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Good Web Hosting Is Essential for Stronger SEO and Better Ranks

When you create a website, you dream of making it omnipresent on the internet. It is your intent desire that whenever there is a click happening for your chosen keywords, your website must float on the surface right in front of the search engines. You know well that search engine optimization, when done in the right way can open the doors of higher visibility and you must be spending a lot of time, money and effort for it.

However, if you look at the process of gaining more visibility that is essential for implementing SEO, you will realize that it is more important to ensure clarity first and then only you can think of increasing it. If the website remains invisible whether entirely or partially then how could you think of more visibility? From this perspective of making websites visible round the clock on the internet, the focus shifts to web hosting that precede SEO.

Doing the basics right

The web hosting service you choose is critical to your online marketing efforts because they provide you the entry to the internet. Without the host, you could never place your website on the web. Once the web host ensures that your website remains visible on the web without any interruption, you get the confidence of working towards increasing the visibility. Without looking back, you can devote attention to search engine optimization that helps to increase visibility that raises hopes of earning better ranks in search results. Although nobody can confidently say and prove that good web hosting aids better rankings, it is certain that web hosting done poorly can ruin the prospects of improving search rankings. Since it is better to be safe than sorry, it is worth paying attention to the quality of web hosting service.

In this article, we have discussed how the quality of web hosting service affects search rankings and how you could identify the most reliable host.

Detecting ranking problems and tracing its roots

If your experience that the ranking is moving downwards and the trend continues for some time, it is evident that you will pay attention to SEO. However, if you find that despite your best efforts in SEO, the results are not coming, then before looking into any other area, be sure that there is nothing more to do in optimization. It is only when you have exhausted all SEO options to boost ranking and when nothing else works; it is a sign that there must be something wrong with the hosting service. Analyze the hosting service you use, and if it a shared hosting service, the experience is quite common. Knowing about what can go wrong in shared hosting will throw light on the problem and facilitate its resolution.

The pitfalls of shared hosting

Shared hosting is not bad at all and Google does not make any distinction between shared and dedicated hosting. Moreover, it is the most economical choice, and as more and more businesses embrace SEO, shared hosting is most famous. Shared hosting is like community living where many users share one server. The host allocates dedicated space to every user on the server and offers a pool of resources to cater to their requirements. The IP address is also the same in most cases although there is provision for obtaining individual IP address within a shared server. Like in community living where the behavior of your neighbors can affect your quality of life, in shared hosting you could be penalized for other’s misdeeds for which you must be ready.

What can go wrong?

If you have spammy neighbors on the server that you share, it means that you belong to the same domain as your neighbor as any SEO marketing agency will tell you. If Google comes down on the erring spammy neighbor and penalizes it, the entire domain, of which you are a part, gets affected. As a result, suddenly you might experience that your website has attracted although you have done nothing wrong.

In some other instance, if some website on the shared server publishes prohibited content that is also illegal, it will attract Google's ire, and in no time, the site appears on Google's blacklist. The most concerning thing is that as you share common domain and IP with that website, you become a victim of circumstances, as your site appears to be in league with the wrongdoer. All sites that reside with bad neighbors share the punitive action. Taking lessons from above, you must be choosy during web host selection so that you are sure of being in good company. Having good neighbors would drastically reduce the chances of being caught in the crossfire.

What to expect from the host

Having done that, evaluate how well the host supports your SEO initiatives because your ultimate goal is to earn good ranks in search results. The host must ensure that your website will always be visible on the internet so that you can implement SEO for increasing visibility.

Zero downtime in hosting is what you can expect in the least from the host. Since search engines crawl websites once every day at any time of their choice, the website must be there always up and running on the internet. Missing out on a routine crawl will push down the rankings, and if the downtime increases, the damage is more. However, there can be occasions when it might not be possible to avoid server downtime. In such cases, the host must inform you in advance so that you can protect your interest by making alternate arrangements to take care of the situation arising from it.

Despite sharing resources, the host must ensure that websites maintain faster loading speeds. It must not happen that sites run slow due to insufficient server resources. Slow site speeds result in a bad user experience that in turn can bring down rankings.

Judging hosts by its popularity and user experience is a good way to fathom its reliability because the wider reach is an indication of trustworthiness.

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