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How to Overcome Blogger’s Brain Freeze [Top 10 Tips]


To succeed in online marketing and keep your web image fresh, you’ll need to update your site with new content occasionally. The easiest way to do it is to hire an experienced writer, but professional help may cost you a pretty penny. At the same time, entrusting your business promotion to a dubious freelancer is definitely a risky idea, that’s why you’d better deal with this issue yourself.

However, if you don’t have a knack for writing, it may be a tiresome practice for you. To overcome writing problems, here are ten tips to facilitate the whole process of creating content for the web.

Sometimes, writing can be a headache not only for beginners, but also for experienced bloggers who have been doing it for years and seem to have written themselves out. But you can’t just leave this field of activity, as it plays a key role for efficient promotion of a platform and, therefore, business. In this post, we will tell you how to turn writing into a more pleasant practice.

First, let’s figure out what hampers the progress of writing. Frankly speaking, it’s none other than a thought that everything should be ideal at once. Many people are confused by this wrong idea, and spend too much time on proofreading. Keep in mind that the main thing in writing is to transmit a certain message to the audience. Only after that, you should proceed to editing and enriching your text with eye-catching effects.

Look through our blog writing tips and be sure to apply them in your work.

Create a Time Schedule

The main reason why many people go around in circles near a blank canvas on the screen is a frightening thought that they’ll have to spend the whole day making attempts to create a worthy post. A neat solution to this problem is to set certain time frames for writing, which will stimulate you to stop leaving your tasks until later and get down to work.

Allot, say, two or three hours and do your best to write as much as you can within this stretch of time. There are many things that can distract your attention, that’s why it’s important to eliminate all the possible obstacles on your way. Log out of your social accounts, turn off your mobile phone, and send your housemates for a walk so that there’ll be nothing to focus on apart from your project.

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Set a Timer

Another effective way to move forward in writing is to set a timer. This device will help you discipline yourself and keep track of time. Thus, you are likely to get rid of a wish to take breaks after completing each sentence or paragraph and proceed with your article without slackening the pace of writing.

Divide a 3-hour block of work into 30-minute sections to check how much has been done every half an hour. With time running out, you may find out that there are many things to mention in your post, which will arouse your desire to keep on writing.

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Ask for Control

If time pressure isn’t a powerful spur to make you stop staring at a monitor and start writing, ask your friend to control you a little. Tell him to contact you in a certain period of time and check how much you’ve done. Such a sense of accountability will serve as a strong psychological stimulus to begin your work.

Let your associate read a preliminary version of your article. Unwillingness to disgrace yourself in front of your comrade will motivate you to write well on a subconscious level. Furthermore, you’ll have an opportunity to get impartial advice about the ways to improve your post.

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Write on Paper

Although writing on paper has gone out of date, it turns out to be really helpful for everyone who struggles to organize a flow of thoughts. Making drafts on a sheet of paper assists in clear thinking, strategic planning, and expanding ideas. Moreover, you’ll be able to concentrate on your work to a greater degree, which will largely accelerate your writing process.

Even though you’ll have to type everything you’ve put down in the end, there’s no need to worry about that. It won’t take you a larger amount of time than the one you’d spend scrolling up and down empty pages of a Microsoft Office Word document.

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Use a Voice Recorder

A great alternative to taking notes on paper is expressing your thoughts aloud and recording them with a dictaphone simultaneously. When you come up with some interesting ideas, you’ll naturally pronounce words much faster than type them. And using a voice recorder, you can make sure that you won’t miss anything important for your project.

You don’t have to fret over a sequence of your thoughts. Just say everything that crosses your mind about a certain topic as long as your imagination will let you. Then, transcribe your statements, arrange them into paragraphs, and edit your text a little. I guarantee you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the outcomes of your oral speech.

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Outline Your Ideas

The next tip to facilitate your writing efforts consists in drawing up a rough outline of your article. Following a scheme, you’ll find it easier to develop your ideas than doing it from scratch. In fact, working on a post without a plan is similar to designing a garment without a sketch or building a house without a layout. Thus, a proper outline is definitely a guaranty of a successful article.

To create one, you should enumerate all the things readers will learn from your text and group them into logical blocks of information. Then, you’ll need to expand each block with some smart remarks, and the desired article is ready.

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Talk about Industry Problems

Many bloggers often get stuck at the very beginning wondering how to start an article. A great way out of this difficult situation is to point out a certain problem of the industry you are involved in and present possible solutions to it. As a result, you’ll have an awesome analytical post that will carry away many readers.

A range of problems can include anything you can think of, from incompetence of manufacturers to common delusions of customers. Such a tactic can be very inspirational and bring you a lot of thoughts. Feel free to provide constructive criticism of people’s shortcomings if you believe it’s relevant to the case. Try to avoid abstruse statements for the audience to understand your message effortlessly.

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Answer Questions of the Target Audience

Do you worry that you will run out of ideas sooner or later? Actually, such a thing is unlikely to happen, as clients will always face some challenges of using products. Browse through various forums and social media communities to find consumers’ questions and build your article on offering answers to them. Thus, your writing process will go smoothly, and you’ll finish your post in a blink of an eye.

You can also search for inspiration on the top blogs covering issues of the target industry. Don’t be afraid to cite bloggers’ statements and disagree with them backing your opinion with thought-out arguments. Referring to authoritative sources, you’ll add value to your article while shrewd reasoning will depict you in a favorable light.

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Don’t Edit Too Much

Desperately longing for an excellent article, many writers edit every single sentence over and over again. Thus, writing an introduction takes them several hours, which is definitely too much for a few paragraphs. Instead of worrying about grammar, spelling and style, you’d better focus on expressing all of your thoughts in a constant flow. The meaning of your utterance is much more important than its structure.

If green and red lines in a Word document bother you, don’t hesitate to turn off the spell-checking option. When your post is ready, you can turn it on and start editing everything you’ve put down as long as time limits permit.

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Take a Break

After finishing a post, you may find it difficult to proceed to the next one straight away. In such a case, you are advised to take a short break to refresh your mind, which will boost the efficiency of your further work. Writing an article in an exhausted state, you’ll only waste your time and achieve minimal results.

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You may never like writing, but it doesn’t mean you can avoid it. Thus, you’ll need to facilitate your work, and these tips will tell you how to do that. If you know more ways to turn writing into a more enjoyable practice, we will be grateful if you share them in the comments below.