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What’s That Name Again? Help Us Choose the Proper jQuery Category Name

You may have noticed that we at TemplateMonster have a lot of website templates with jQuery elements in them (e.g. slideshows, navigation tabs, functionality and design add-ons etc.). And we really mean that there's a lot of them - there's actually so many templates of this kind in our collection that it's time for us to arrange it into a product category of some kind.

But since we're pretty much new to all of this jQuery thing we do not really know what the best bane for that category would be. After all - the names of categories are for the audience, not for employees. So now we're asking you guys your opinion about what we should call that category. Is it 'jQuery templates'? Or 'jQuery-powered templates'? Those were the first ones we could think of - perhaps you have better ideas (if you don't - you are free to vote for the ones we suggested).

And of course no help will remain unappreciated! The randomly picked 5 participants that suggest the name that eventually will become a winner (or vote for that name in the comments) will receive any jQuery template from us for free AND the awesome 'jQuery 1.4 Reference Guide' eBook by Jonathan Chaffer and Karl Swedberg from Packt Publishing, also for free. As for all other participants - they'll receive a 10% discount active for any template from TemplateMonster (so make sure you provide the right email in comments to this post).

The voting will only last during the first week of March 2010, so be sure to vote while it's not too late!