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Live, Love, Design… Hack Your Brain to Become More Efficient – No Professional Tools Needed

We are sure that our attentive readers have noticed that the first part of our blog post’s title is similar to the “Eat Pray Love” movie. Have you seen this American romantic comedy-drama film with Julia Roberts starring as Elizabeth Gilbert? Actually, it doesn’t matter whether you like such kind of movies or not. We just wanted to make a small hint from the first rows of our article that it is possible to live a happier life and be more efficient at work even if you are a busy web designer/developer/web master.

So, our aim is to cover some psychological matters that are able to make your personal life, work and even health much better. This information won’t cost you a penny. We are not going to tell you about the best web design tools that free your hands and save your time and efforts. That was the topic of our recent blog post: Fresh Web Design Tools to Try in 2016 List. This time we would like to talk about solutions and ideas that are hidden somewhere inside us.

Our body mind and soul is a perfect combination able to cope with any life/work issue and heal any pain itself. Would you like to start improving the spheres of life that are important for you, including your web development efforts, of course? Then, we are ready to list some working tips that have already helped lots of people like you (web designers, developers and mundane) to improve the quality of their lives and boost the efficiency of their work.

So, let’s start with concentration, overcoming procrastination and launching new projects & ideas

Have you ever calculated how many times a day different things distract you from work? Skype, SMS, phone calls, conversations with colleagues, etc. Our attention skips from one thing to another. This is the reason why we feel so exhausted at the end of the day.

Just imagine your ideal working day, when nothing prevents you from doing the job you should finish. And then think about your usual crazy work tempo with all its distractive factors.

Do you know how all these little things affect your efficiency? You will be shocked if we convert this information into numbers. You are only 7% efficient in comparison with the first simulated reality. We waste 93% of our efficiency just because we can’t concentrate. So, how to pull oneself together? You will be surprised to read how easy it is.

self improvement tips for success

We always have plenty of tasks and ideas. The problem is to start acting. We are so reluctant to start some of the tasks because they are too difficult, too time consuming or too tedious. That’s why we procrastinate for tomorrow, then till Monday, and at the result, we do the job at the last minute to meet the deadline.

It’s useless to struggle with our natural laziness. It is always stronger and more cunning. But it’s possible to play with procrastination habit and win. The third exercise will tell you the rules of the game.

What do you usually do with your business projects and ideas? Nothing? Just forget about them? But why? Don’t like to build castles in the air? It’s a big mistake and our forth exercise will teach you how to treat your precious business projects and ideas the right way.

How to quickly refill your sources of energy – learning to relax

Since childhood we were taught how to work hard, but do you remember any lessons of relaxation? Do you know how to restore the energy quickly? The following exercise will help you restore your energy in 15 seconds only.

We hope you have nothing against fixing the result achieved while doing the previous exercise. The next one will demand 30 seconds of your time, but you will feel like a winded mechanism for 1,5 hour!

How to catch the flashes of inspiration

We guess everybody faced the problems/tasks/issues that seem unsolvable at first sight. That means that you just lack inspiration and the exercise below will return it back to you.

Stay in good shape even working remotely sitting in your favorite armchair with your pajamas on

Have no time for jogging, work out in a gym or swimming in the pool? It’s not an excuse for obesity, untidy look or poor health!

Going to bed with a cloud of thoughts in your head? Do you recollect the day that passed and think about the coming day? Thoughts prevent you from falling asleep; your sleep is hard and surface. Organism doesn’t restore its strength. You can air out the room or take a walk before the night sleep. This may help. But there is a good exercise that will help to release all thoughts and let you fall asleep quickly and have a good sleep without spending much time in bed.

The last exercise is not actually an exercise. It includes just drinking pure water. Not tea, coffee, juice or other beverages, but water.

Wrap up

So, we had a small talk about different psychological techniques that are able to improve the quality of your life and the efficiency of your work. And now we would like to know your opinion on these self improvement tips for success. Was this article useful for you? Do you use any of the listed keys to success in life? Maybe you have your own little secrets of how to be successful in life to share with the community? Will you try some of the exercises? If you do, which ones will they be? Do you consider such kind of articles interesting, helpful? Do you have any other problems that were not covered here? Please state them at the comment section and next time, our blog post will be targeted on them.

Thank you for your attention, be healthy, efficient and take care!