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Not a Web Developer? Begin with Fundamentals

The information was contributed by Lemi Orhan Ergin, the Principal Software Engineer at Sony. This is his second material of technical training about "Fundamentals of Web Development" to non-developers. The slideshow will be especially helpful for businessmen and business analysts.

How to explain web design fundamentals in public effectively? Use PowerPoint presentation templates.

This presentation highlights some advanced topics that Lemi did not cover in his previous "Fundamentals of Web" training. Slides, as a visual aid will help the ones who can’t call himself an expert in web itself and web applications in particular. The aim of this training is to teach the viewers some advanced concepts of web and web development. To show them how people develop web based software and make them understand the process. To help them get the essence of technical discussions better and answer their possible questions... Check the slides of “Fundamentals of Web for Non-Developers” and get the introductory information about web concepts as well as many other related things. We hope that this slideshow will seem easy for your comprehension as it has been created for people not keen on web development and stuff like that.