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Website Builder Comparison. Novi Builder vs Major Competitors

The web grows bigger, and the customers become pickier. Soon after the first visual page builders were introduced to the community, the demand started to grow, with more companies launching their own drag-and-drop solutions. Today, drag-and-drop builders can be purchased independently or integrated into the ready-made themes. Whatever CMS or eCommerce platform you decide to work with, you may feel certain that there is a builder that will match your search criteria.

In one of our previously published posts, we were talking about Novi Builder. The functional drag-and-drop HTML builder is intended to be used by the users of different skill levels and for multiple purposes. The visual page builder can be bought either independently or as a part of a website template. And what about its major competitors? How can those be bought and what features do those include? Let's discover in the website builder comparison chart.

Website Builder Comparison

In this post, we are going to compare Novi Builder with the three major competitors, which are also used for the creation of the responsive HTML sites. These are:

  1. HTML Builder. It's sold independently. The builder is being mainly used for the creation of the landing page. You can also find it inside of other builders used as the white-label product.
  2. Architect Builder can be also purchased as an independent product. At the moment, there are no ready-made website templates containing this builder available. Architect Builder is used as the foundation for saas Dorkoy.
  3. Variant Builder isn't sold independently. Designed and developed by MediumRare, the builder can be found inside their website templates only. Currently, this is one of the greatest competitors to Novi Builder in regards to the functionality that it provides for the end-users, webmasters, and businesses.

So, what are the characteristics making Novi Builder stronger or less powerful than its competitors? Let's divide the comparison table into several sections, each of which will highlight the specific functionality that targets the end-users, web developers, and businesses.

Comparison Chart

There are always two sides of a coin. In addition to the range of the features making one solution different from another, there are also certain characteristics those have in common. Speaking about Novi Builder and the three competitors, all of them support multi-page HTML templates and landing pages. All of them feature tools and features that will be of use for the end-users, business owners, as well as webmasters. However, only Novi Builder can be applied to the existing HTML sites. Is there any anything else making Novi so special? Let's take a look.

What's the Best Drag-and-Drop Website Builder?

Novi Builder HTML Builder Variant Builder Arhitect Builder
Add/Remove blocks (sections) YES YES YES -
Add/Remove elements (widgets) YES - - YES
Stylized text (bold, italics, color, etc.) YES YES YES YES
Multiple pages creation YES YES YES YES
Tools for designers YES - - YES
Fonts set management YES - - YES
Change site icon YES - - -
Copy/paste elements from 1 page to another YES - - -
Project backup YES - YES -
Responsive design YES YES YES YES
Save project in the web browser cache YES YES YES
Save project and edit from any device YES - - -
Autosave YES - - YES
Publish site on server YES - - -
Download source code .zip YES YES YES YES
Import/Export YES - YES -
Extra pages development YES - - -
Page preview YES - - -
Dividing blocks by categories YES YES YES -
Search blocks by name/category/contents YES YES YES YES
Search pages by title YES - - -
Grid setup YES - YES -
Media library support YES - YES -
Edit URLs Uses plugin YES YES YES
Edit labels Uses plugin - - -
Replace images Uses plugin YES YES YES
Replace YouTube/Vimeo videos Uses plugin - YES YES
Replace font icons Uses plugin - YES -
Replace SVG icons Needs plugin - - -
Navigation setup YES YES YES -
Map setup Uses plugin - YES -
Contact form setup Uses plugin - YES -
Sider setup Uses plugin - YES -
Background images setup Uses plugin - YES -
Countdown timer setup Uses plugin - YES -
Sections height setup Needs plugin - YES -
MailChimp Form setup Uses plugin - YES -
CampaignMonitor form setup Uses plugin - YES -
Parallax setup Uses plugin - YES -
Accordion setup YES - YES -
Tabs setup Needs plugin - YES -
Instagram/Twitter/Facebook setup Uses plugin - YES -
Facebook/Disqus comments setup Needs plugin - YES -
Built-in color schemes setup Coming soon - YES -
OWL Carousel Uses plugin - - -

HTML Builders for Business

Novi Builder HTML Builder Variant Builder Arhitect Builder
Sells as a standalone product YES YES - YES
Any HTML site import YES - - -
Tools to create extra pages featuring basic content YES - - -
Tools for the creation of the block YES - - -
User scenario tools YES - - -
Plugin development API YES - - -

Features of HTML Builders for Developers

Novi Builder HTML Builder Variant Builder Arhitect Builder
JS code editor YES - - YES
CSS code editor YES - - YES
HTML code editor YES - - YES
HTML sections editor YES YES - -
Highlighting elements in the source code with a click in the working space YES - - -

Wrapping up...

The main idea standing behind the drag-and-drop HTML builders is to make it easy and worry-free to bring changes to layouts of their existing or already launched websites without the need to tweak the source code. The comparison chart reveals that Novi Builder and its major competitors feature both common features and a range of characteristics making them different from one another.

Looking at the tables, you can pick the best builder that will meet your personal or business requirements perfectly well, import the already existing site and tweak its pages code-free or grab a ready-made theme integrated with the visual builder to get started with the online project with the minimum effort.

And who is your winner? What features are of the biggest value to you as you select the best drag-and-drop HTML builder?

Read Also

All You Need to Know about Novi Builder [Story, Philosophy, Licenses]

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