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8 Wrong Content Marketing Beliefs That Are Holding You Back

Content marketing is probably is the most popular method for both small businesses and large enterprises through which they attract customers, build their brand, spread word about their product or service, and grow their following. The reason why content marketing is so popular is that it's effective, but only if done right. We have seen too many business websites fail at it, not because they haven't put in the time and effort, but because they were operating based on misconceptions and wrong beliefs.

Also, despite what you may have read online, content marketing is still as relevant as ever. According to Simon Cohen, who is a content manager over at BestEssays, Google is prioritizing high-quality content more than ever, which alone is reason enough for you to get involved and grow your company. With that in mind, we have put together a list of 8 wrong content marketing beliefs which have held so many content marketers back and prevented them from achieving the success they deserve. Keep on reading for more information.

1. Creating Content without Having a Strategy

You would be surprised how many businesses just go on to create content, without having a well thought out strategy. Remember that content marketing is still marketing, which always requires you to have a clear strategy. Even if your strategy turns out to be less than brilliant, at least you will be able to see what went wrong, and then improve upon it and learn from your mistakes. When you have no content marketing strategy to speak of, you can't even do that, let alone succeed. Depends on how big your company is, you should plan weeks, or even months in advance.

2. Anyone Can Create Content

That is true, in a sense that anyone who is literate can write an article. The problem is that your content has to capture the attention of the readers, all the while dozens or hundreds of other sources are fighting to get them to read their content. Also, even if your content is great, it still needs to be presented in a certain way. For example, long blocks of text aren't really popular among the readers, so you should break them down into smaller paragraphs, or create lists. It's better to hire a professional writer to do it for you, while you focus on the business side of things.

3. Content Marketing = Content Creation

A lot of people equate content creating with content marketing, and forgetting about the “marketing” part of it. They write awesome content and then expect to receive organic traffic. This sort of “if you build it, they will come” approach will bury your content marketing strategy almost immediately. Imagine two companies, one which is doing more promotion than content creation, and the other one, which is focused on just creating content. The former one will have more success, even if it's just for a short while. So, in addition to having great content, you should do your best to promote it via social media, online communities, email newsletters, and other means.

4. People Don't Like to Read

Actually, they do, which is more than evident by the massive demand for content. They have just learned to filter out the generic filler content that makes up most of the content on the web. They have gotten better at scanning the content first, before deciding on whether they should read it or not. This means it's up to you to present it in such a way that will get them hooked. Your articles should have catchy and attractive headlines, and the texts should be formatted for easier scanning, and for viewing on mobile devices, as well.

5. All Your Content Is about Your Business

One of the cardinal sins of content marketing, so to speak, is to have content which is overly promotional. These days, people are really savvy when it comes to advertising, and they can spot it a mile away. Instead, try and offer some informative and insightful content that will address their pain points and help them solve their problems. They are not interested in hearing you go on and on about your product. They are interested in their own needs, and by offering helpful content, you can also steer them toward your product.

6. The Result Will Be Visible Instantaneously

Sure, there will be times when some of your content will go viral, but that doesn't mean that it will be the norm from then on. It can take months, or even years, before some of your content finds its way to its audience, regardless of how well it is written, or how much time and money you have invested into promoting it. Therefore, you shouldn't get disappointed and give up in case a post you are really proud of is not an immediate hit with your audience. The readers will find it eventually after reading some of the other posts you have written.

7. You Only Need Content Marketing if You Have a Big Business

That couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, both small and large companies should rely on content marketing in equal measure. If your business is relatively small and has a tight budget, content marketing is one of the best ways to raise awareness about your brand, build a loyal following, engage your audience, and yes, eventually boost your sales, which will help you invest more money into promoting your company.

8. SEO Doesn't Matter

Ever since Google has rolled out its latest algorithm, which favors high-quality content, many have assumed that it automatically made SEO redundant, as if good content and SEO are polar opposites. Google didn't do it in order to put an end to SEO. They did want to put an end to keyword stuffing, and help people find relevant content more easily. You still need SEO, because Google still can't understand content the same way we do. In fact, it is just as essential as it was before.


We hope that this post has helped you dispel some of the most common myths about content marketing. What is certain is that it can help you grow your business and attract more people to buy your service or product, without breaking the bank. All it takes is some time and hard work.