From the beginning of the internet era, until now, websites are made using HTML. It evolved during the years and the freshest its version is HTML5. No matter what CMS you are using – HTML5 lays in its foundation. It is a clay that keeps the internet a solid structure and using it could help you to modify your website from its deepest layers. Almost every feature could be created and added to the website with the help of HTML5, so mastering it could make you a real web development professional. Here are the articles about HTML5 arts – we gathered them under this category for your convenience. You will find here articles that tell you about tags and teach to use them and numerous tutorials about creating different features, like animations or sliders. Besides that, you will be able to take a look at examples of websites created with the help of HTML5 only and go through the lists of professionally created HTML5 website templates.

Best Digital Products Award 2023 – Honored by TemplateMonster


Using AI to Improve HTML5 Website Rankings


Best HTML5 CSS3 Website Templates


60+ HTML5 Portfolio Website Templates to Build a Superb Website


Top-50 HTML Interior & Furniture Website Templates


Minimalist Website Templates: When Less Means Really More


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15 HTML Website Templates for Your Next Design Project


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12 Excellent HTML5 eBooks [PDF Download]


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Free Copy and Paste Pricing Table HTML Snippets


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