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Meet ‘Zaymund’ and His Best-Selling Theme ‘ELBRUS’ [Top Author Stories]

Zaymund and his team joined TM Marketplace right at its launch.

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Professional Motto

Improve quality. And when you’re done, improve quality a little bit more.

Zaymund's Feedback and Suggestions to TemplateMonster Marketplace

Interesting Facts

TM Hero Journey

TemplateMonster: What are your goals as a TemplateMonster Author?

Zaymund: I want to increase my income and have a bigger team. My colleagues and I want to offer better service to our customers and hone the quality of our web templates.

TemplateMonster: What can you say about your journey from a new Author to a top seller?

Zaymund: You can never tell which template will sell best. Sometimes customers will fall in love with the ones you expect to be least popular. Your theme should meet a high-quality standard because you never know which one will be the next hit.

TemplateMonster: What makes a good online marketplace?

Zaymund: The quality of the products. If a marketplace sells junk among better themes, more professional Authors will eventually leave.

TemplateMonster: What makes a good website template?

Zaymund: Customers get attracted by good design. After the first impression is made, the theme should offer easy and fast installation.

TemplateMonster: What makes a good web designer?

Zaymund: Their attention to detail and passion for their work.

Comments from TemplateMonster Team

TemplateMonster: Zaymund, your story is so inspiring. You've gone a long way! We thank each of your team members for contributing to your success. Glad to have you with us and let’s keep on going!

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