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Instagram vs Snapchat – What’s Better to Share Stories?

Social media platforms are constantly evolving, providing the web community with new cool features. Some of them are so awesome that trying once we simply cannot imagine how we lived without them before. Today, we will take a closer look at one of such impressive social media options dubbed "Stories".

The functionality is not new. However, the way the social media community reacts to it only cannot be left unspotted. First introduced to Snapchat users, "Stories" quickly replaced typical static photos that we share with followers. The idea to record stories made up of multiple snaps became a more fun way to keep up with friends. So, the trend started gaining a greater demand among the Snapchat users.

The launch of a similar feature on Instagram was not long in coming. In the first days of August, Instagram caught the users by surprise when they added new functionality to the newsfeed. Although many call this a straight rip off from Snapchat, the new Instagram functionality is more usable for the masses.

Instagram vs. Snapchat Stories

The concept standing behind the Stories is the same in both apps. You take pictures, which are further united into a gallery, and after 24h they simply disappear. In both apps, you can annotate images with texts, doodles, and emoji. There is also an option to choose people who can view your Story.

The photos and videos that you add to Stories are not added to your profile and are not displayed in the newsfeed. All Instagram users can find a new set of circular icons with the logos of pages they follow at the very top of their newsfeeds. Although the concept of the Stories is the same on Instagram and Snapchat, there are certain peculiarities that we would like to draw your attention to.

If discoverability of your account plays an important role to you, then Instagram Stories will get the job done better than Snapchat. On Instagram, you can go public. It's far easier to find new interesting pages and establish new relationships with people/brands. On Snapchat, everything is more private. It may be somewhat difficult for beginners to discover new people there.

How Stories Are Displayed

Since the introduction of Stories to the Snapchat users and up to this moment, all snaps appear in chronological order. The most recently updated Stories rank at the top of the list. On Instagram, the Stories are shown according to the algorithm. First come stories from the people who are supposed to be closer to you, based on relationship. Next, come all the rest.

Another difference between the two apps is the way you navigate between the stories. On Snapchat, when you tap on the screen you are taken to the next snap of the same Story. The next Story will start playing automatically as soon as you see its last snap. On Instagram, you can tap right or left to get to the next snap or return to the previous one, respectively. Wiping left advances you to the next story in the lineup.

Editing Stories

You can edit Instagram and Snapchat Stories with emoji, text, and some drawing tools that become available after you take a snap. If you want to share a picture that has been already saved on your device, Stories let you share images that were taken in the last 24 hours.

If you compare the editing tools available on both platforms, you will probably mention that Instagram is more advanced and user-friendly than Snapchat. Instead of Snapchat's slider tool with the color options, Instagram provides all the color variations laid out side by side in a row. Also, there is a tool to change the pen size placed in the top left corner. By the way, instead of a single pen tool, Instagram has three pen variations - a pen, a marker and neon. You can pick any, manage the color, and start enhancing your photos with some funny stuff.

As per the possibility to add emoji, Snapchat is more flexible. Here, you can add emoji anywhere on the image, while Instagram lets you do this via the text bar only.

Reacting on Stories

Unlike ordinary photo and video posts that you share on Instagram, Stories cannot be "liked". If you want to react on a Story, there is an option to start a chat. The functionality is supported on both Instagram and Snapchat. Just swipe up a Story to initiate a conversation on Snapchat or tap "send a message" on Instagram.

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If you care about all that analytical data concerning the users' reflection on your Stories, Snapchat offers a snapscore functionality. Although it's difficult to give an exact definition of what snapscore truly is, one thing remains clear.

Snapscore is the total number of snaps sent and received.
It is displayed next to your username. There is also a possibility to see the scores of your friends and some public accounts.

When it comes to analytics, Instagram shows clearer stats. Here in addition to the views and likes per post, you can also see who viewed a Story all at one place.

Wrapping up

To my mind, Instagram Stores are far more user-oriented than on Snapchat. Even if you have never tried the new option before, it shouldn't cause you any difficulties to take and share a Story. There is no confusion using the new tool either. Instead of swipes and labeled buttons, a user is introduced to the written information as per what to click to edit an image or send a message, for example.

One more thing that attracts me more in Instagram is that it better matches for building an online community. A suggestions tool lets you find people or brands that you may know or simply fitted to your preferences (something that Snapchat lacks). I can also follow new people and even do online shopping. Instagram eCommerce marketing picks up speed.

It's always up to you to decide on what is the best online option to share your Stories with the world. But if someone asked me about my choice, that would surely be Instagram 🙂

Who to Follow

With so much being said about Instagram vs. Snapchat Stories, I think it would be logical to share a few accounts of web developers and graphic designers to follow on both platforms. If you remember, we have recently shared a compilation of 30 must-follow Instagram accounts of graphic designers. The post is still live so that you can check it out for a gulp of inspiration.

Whom can I follow on Snapchat, you will ask? Here are several suggestions.

Tech Insider

username on Snapchat - techinsider

As the name implies, this is a must-follow account for all tech-geeks. Here you will learn about everything that is related to science, culture, and technical innovations.

Ryan Hayes

username on Snapchat - ItsRyanOh

Ryan Hayes is a freelance full stack engineer, who is busy connecting with fellow web developers and like-minded people both on the worldwide web and offline. Ryan runs his blog, where you can find more interesting stuff about his life and projects.

Suzanne Nguyen

username on Snapchat - StringStory

If you are interested in Bitcoins, digital tips, and tricks, follow Suzanne on Snapchat. One of the most active storytellers, this girl from Australia shares cool daily insights into her digital lifestyle.

Miroslaw Praglowski

username on Snapchat - MPRAGLOWSKI

With over 12 years of experience in developing software in C++,C# and node.js & Ruby, Miroslaw is also interested in event sourcing, friction-free development, software architecture, and more topics.

Ayala Shaun

username on Snapchat - SHAUNAYALA

A marketing manager, Ayala posts not only photos and videos, but also interactive games. His Snapchat account is also a great place to find other Snapchat stars. He features the most prominent personalities in the weekly series of stories that he shares.

Do you know other cool web designers and developers to follow on Instagram and Snapchat? Feel free to share their usernames below the post! By the way do not hesitate to check our Free eBook “How to Amplify Your Brand on Instagram”