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How to Create a Cook Resume: A Guide to Astonish Your Employer

  1. What should be on a cook’s resume?
  2. What should be the style of the resume?
  3. Basic mistakes in writing a resume
  4. Creating a cooking resume using templates

Cook resume. The chef profession is one of the most popular and demanded professions in the world. It requires creativity and passion for work.  A chef is one position in which a crucial step is an interview, usually in the form of a clear demonstration by the applicant of his skills. However, in order to get to such an interview, the employer must first be "snagged" by your resume.

Create A Cook’s Resume.

What should be on a cook’s resume?

Creating a resume for employment is quite an important point for anyone, because it is the resume that starts the manager's acquaintance with the data about the candidate for the vacant position.

Cooking resumes can be written in any form and contain any information, because there is no regulatory document that establishes the requirements for this document. Nevertheless, the practice has long worked out the rules and even the secrets of writing a successful written self-presentation.

The general principles of drawing up a resume are the same for all professions. Among them, following a certain structure, rules of design, and style. The nuances of filling in the sections with information and the requirements for photography vary depending on the profession and the specific area of submitting a resume. In this case, for a cook’s resume there is also a list of certain nuances that you need to know about, and this is what we will talk about.

So, the location of the section should be as follows.

1. Name of the document

2. Personal data

In this section all your personal data should be specified. These include name and surname, place of residence (not always mandatory), age, marital status, and contact details (indication of mobile phone number and e-mail address). The e-mail address should include your data without any silly phrases or nicknames. All data must be truthful, as the employer can verify it at any time.

3. The purpose of the document

Specify clearly the purpose for which you are writing this cook’s resume and the position that is the purpose of your job search. It is advisable to carefully select the information that you intend to include in this field. Due to the section "purpose" in your resume, you can show your candidacy in a pleasing light.

4. Education

Education in cooking is important in order to know the sanitary regulations, safety rules, to choose the right vegetables and meat, and carry out the primary preparation of the commodity.

This item may be crucial to your acceptance for the desired position, but in some cases your qualifications and experience will influence the decision-making process. A correctly completed education section will show your boss that you are a truly knowledgeable person. It also welcomes information about additional education, courses attended, training courses, seminars, workshops, and more. A professional development certificate can add value to your cooking resume. Today there are a lot of master classes and special schools for this profession.

5. Work experience

This is the most important indicator of a chef's success and resulting resume. This section is particularly interesting for potential employers. Work experience is designed to familiarize you with your duties and positions at previous jobs.List in detail the most responsible tasks you have performed. You need to include in the required fields the start and end dates of the jobs, the position, background information about the employer, and a brief list of your main duties and achievements.

In addition to this section, you should also add information about the functional responsibilities carried out in the previous positions and professional achievements. Here is an example of how the duties in this section can be formulated:

! Even if you have very extensive culinary experience, do not be too immersed in the past: just name 3-4 jobs or tell about the last 10 years of experience. Each place of work should be described separately.

6. Professional skills

In this section you should list what makes you a professional, namely your main skills. For the chef, these are relevant:

7. Personal qualities

Here you need to list the positive aspects of the character, which, if you get a job, will help to qualitatively perform the duties assigned to him. This can include:

8. For more information

In this paragraph all attention is paid to information about non-professional knowledge and skills, about additional possibilities of the applicant (for example, presence of a car, creative hobbies, knowledge of foreign languages, readiness for long business trips, etc.).

9. Recommendations from previous employers

What should be the style of the cook resume?

The business style is welcome. The main emphasis is on the experience gained try to highlight it as much as possible. It is just as important how your past employers talk about you and what tasks and responsibilities were within your competence. The list is in order of importance:

The style of writing a resume must meet these criteria: purposefulness, conciseness, specificity, precision and clarity of thought, honesty, and literacy.

Basic mistakes in writing a cook resume

Today, on some HR sites on the internet, you can find ready-made resume templates that are easy to fill out. However, experienced human resources workers know how to distinguish between a self-written resume, on which the author has worked, thinking about every word, and a resume compiled under the dictation.

In addition, it is important to avoid making the following mistakes on your resume:

Creating a cooking resume using templates

Templates are an easy and fast way to create a great cook’s resume. A lot of people use ready-made templates to make their work easier, and create a really good product. Classics and flexibility are always welcome, but you can be original and show your creativity in your cook’s resume.

Here are examples of unique and powerful templates that will help you to present yourself in the best way:

Carryn Ze cook resume


A minimalist and creative template that can be easily adapted to a cooking resume. This resume is more suitable for women due to its design. But Carryn Ze allows you to change the colors of the template, text and all the main elements present in the template. Carryn Ze is compatible with Adobe Photoshop. It is also includes free fonts as well as a portfolio and cover letter.

Zayn Michael cook resume


Zayn Michael is another great variant of the minimalist theme with which you can easily present information about yourself. The adaptive theme is great for communicating with employers, no matter what device is used. Zayn Michael provides one-click installation. With this template, most of your content is on the home page, making your resume more convenient to view. Zayn Michael also includes a cover letter and portfolio in PSD format.

Mike Griffin cook resume


Here’s a professional template that is designed specifically for a cook’s resume. Mike Griffin is also adaptive. All elements of the template are easily customizable and editable. The template is also available in AI, PSD, EPS, and PDF formats. With Mike Griffin, creating a resume is the easiest part of applying for new jobs. You can even adjust the tab color and fonts.

Clean and Modern v02 cook resume


The simple, minimalist and modern template adapts perfectly to any type of resume. All your contact details can be found at the top of the homepage. Use the intuitive theme options bar to change colors, fonts, customize side panels, and more. The Clean and Modern theme has constant support and great features, so it definitely deserves your attention.

Ariana cook resume


Ariana is a great template for an easy and professional resume. The template can be easily customized, so you can change colors, fonts and much more without any trouble. Adaptive design is critical to the resume website, so employers can view it on phones or tablets.  Free fonts also come with the template so it is easy to customize your typography. Turn on the social networking buttons so that potential customers or employers can contact you online.

Cook resume template Theme Provider Template Category Price
Carryn Ze ROMETHEME Resume Templates $17
Zayn Michael ROMETHEME Resume Templates $17
Mike Griffin MOTOCMS Resume Templates $17
Clean and Modern v02 SMMRDESIGN Resume Templates $9
Ariana MUKHLASUR Resume Templates $9

A properly written cook’s resume is your assistant when in search of a decent job, so it is recommended to constantly develop your skills and know how to write a good resume. However, a cook’s resume - it is only a document, it will not replace the wealth of your personality, and therefore, you need to learn how to effectively self-represent during the interview.


What's a resume?

The resume is one of the most powerful job search tools. It is a summarized description of the most important facts about you for a potential employer, mainly related to your own work experience, knowledge and professional skills. It takes no more than 1-2 minutes on average to review a resume, so it is very important to get the employer's attention, interest, and motivation to award you an interview. When you create a resume, just remember that it will be your business card and resume that must distinguish you from all other job seekers.

What cooking resume should I write?

  • make a potential employer understand that this resume is the source of your biographical information and information about your professional experience
  • provide additional information that will be of interest to the employer and to prepare for a meaningful interview with you
  • this resume will answer the question of whether you meet the requirements established by the employer for the job

Do I need to add a photo to my resume?

A photo is not required for the cook, except with the requirement to have one. But if you really want to get this job position, it is good to take a quality and professional photo to include with your resume.

What should I exclude from resume?

Remember, it is better not to mention the following on your resume:

  1. Bad habits, negative character traits
  2. Excessive details about personal data, such as weight, height, names and ages of family members, and so forth
  3. Problems with the law
  4. Reasons for dismissal from previous jobs
  5. Too many requirements for working conditions

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