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How To Create Buzz Around Your Soon To Be Launched Page

In the web development industry where competition is constantly increasing, it has become extremely important to catch your audience attention right from the beginning. This, not only creates a publicity around your launch but also lets you understand how the product would do well in the market. The idea of designing an eye-catching “coming soon” page would work to grow your business website before it even gets launched. This blog shares every single thing you need to know about designing a coming soon page and how to go about when creating a one.
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Let’s start with the basics


A “Coming Soon” page simply is a page that announces that the site is coming soon. However, designing a “coming soon” page turns out to be effective only if you use the space wisely. Adding CTA and personalized features make it more close to your brand.

What you should put on a “Coming Soon” page

Here are a few things that need to be kept in your mind when designing a soon to launch page on your website.

Call to action


By incorporating a CTA, you will be getting traffic to your site and on the other hand, people will be getting excited about what’s to come. CTA or Call To Action including signing up for the email list on social media guarantees a large number of visitors coming to your site. The only objective here is to get people take an action so as to let them be in constant touch with you and your services. CTA with an email list comes handy. This email would further help you communicate with the subscribers notifying them about the launch of your site.

Talk about your offerings


You should be very clear of what you are offering. For doing so, you need to present your product or service with a simple value proposition.

Have your customers follow you on social media


Another interesting way of driving customers to a sign-up form or email is having them follow you on your Twitter or Facebook page. This can be done by providing social media properties on your email sign-up. This way you will save yourself from asking email address of customers so that they can follow you when they are interested in your services by watching your latest tweet.

Feature a short and interesting video of the product or service you are going to launch


The more interesting your video is, the more people will share and introduce it to others. It is an option of free advertising. It motivates readers to come back and visit your site again. A simple video showcasing product, service or any other persuasive proof can help generate buzz around the site even before it is launched.

Provide something interesting at the launch


If a “Coming soon” page is aimed at creating buzz around something special, businesses need to put in some extra efforts to entice the audience. A valuable piece of information, freebie or something of value might attract the audience to come back to the site. Use of a well-designed email gives your audience a clear know-how of what is coming back. In addition, providing incentives add more to the launch process.

Referral promotions


Referral promotions have an element of virality built into them. This is because the number of people reaching your business expands exponentially. This means adding a referral element to a coming soon page increases the number of people you can reach.

Use easy and concise text


Coming soon pages does not require to be too wordy. It is always great to mention why visitors would follow them or subscribe to an email announcement of their launch. The use of easy-to-understand text makes the launch program enticing for viewers.

SEO should not be ignored


Proper use of keywords and meta tags should be encouraged to get your website prevented from being penalized by search engines. Doing so also lets your page gain some credibility amongst top searches.

Advertisement should be the top priority


A unique logo, design, style, color scheme lets your web page stand out. By designing something that is matching your brand’s objective, you increase chances of being recognized amongst potential clients.

Pre-launched incentives


Announcing discounts before the website gets launched is a great way to engage with customers. Incentives should be made available to customers who sign up.

Summing it Up

A successful Coming soon page needs to be creative, simple and informative. By following the above-mentioned tips, you will be able to create a buzzing around your launch. These ideas will definitely inspire you to design your own unique and business-oriented “Coming soon” page that will lead to the popularity of your business.