10 Free and Useful Tools for Web Designers

Evolvement in the field of web design tools epitomizes the popular phrase ‘change is inevitable!’ Due to advancement in technology, the standards keep on upgrading and there is a new addition to the toolkit of a web designer almost every fortnight.

Albeit, there are certain tools that are extremely useful and voila! They are for free. Let's juxtapose a few of them to your advantage. Don’t forget to bookmark!

The Cool Tool - Adobe Kuler


Of course, we don’t want to compromise on the quality of work or design, especially with a web designer it becomes sometimes quite a task to get to the point. This tool here helps the user to upload, create and edit color schemes of their choice. Not to forget this tool has already been awarded as the ‘Best in the expressing category’. We are sure they won it because the tool users encash multiple benefits like creating sample colors and themes on the go, along with being able to organize the colors in a way that they are usable and useful both.

The Fabulous – Pictaculous


This one is going to be an absolute blessing for all those web designers out there, who shed a lot of sweat upon deciding which color to use for a particular image. Pictaculous allows you to upload an image in form of JPG, PNG or GIF and suggests 5 related color palettes for the same image by extracting color directly for the picture.

The advanced color house – Colorzilla


An advanced extension available on both Mozilla and Chrome, Colorzilla is a huge wave amongst both graphic and web designers. It has more than 15 brilliant features to make the life of a web designer much easier. A major beautiful functionality of this too is that it lets you do color reading from any print in your browser and swiftly adjust this color and paste it into another program. Of course, the story isn’t that small, it has may additional tools Gradient generator, eyedropper color picker and much more to help you work like you got wings!

The other way round - DRIBBBLE.COM

So, this one is a counterpart to your rescue when you have a color but not a design at the top of your head. Dribble helps you get insights for website design based on colors and themes. It also serves as a networking platform for designers all over the world who come together and share pictures of their art pieces.


A fast and easy to use the wireframing tool, that helps provide screenshots or mock interface of the design before it is coded. The icing on the cake for this one is, you are not going to require any browser plug-ins. The screen and buttons can be linked in order to provide a better exhibition for your clients to view and use these images. What is even more striking about this tool is that it has been created in HTML5 and JavaScript.



With an unbelievable collection of templates and themes for a wide range of project, Mockflow as tools stands out against many other competitive wire-framing tools available in the market. It has a unique feature of being able to export file in many different formats, which makes half of the tasks for a web designer easy already. The proficient look of the PDF and the HTML 5 export capability apart from all the other benefits this tool has, are enough to explore Mockflow. Do not miss on this excellent tool, as it provides a brilliant platform for those that need an all- around solution for design work.



This one is amongst the heroes of tools for web designers. It is the second most starred project on GitHub with more than 107,000 stars. The features of the tool are undoubtedly amazing. The tool is compatible with all sizes of screens, it is also full of live examples and templates and not just consistency across various browser versions as well as different devices, and it can also be customized in the variety of ways.


Ashish Sharma

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