Top-5 Home Business Ideas for Moms

Childbirth is the beginning of a new era in every woman’s life and brings a special meaning to family values. The process of raising a child will give you a lot of happy and bright moments. However, in addition to plump, pink cheeks, mom gets sleepless nights, constant excitement and a busy schedule. Yet, modern moms are always on the move. They are full of strength and energy!

Even Caesar could not do as many things as these women do! He was undoubtedly an excellent politician and emperor. But was he a cook, maid or nanny? Was he able to adjust to the bad mood of his second half?

Sometimes it seems that for such mothers, nothing is impossible, they are engaged in self-development and education of their children and successfully cope with all the household chores. And many even manage to organize their business, and this changes their lives. Free time, the opportunity to work out of office, self-development - the advantages of working at home are apparent to anyone, but they are especially convincing for moms since the ability to work at home allows you to be there with your children.

  1. Why should moms do it?
  2. From where to start?
  3. Top-5 business ideas for moms
  4. Be careful! Fraud
  5. Time Management or Tips to help mom get everything done

Why should moms do it?

Why should moms do it

This question torments many men and women. Depending on the life situation, there may be several answers.

Let’s consider all of them:

  • Women try to find part-time work or full-time job because of the banal lack of money. With the advent of the child and with its growing up, you need to spend more money. Then a woman starts looking for a job;
  • Some women without financial difficulties do not want to focus only on the child. They do an excellent job with mother responsibilities, but for them, it is vital to develop, learn and explore, and to communicate with people. That's why they go deep into studying something new, discover talents in themselves and earn for little "women's joys";
  • Other women are dissatisfied at work and during the maternity leave are actively looking for a new job, which will later become the main one.

Each mother has her own story. Someone wants to achieve independence, someone is ashamed to ask money for cosmetics and so on. If you are reading this article, then surely this question is interesting to you too.

Did you know that there is even a particular word for a working mother? According to Wikipedia, mompreneur is a female business owner who is actively balancing the role of mom and the role of entrepreneur. This may seem simple, but combining these two complex and sensitive life roles can be sometimes hard and stressful way of life. Fortunately, many women have reached the balance of the happy-wife-and-mother and business manager.

In 2017, according to the report on the State of Women-Owned Businesses in the United States, there were an estimated 11.6 million women-owned businesses in the United States that employ nearly 9 million people and generate more than $1.7 trillion in revenues. Over the past 20 years (1997–2017), the number of women-owned businesses has grown 114% compared to the overall national growth rate of 44% for all businesses. Women-owned businesses now account for 39% of all U.S. firms, employ 8% of the total private sector workforce and contribute 4.2% of total business revenues.

Do you now imagine how powerful our potential is?

From where to start?

And this question is asked by almost all moms who decided to start a business. Indeed, there are many home-based business ideas. However, before proceeding to the description of the ways of earning, I suggest you answer the following questions.

  • What can you do?

Your work may be related to hobbies, talents or skills. Perhaps you are a first-rate specialist in a particular field, and you can work professionally at home. You should adequately evaluate your abilities and decide what you would like to do.

  • How much free time do you have?

Each child is individual and requires a unique approach. Sometimes the first six months of being a mom are quiet and peaceful (the baby sleeps and eats). For other parents, the situation can differ. Before you start your job search, determine for yourself how much time you can devote to work. This is the period when the child sleeps or spends time with other family members.

  • Are you ready to learn?

If you think that your professional skills will help to make good money, then do it (for example, if you are an excellent lawyer, you can give consultations online, by phone, at home). In case you do not have the skills that will help you earn, then be ready for learning and training.

  • How much do you want to earn?

Depending on the availability of free time and the desire to conquer the peaks you can find a job that will bring an excellent income. Remember that simple work never brings much money.

Any modern mom is interested in many things: proper nutrition and a healthy way of life, style and image, time management, psychology and so on. Moms need to communicate with each other and share their experience, for example, you can gather for a friendly meeting to discuss exciting topics. Also, you can use social networks. Now, acquaintances through Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, online discussions and joint launch of projects are no longer surprising.

Top-5 business ideas for moms

business ideas

All ways of earning can be divided into several groups:

  1. Work at home according to your education;
  2. Work related to hobbies;
  3. Work on the Internet.

Any work can bring income. It all depends on how correctly this work at home idea will suit you. Flexible jobs that pay well may be challenging for stay-at-home moms, but the great news is that there are many options available these days. So, let’s take a closer look at top-5 work from home ideas.



Is your kitchen filled with the aroma of delicious pastries? It’s not a problem to turn your hobby into your favorite work! Delicious cakes and homemade cookies are always appreciated. Also, you should pay attention to ginger biscuits, glazed with thematic images, which never loses its popularity.

Baking a cake is enjoyable. Firstly, a cake is an indispensable attribute of birthdays, anniversaries and weddings, an off-season hero of any holiday or celebration. Secondly, baking cakes can be organized even in your own kitchen, since everything necessary for baking already exists in most houses. Thirdly, baking is creativity, and creativity helps us to express ourselves, to develop, to feel important for society, giving something to others and getting something in return. I will not open a big truth, but the only thing that is required from you to start your baking business is to turn your culinary passion and creativeness in the right direction.

If you have the desire and the ability to organize, you can learn by yourself all the wisdom of baking free of charge. Best of all will be to make your first experiments at home, not in a rush and hone your skills step by step. Do not hurry to sell immediately, without really having learned anything. It will prevent you from blushing in front of people and discourage you from moving on. Oh yeah, do not forget to take pictures of successful attempts. They will be useful for your portfolio.

I'm sure you understand that in our time, one of the primary conditions for successful business promotion is having your own web resource. And, of course, its design has to look bright and delicious. According to human psychology, this is more than just a set of pictures. This is an official representation, kind of administration, trust in which means trust in you.

On your site, you can post a catalog of your products, actual prices, an individual order form, contacts. When you have something to be proud of, you can add status items, publish satisfied customers' faces, their satisfied feedbacks about your work and so on. But what if you do not know how to create websites and do not want to spend your precious time on coding? You definitely should not worry about it - Template Monsters coders have already set up gorgeous bakery templates for you.

With this solution, it’ll be much easier to let the world know about you and your impossible-to-put-down baking.

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Beauty Service

Beauty Service

At home, you can organize a mini version of the beauty salon. Manicure, pedicure, cosmetology procedures, waxing and sugaring, haircuts and styling, makeup and other procedures at home or with your visit to the client are popular due to convenience for people and more democratic prices than in the salons. It is often too expensive to visit a beauty salon, so more brides, on the eve of the wedding, go to private makeup artists and stylists who have a good portfolio. So, if this field of activity is fascinating to you, then it makes sense to find good courses, get a certificate and start working. However, you must remember that it requires professionalism and a broad set of consumables.

It's great if you did this kind of work before the baby was born. In this case, you already have the necessary professional skills and a set of tools. The only thing left is to find customers. This can be done by advertising on the Internet, offering services to acquaintances, friends, and relatives. Create your own portfolio page on Instagram, or better - your own website where you will post examples of your work. First, the network resource should be useful and interesting to people. After all, no one wants to advertise on the site without visitors. And, moreover, no one will look at it. With no doubts, your site should have an attractive appearance. Well, people will not visit the resource, which is uncomfortable and looks as if it was created by somebody drunk. Even if it contains the most useful information in the world, the user will not go to the resource a second time, if he or she can’t find anything. Therefore, in the first place, your network resource should be user-oriented. It is highly desirable to have a unique theme for the site, rather than a free template that is used by a lot of people. In that case, your site won’t look different from the others. And we all know that saying: “Always dress for success.” To make it easier, you can choose any skin from 400+ beauty templates and take the first step to a new period in your life in which you do what you love and love what you do.

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Just like Kevin from Home alone said "TV is my life", these days we can say that "Internet is our life."

It allows us to work from home, while the baby is asleep or already plays next to you. On the Internet, millions of people earn money every day without investments, including mothers on maternity leave. Thanks to modern technology you always stay in touch and have many tools to perform tasks. Such remote employment is a great way not to lose your qualification, to receive income and to master a new direction. Of course, there is a high probability of being caught by scammers. But I want to focus on one of the most proven methods of web earnings.


A blog is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries ("posts"). That’s what Wikipedia says. I would add that it’s an exciting option for beginning mom entrepreneur.

The essence of blogging is that you create a website for yourself and then publish your materials there, tell about your hobbies, your experience, or everything that is close to you. You can even start a blog about your family life or one with tips for other parents. If you want to use the site to escape from motherhood and children's concerns, you can choose any other theme.

Have you ever heard about one of the most successful examples of "blogging" named Steve Pavlina? This American writes his blog about the development of personality, productive work and the most interesting - how you can earn on your blog. His blog brings a considerable income to the author - tens of thousands of dollars a month.

Is it possible to create your own blog and earn enough money for a comfortable life? Yes, it's real and has been working for a long time.

At the very beginning of the journey, you do not need to have something special. The main thing is a great desire. Having perseverance, patience and an excellent nervous system is necessary. Writing articles or posts is an integral part of blogging. To achieve success, it has to be qualitative and exciting. You should also remember that results will not come immediately, it takes an indefinite amount of time - a month, half a year or even a whole year. What kind of result you will have and how long it will take to implement it will depend only on you. After all, every woman knows how and likes to communicate with friends, and the article is a small story that helps to solve the reader's problem. Therefore, the easiest way to learn how to write articles is to start writing them on a regular basis. By the way, you can get all the necessary knowledge for your blogging start and take steps towards making money on the Internet on special courses and training.

When your blog becomes popular, you will have many options for real and permanent earnings, including passive ones. However, real earning on the blog is reduced, as a rule, to one thing - placement of advertising in various forms. Another earning on the blog is linking to third-party resources. You can earn good money only in one case - if your blog is popular and has many visitors. Therefore, it is essential to choose the right topic, identify a niche and target audience. Money is brought to the blog by its readers, so your future blog must necessarily meet the needs of your target audience. Your blog should contain useful and necessary information, resolve the problem qualitatively or answer questions from users.

Well, let’s sum up. For your blog to be successful, you need:

  1. To think up the subject of the site;
  2. Create a resource;
  3. To fill the information;
  4. Make it visited;
  5. Find advertisers who want to place their ads.

As for the technical side of creating a blog - it's not as difficult as it seems. You can set up your blog on the platform of WordPress without much effort.

If you can’t install WordPress on your own, TM Service Center is available for you 24/7 and will help you with any problems; you can even order a whole theme installation.

I believe that every mom can blog and earn on it, even with a baby in her arms. Do not be afraid that you will not succeed. What if the potential of another Steve Pavlina is hidden in you, and you still don’t know about it?

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Love Life

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Online store

Online store

On average, today, every fifth purchase (excluding food) occurs via the Internet. According to the e-Commerce User Index study, women are more active online buyers than men. The best half of ourselves often buys goods not only for themselves but also for their family. This means that the Internet business in the field of fashion, beauty and children's goods sale has a good chance of success. Such inspiring information to find your niche in the field of online sales, isn’t it? Unlike a real store opening, for which it is necessary to find a room, invest in the design, purchase goods, hire sellers, and train them you can open your online store in a couple of evenings. Without loans, without huge expenses and just sitting over a cup of tea in the kitchen. To sell cost-effective categories of goods is excellent. To sell goods you can talk about for hours is even better.

Let’s look at the pros of an online store:

  • Reduced cost of goods. It is achieved due to reduced costs for renting premises, utilities, employees, and so on;
  • Client base formation and analytics on them occur automatically;
  • The store is always open, regardless of time of day, weather, and holidays;
  • Minimum initial financial investments required.

However, don’t forget that the competition among online stores is enormous. Therefore, in this business, the chances of earning more money are for those who can attract clients not only with prices but also with quality consultations.

So, what do you need? The site with a catalog of products, suppliers of goods, and an efficient delivery system. And the initial capital will largely depend on the sphere in which you will work.

Since the basis of an online store is a site, it must be interesting, informative and well-filled. The photos should be of excellent quality because they prompt buyers to choose your product. In addition to placing photos of the goods, you should have capacious, accurate characteristics for each product. Next, you have to connect payment systems, so that customers can pay you for purchases. You can do it easily with responsive eCommerce templates or you can choose one of Shopify themes with sections.

Now, sites consisting of a single page and not including links to other pages are becoming increasingly popular. And if you are a beginner, it is better to start with these one page templates. They are simpler in terms of creating and filling. And more convenient for Internet users, because don’t need too much time to find the right product and endlessly click on the links. In addition, using the site is very convenient to communicate with potential customers and always keep them up to date with your workload schedule.

The site works around the clock. During this time, it is a generator of your monetary resources. If you compare it with business, then it seems to be doing the work for the courier, for the seller, and for the manager. But before you start making money on your website, you will have to make a lot of efforts for its development and promotion. And if the money was invested in the right direction, and time is spent on the right things, then very soon you will get a ready system for a completely automatic profit.

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At a time when people are speeding up the rhythm of life, and every day you need to make a huge number of decisions in your personal and professional life, it's no wonder that the desire to have a coach for life is growing. Thanks to the Internet, now coaches can consult clients even without leaving home (for example, on Skype). Thus, it is also one of the options for stay at home careers. So, mommies, let’s learn how to become a coach!

According to the International Coaching Federation, "Coaching is a partnership between the client and the coach, which provokes thinking and promotes creativity, and as a result, inspires the client to maximize personal and professional potential." Therefore, a good coach can help people get on their feet, set goals and achieve new levels of success.

I’d advise you to start with getting a proper education in an accredited coaching school and with your own work with a coach. Another question that you can have is what’s next? The next is to find your clients and to direct all efforts to promote yourself. You can place ads on social networks (Instagram, Facebook) and on ads sites. If you want to have your business card on the network, it is better to create a site on which there will be information about you, with or without a blog. To get it qualitatively and fast you can choose from 700+ perfect business themes with a vast variety of functions and personal settings.

A personal website is your home, where you set your own rules. To be a specialist that people can trust online, you need to show what you're good at and what you have to offer the moment people visit your site.

Coaching is a grateful work with a visible, bright and valuable result. Day after day, you help people achieve their goals, find themselves, become successful, and fulfill their dreams. The second significant advantage favors yourself. Just imagine that being happy is now your job, and go for it!

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Be careful! Fraud

Unfortunately, every work gives a risk of being deceived. Yet, those who decided to make money using the Internet need to be even twice more cautious since network collected the maximum number of scammers. Here I have a list of some rules in order not to become their victim:

  • Under any circumstances, never pay to anyone offering a job. Scammers are very inventive, and their offers may seem very realistic. Remember that legitimate jobs will never charge to hire you;
  • Be aware of the most common home scammers. Assembly work, rebate processing, email processing, and envelope stuffing are all scams;
  • Don't accept "business proposals" related to your bank accounts;
  • Don't agree for grandiose projects, where they promise a quick and big return (money pyramids);
  • Be cautious about network marketing. Firstly, you will be told that no investment is required from you, and then it will turn out that you need to purchase or distribute products for several thousand dollars to receive your wages;
  • Before starting to work, look for information about employers on the Internet. Dial in the search engine phone number or email indicated in the vacancy. Usually, this way you can get enough data to make an informed decision.

The more you know about work-at-home scams, the easier it will be for you to avoid it. The most important thing is to be careful. Don’t forget that employment is an exchange, the employer gives you money, but you also offer your strength, time, professional skills in return. Appreciate the resources available to you, and do not allow anybody to profit from them.

Time Management or Tips to help you get everything done

Time Management

Those who can unite the two worlds in their own apartment - working and personal - how do they do it? If you thought that it is much easier to work from home with little children than going to work every day, you will get a surprise. However, anyone can achieve success having a big desire. Moreover, certain skills will help accelerate its arrival. Someone has them intuitively, someone needs time to develop such skills. One thing is clear - the best working-at-home performers will fulfill the volumes for which you can work at an office the whole day. And they are helped in this by the following qualities:

  • Self-discipline and the ability to organize your time. Only a correctly planned schedule is able to become your assistant at work during the maternity leave. Always add a few extra hours, planning the deadline for the project, and do not expect to have time to do the work at the last moment. If possible, follow the deadlines that you set yourself, because in the house with children, nothing can be accurately known beforehand;
  • Prioritization and ability to work without being distracted by secondary matters. Communicating with the customer or your employer on Skype, be careful. Your friends who are online, just waiting for the moment to distract you from work. Besides, little children sleep during the day. But this does not mean that their mother should also sleep during the day. No matter how much you want to snooze for an hour or two with the child, do not be tempted. Shake and go to work. You will be surprised how much you can do when no one distracts.
  • Readiness to master new knowledge necessary for your work independently. It seems that new information on your profession has appeared? Find it!
  • Active search of customers. Perhaps right now someone is ready to buy your services. Do not hesitate to offer your candidacy.
  • Full communication with the family. Mom will never allow family members to be deprived of her attention.
  • Possession of a 10-fingerprinting method. Even if you are professionally engaged in baking, all the same from time to time you communicate with customers through correspondence. Learn to do it quickly!
  • Quick start and the ability to get to work quickly. Even in 15 minutes, you can do a lot. Do not waste this time!
  • Delegation of household duties. No husband can’t wash the dishes. There is no such child (except infants) who couldn’t place his or her toys in places.
  • The ability to gamification. Explain to children the game rules. If your children are old enough to occupy themselves, try to talk to them and explain why you need to concentrate and not be distracted by anything other than work. Try to inspire them with the idea that they are also members of the team and as far as they can help mommy in the common cause.
  • Flexibility. If a good friend or a relative visited you for a few hours and offered to look after the children, don’t refuse. Use this time to put things in order or do work for later.
  • Early awakening. Here is another secret that will allow you to extend your working day - you need to get up before the children get up. This is an excellent opportunity to put a few marks on an infinitely long list of cases and plan the day before the morning scurry begins. However, sometimes it is difficult to get down to work at five o'clock in the morning, so then you can use that time to deal with organizational issues or do something in the house (once you have to do household chores, why not use a calm morning time?).
  • The ability to say "no." Always agreeing to fulfill another request, you run the risk of being pushed around. This applies to both - work and family. Take care of your time!
  • A sober evaluation of your capabilities. Why won’t you agree for tomorrow's participation in the hundred-kilometer marathon? Because you know that you couldn’t cope. Do not take on too great responsibilities at work too.

I’m sure that you didn't see anything confusing in the skills listed above. They are feasible and, most likely, you already have them. Being a mother working at home, remember not grasp any work, but can focus on the main thing.

If there is a desire and ability to act, any woman can direct her favorite occupation in the area of acquiring financial independence. A minimal investment of funds and correct organization of time and interest in the result will provide a stable source of income while you remain close to her loved ones. It all depends on how correctly you choose the type of activity on the maternity leave and how seriously you will treat this earning. For many, such beginnings become a profitable family business in the future. A happy woman is building a happy family. And one more little advice - praise yourself more often. Being a working mom is difficult, but possible. If you do it, then you deserve to be a little pampered: dine in a good restaurant or go to the theater, enjoy spending time in the beauty salon or going to visit friends. Whichever type of rest you choose, do not forget to praise yourself. Otherwise, your race will end with an emotional burnout or a nervous breakdown.

When you love what you do, you know your strength. Do not complain about lack of time and everyday problems, but find a way to deal with issues and give harmony to yourself and your home. Look for the perfect balance between working and raising a baby. Enjoy every moment spent together, and always remain a cool mom!

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