What do you think of the latest Metro style design trend? Or do you prefer to name the technique “Modern UI” or “Microsoft design language”? We might play with the terms as long as we wish but the gist would stay the same.
Each and every web designer knows the trend and has their personal attitude to its basic principles that are as follows:
There have already been several posts on the topic here, so if you want to get deeper into the theme or just refresh the info, please follow this link Diverse Free & Paid Stuff for Trendy Flat Design, and this one Metro Style. Website-Mimics: a Fresh Whiff in Design.
Actually, the aim of this entry is not to repeat some common truisms of Metro style design, but to showcase our designers' works, inspired by it. From our viewpoint, such approach is rather efficient as not all of our respected readers are ready to bother with drawing, coding and animation and all other design trifles from scratch, especially when they are not fully confident about the result of the whole enterprise.
The desire to know something beforehand is in people’s nature as nobody wants to waste time, efforts and money down the drain. These pre-designed templates give you the possibility to have a look into tomorrow the day before it comes. Look through their contemporary classy layouts and imagine how your business ideas will resound in this or that environment. Try them on, viewing the demos, then change and start all over again…
It’s really relaxing when you don’t need to invent something new and just use the professional skills, experience and knowledge of team experts, working especially for such cases as yours. You know that we always strive to offer the hottest stuff. Today, it’s Metro style design, tomorrow – who knows… We’ll see.
In any case, regardless of the discrepant reactions on the trend, we observe that it works, it is new, focused on content design technique, exploiting typography rather than graphics to provide superior user experience, neglecting the constraints of touch and regular screens, trying if not completely erase, but at least make the border between their UI inconspicuous.
The conclusion emerges itself...
The popularity of metro style is evident and if you’ve already managed to fall a prey of its colorful insanity, the quickest effective remedy against this nuisance is to choose a metro style web template from the ones listed below for your utmost comfort and tell the web community that you are not going to take a back seat because of the outdated fashion of your website. On the contrary, your content is clad and shod according to the latest trends!
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Business Corp. WordPress Theme
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Business Enterprise Website Template
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Furniture Store Joomla Template
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Fitness Store PrestaShop Theme
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Designer's Portfolio Website Template
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Business Company Website Template
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Business Company Flash CMS Template
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T-Shirts Store osCommerce Template
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Mobile Phones Store Magento Theme
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Personal Portfolio Website Template
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Sunglasses Store VirtueMart Template
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Kids Clothes Store PrestaShop Theme
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Electrical Appliances Store osCommerce Template
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Let’s Talk!
How did you like the variations around Metro style from our designers? Which of them are the most authentic from your point of view? Do you like the trend in general? As usually, you are welcome to leave your comments in the comment section.
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