Email marketing is an effective and widely used medium to reach a large set of audience. Unlike one-to-one messages, email marketing requires sending one message to hundreds and thousands of people across multiple email platforms and clients.
With the increase in email clients over the years, it has become a challenging task for email marketers to reach each and every subscriber. While planning for email campaigns, marketers need to take a plethora of email clients into consideration so that each one renders the email perfectly.
Litmus conducts studies each month to find the most popular webmail, desktop, and mobile email clients. Their latest research report shows the following data:
Source: Litmus Email Analytics, May 2017
All these major email clients render emails differently and hence they look different for viewers using different devices and platforms. Let us have a brief detailing on the challenges and workarounds of widely used desktop email clients, email web apps, mobile email apps and other email clients.
A minimum font size of 22 pixels for headers and 14 pixels for body should be used.
To ensure good rendering across all devices, keep the device width fluid instead of fixing it to breakpoints at the exact device width. For iPhone 6 Plus, update media queries using 320px to 414px breakpoint.
When used with :hover or :checked pseudo-class selectors, the adjacent sibling selector + can be used. Though it isn’t as flexible as ~, it will still give the same result.
Emails that use background images add padding to the right and left side of the email campaigns. The workaround for this is adding margin padding “0” in the body inline.
Use <meta name=”x-apple-disable-message-reformatting”> to disable auto-scaling and add a “padding:0;” to the <body> tag of your email.
Avoid unnecessary styling tags and keep the HTML email size below 102 kb.
Overwrite the default link color by adding a color style to each and every <a> tag within email code.
Use .class selector instead of attribute selector.
Use table based layout with <td> for padding and margin.
Use the background color as a fallback in such cases.
Use a spacer image and include white-space: nowrap. Use mobile-specific content and declare! Important.
To remove the white line, use “display:block” in the image tag.
Use “text-decoration:” and provide a class in media queries with important defined to override the inline style and avoid blue line.
Use “display: inline-block” along with “text-align: center” to create the illusion of floating elements.
Use <td> tag to add margin.
Use fluid layouts with a fixed width within media queries and define tables with fixed width in media queries.
Create a GIF that conveys the full message in the first frame that runs for milliseconds or use a static image as fallback.
Use suitable fallback with conditional Outlook comments, otherwise, it will automatically use Times New Roman.
Use patterned background images and avoid using content-dependent graphics for background images.
Change the DPI scaling of your Windows based device as a workaround.
For background color, use HEX code.
Set the display property as img {display:block;} to remove the padding and still giving the desired result across all media clients.
Avoid using # href and use a domain name instead.
Use align="center" and for tables of fixed width, use align center in td.
Add align=”top” to the concerned images.
Use width attribute &/or in style instead of min or max-width to control the layout.
Provide video fallback.
Enable general sibling selector by using body { -webkit-animation: bugfix infinite 1s; } @-webkit-keyframes bugfix { from { padding: 0; } to { padding: 0; } }.
Use margins to overcome this challenge.
Use <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"/>
Also, a viewport selector proves to be useful for certain designs.
To activate :hover selector, you need to keep it pressed for around 1-2 seconds.
To remove this extra padding, set the display property as “img {display:block;}”.
As a workaround for this, change the DPI scaling of your Windows based device.
So before you plan for your next email campaign, make sure your emails are compatible across all major email clients. What rendering issues do you face with your emails? Share with us in the comments!
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When an email client receives an email, it is a long wall of HTML code wrapped around by CSS animation. A rendering engine creates a structure based on the code specified in the HTML and adds specific styling accordingly to the CSS.
All Mail clients render HTML/CSS differently, in their own ways and for their own reasons. To get more tips on various emails clients please refer to our blog post.
The majority of email clients don't support every type of HTML content you see on the web. Web browsers are able to display scripts, animations, and complex navigation menus, while your typical email inbox isn't built to handle this type of content.
Each email client renders HTML and CSS differently, which causes the email to look differently in certain providers. HTML emails can appear incorrectly when viewed in some email clients.
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