position your brand for the media with the PR technique. This is one way where you can get people to share your work as they are picked up by media experts. And imagine if they are picked by high ranking sites, then you would eventually get the best out of it. But for this to happen you need to have the best press release prepared every time while you also link your page to it.

3. Fill the Content Void

This is another way to get authority links as reaching to your target audience at where they belong, telling them about your brands and linking them to your website would help them connect easily and faster. As in, find the thing that has been missed by everyone else and take the best out of the advantages you get from it.

Now, moving to the content gap. Do you write plain text files and post them? How would you like reading those without pictures and videos? Well, that is it. Your brain loves the visuals more than the texts. Do that and you would have people loving every part of your content.

4. Develop Infographics on Trending Topic

Turn to visual marketing and get enough of links back to your website. Do this and then promote the infographics you create. If you cannot do this, get a professional to do it. And why wouldn't it work? Everyone trust what they see as compared to what they read. And this is the main reason why the social media is the most popular way to promote your services.

5. Monitor Your Competitors’ Backlink Sources

Put all your strength into what your competitors are weak in. Try out all the new strategies that they are not using while keeping an eye on their efforts. Do better than they are even trying to do. If you are not able to do this at the beginning, see how they did what they did to get authority website's links. Then eventually outsmart them. Follow the competitive analysis that has the following four steps:

6. Broken Link Building

Links are what the web needs since it is like the currency for it. And those that are trusted are the ones that are worth it. Instead of using the old technique to get links, use the broken link tactic. Now, this is how it goes. Broken links or dead links are the error pages that have nothing on it, find pages like that and contact the owner about it. Moreover, ask them to replace it with your web page.

To get broken links. Go and search for either of these in Google: inTitle: Keyword inURL: web page links – or type “top 30 digital marketing links.” The web page that helps you get broken links and type in the URL you choose. It would show you all. Use these then.

7. Advanced Guest Blogging

This one might be something you have heard of. Well, if you are already doing it. Do it better and if you are not then here it goes. Find blogs that get a million visitors and use their blogs to create unique content as guest blogs while you make the content lengthier. Include charts, pictures, videos and whatever you feel would interest the readers and use different templates as well. And send it to them as an email. A better post? Well, they need it!

These are some tips for now where you can try them out and become an expert about it within no time. They are sure to get the desired traffic to your website. Do this now and begin getting 90% more traffic within 15 days!