We all do it– searching through user testimonials and checking out star ratings before making the final shopping decision. Honest feedback from other customers has a strong impact on both first-time buyers and regular clients. Based on this knowledge, with a strong urge to facilitate your decision-making, TemplateMonster has partnered with yotpo.com to provide you with knowledge about obtaining customer reviews that matters the most.
It’s no secret that our buying choices rely heavily on fellow shoppers’ reviews. Reading product descriptions polished to perfection is always good. The latter provide a deeper insight into the theme, revealing what features and tools make it the product worthy of your attention. However, we all know that a couple of lines of text written by a shopper have a much stronger influence on buyers. Even if you don’t know someone in person, you may have a strong belief that the review and rating provided by him or her is credible. We believe that this person is on our side.
The number of TemplateMonster customer reviews left via this powerful reviewing system is growing at a fast speed. The last time when we shared a selection of user testimonials from our product pages, this number made up approximately 6,000. Now we are closing in on 10,000, which means that every third template from the gallery of over 30,000 themes now comes with a review. By leaving a feedback comment or review about a product that you’ve bought from us, you can not only share the priceless experience and help other buyers like yourself, to find their perfect website template, but also get a good discount on your next purchase.
Below you will find 10 of the most informative product reviews shared at templatemonster.com. If you want to be helpful to fellow shoppers, appear on our next chart of valuable customer reviews and receive a reasonable discount from TemplateMonster, through sharing your shopping experience with us.
Cory, 5 stars
Another Absolutely Great Template
I have purchased a lot of templates from Templatemonster.com. I have recently became interested in Woocommerce and Prestashop eCommerce platform templates and started purchasing both platforms from Templatemonster.com. Both template platforms are unique, visually appealing, and easy to work with not to mention all the features and benefits these two platforms offer. I recently purchased the Woocommerce template 53781 to utilize in the development of a clients eCommerce website. The client operates a home decor business and hopes to offer his products online. Truth be told, I love this template myself and have a personal project in mind to use it for if the client decides that they find another template more suitable for their needs. I refer Templatemonster.com to all friend, family, and associates that are hoping to design a website for whatever purpose as I have had nothing but great experiences with Templatemonster.com and the templates they offer. I not only develop websites for clients of mine, but also develop websites for my personal website projects with all the templates coming from Templatemonster.com.
Okay, sorry, I have digressed. This Woocommerce template was perfect for the project at hand as it offers many more features and benefits than the client requires allowing the client to grow into the website through future expansion that would allow the client to fully utilize all the different features that this Woocommerce template has to offer. Woocommerce is so easy to work with that I can teach the clients how to use the platform while developing their online profile. In fact, I can verify at least thirty different clients that has purchased templates from Templatemonster.com based on my referrer for different projects they may have.
Woocommerce and Prestashop are the two top eCommerce website platforms in my opinion and Templatemonster.com offers the best variety, unique, and visually appealing templates of both platforms when compared with other companies offering templates. In fact, the company offers many more products and services of than their templates which makes the values of your purchase even greater. When all the benefits and value are added up, I would say that Templatemonster easily outperforms the rest. When looking for eCommerce website templates, I automatically go to Woocommerce and Prestashop. In fact, I have several other projects in the pipeline and will be purchasing several additional templates in the very near future. Thank you Templatemonster for making life so much more easier and convenient. You have no idea of how much time (which equals money) Templatemonster have saved me. The company offers a value that you cannot find anywhere else. I will continue to be a loyal customer and will continue to purchase templates from Templatemonster.com.
Marco Galizzi, 5 stars
URL - italynaturalfood.com
Great services and wonderful templates
Hi everyone,
i recently purchased the Grocery Web Shop WooCommerce Theme for a project i'm involved to. It's an e-commerce about biological, vegan, gluten free and natural italian food. We are going to sell all over Italy, Europe and maybe in the future rest of the world. The site will be located at italynaturalfood.com url.
The project was started by a freelance webdesigner that work with Joomla, but suddenly he gave up and left the site incomplete.
My stuff and i love WordPress, so the three most important technical issues in choosing the right template for this site was:
So i suggest to my stuff to search a template on Template Monster, and after less than half an hour we find the perfect template for us.
What we love about this template is the logical section organization, either in the homepage as in the shop and product detail pages. It show everything in a clean and useful way, simplifying the process of purchasing and product selection.
The template communicate joy and freshness thanks to the clever use of colors, green and orange, very important factor for our customer satisfaction.
The template comes with fully detailed documentation and the installation is really a 2-steps process.
This is my first purchased at TemplateMonster but from now on it will be the first place where i will search for a WordPress template.
Until now there were no reason to contact tech support.
I highly recommend to all TemplateMonster services and products, 'cause they are one of the best, if not THE best.
Best regards.
Ing.G., 5 stars
Very nice template for an eshop with wedding dresses
I'm a website developer - in my own web developing company GRANDIOSOFT and I needed a template which had to meet the main requirements of our client:
This is really a very nice template for all those, who want to build an eshop with wedding dresses, bride dresses, bridesmaid dresses, suits for grooms, suits for kids, clothes for girls, etc. I really appreciate the details of this template.
We are using this template for our client, who was maximally satisfied with this design. They liked very much for example that there is a very nice zoom effect on the picture gallery under the main banner. And also looks very modern, that these images come in a bit later - after you scroll above this area - lazyload with nice effects. They also liked that this parallax effect is used a bit lower in the banner, which also gives the template a modern and cool look.
Our client was maximally satisfied with the quality of the included images, which were used in the main banner on the homepage of the template. They fit very well into the colour combination of this webdesign.
We also appreciate the reponsiveness of this desgin (responsive design), which provides a professional look on mobile equipments, such as tablets and smartphones as well.
It was easy and very comfortable to work with this template, I'm sure I will buy lot of other templates from TemplateMonster in the future, because they provide very good services, fast online chat, and very kind customer support. Go on like this TemplateMonster 🙂 I give 5 stars.
Spyros Romanos, 5 stars
You are the very best
I recently bought this template and I am going to start telling all of you the reasons. For me the best reason is because template monster made it. But of course I choose it because for me the first thingk that I look in a template is the design and this template has great design and my client loved it. The template combines the design with the simplicity and this is another reason for me to get it. The template has big pictures and this is what makes it simple and clear. I love this templates that you can see the work in big pictures. Of course my client is an architect so it fits for him very best. One more reason that I got this template is for the slider at the home page its unique and my client was asking for a slider like this so it's very important to give the client what he ask. Last reason I choose the template is the blog check it out its very well made the images zooming while you pass over with the mouse, it’s very cool.
I want to talk a little about me and the help that template monster gives me. I am a web designer but I have no experience with html css … I am going to tell you that template monster has free my hands. I can create any website i want with no programming and this is very important for me, i do this for living. Another thing that i get from template monster it’s the support. It really works they have 24 hours support and they solve any problem with the templates and more. I mean that for me in this template it was needed to access the sql base of the site from the server panel and make some changes. So they did it for me and this is more than support. I will bet with anyone that this is the best support in the planet.
Thanks a lot for the great work that you do with your templates and keep on. I don’t believe that anyone will find service and templates so good elsewhere.
For me you are the very best
On: Architecture Joomla Template #53361
Luis, 5 stars
I recently bought another Moto CMS HTML template, this should be my 7th. As always, this type of templates offers me 3 important things:
As a graphic designer I got specialized on printing designs, even digital designs, but there´s always a rule, you can´t be good at two opposing things, in this case Design and Programming, and I went for the first one.
This kind of templates you can install them very easy, just with drag and drop, maybe the first one could be tricky, but after learning how its super easy, and that´s just for the installation. Im form Mexico and spanish if my first language as you can notice by now, but the installations and admin panel can be used in different languages.
This time my client was a SPA, lucky me there was a Spa Template, so that means less work, there are many options to choose from, and choosing the right one can save you a lot of time, and about graphic design jobs, it´s all about time.
So, my client was more than satisfied, he was very amazed that I finish the site in less than 3 days, the full site with all the info and photos. Because I choose a Spa Template for a Spa business it was possible. You can check the site at http://diamondspa7.com
It also happened to me that some of the widgets or apps didn´t work properly, because of third parties issues, like google maps, but there´s always some one to assist you, anytime, with lots of support materials such as, tutorials, graphics, videos etc. everything is always updated and working properly.
Even I wish TemplateMonster had more options, like directories with categories, I love to buy from them, support and quality is the best, some times is priceless.
I give them 9.9 out of 10. I´ll keep buying with TemplateMonster.
Adam F., 5 stars
mouthwatering design that's bread on
what a template!!! it has a beautiful classic look about it and you can almost taste the goodies on it it's so visually stunning. There is a very nice texture throughout the design that mentally tells you it's a bakery it makes you almost want to touch it and feel if the texture feels like bread. It is made up of subtle colors that tie in with the concept really well. As always with all templates from template monster there is enough variety within each page to get you going, keep you going and give you options to create more pages. there is a good use of graphics and all the various layout options are on display from narrow columns to wide sliders and animated photo enlargement into lightbox, which becomes a quickly responsive slideshow. each area is divided into sensible sections which can be easily adjusted in the css. It has a good contact area with a nice big comment area and a built in map. Personally I will be using this template for a catering company. I chose it because of it's good looks and its nice layout. I am a professional web designer and these templates enable me to save time coding grids and animation, which take up a lot of time. This speeds up my workflow, but due to the flexible nature of the templates, I am able to change the template to my precise requirements. 100% again. I would always recommend template monster designs.
Cory, 5 stars
This review is for the Prestashop Template I purchased. I had been in the market for a long time for a Prestashop template that would match my needs and desires as far as look, feel, features, usability, and mechanics are concerned. The requirements were plenty and the quality options on Templatemonster.com are even more plentiful. It is very difficult to choose a template when you have so many viable options. I chose motorcycle template 53905 given that it check most of the requirements and would fulfill the needs of the project. Given that this is a personal project, I wanted to work with a template that I could mold to represent me as a business owner. I just wanted a template that would allow me to display my interest/hobbies while trying to earn an income from them as well. The templates looks professional, visually appealing, and are easy to work with not to mention that the templates saves me so much time and money.
I have been in the IT/MIS industry for more than thirteen years and have worked on many website projects since. I have purchased many templates from Template Monster and have never been disappointed. The templates are always improving and the company (Templatemonster.com) offers other products and services that coincide with their templates. Customer support is great which seals the deal for me. I am completely satisfied with Templatemonster.com and have not found another company that offer nearly as much as Templatemonster.com as far as products, services, and customer support. In addition to that, Templatemonster.com is constantly and consistently innovating and creating very useful and unique products and services.
Linda T., 5 stars
Love the look & feel of template 51305
I spent quite a bit of time on the template monster site before deciding on template 51305. As a coach consulting on communication skills, I wanted to find a template that could be fit to my needs without too much rework, that was responsive and one that I could easily tweak to fit my specific business needs. This template met all of those stipulations perfectly!
I am an entrepreneur and have been in the business of communication coaching for about 10 years now. I have used various templates for my site in the past (some previously from Template Monster) but felt at this time that my site needed an update based on recent changes in web design/searching/mobile as well as SEO functionality. I have limited web skills but find that I am able to successfully navigate the template and put up a first class site by myself with the help of the template and the functionality it offers.
I really like the clean design with a real “modern" website feel of template 51305. The template will enable me to highlight my training courses as well as my consulting business in an organized way that makes it easy for my site visitors to navigate quickly to their specific areas of interest. That is really important to me. I know from my own website use that this issue is also very important to my clients and website visitors.
I don’t yet have any suggestions for improving the template itself. One area of concern I have is that when I view the template in Dreamweaver’s design view, the letters in the slider are on top of each other. (Will provide a snapshot if desired). When viewed in “live view” all is ok. I will call customer support when I have a few minutes to work with them on this. I have in the past contacted customer support, both chat and live and found the support very beneficial and they worked with me until I was able to resolve any issues.
My site is already live but I’m still working on some of the pages I'm posting it at www.trignanoconsulting.com.
Diane C., 5 stars
Excellent template and easy process.
I recently purchased: Financial Consultancy WordPress Theme #52702 as it had all the features I was looking for: professional, clean, and the right colour scheme for my business.
This was my first time using Template Monster, and I have little experience with templates and uploading them to a hosting service. I purchased the extra installation option which was AMAZING!! I got to chat directly with someone who updated me on the progress of my new site. Once it was complete I also got an email with all the details I needed.
I am super happy with all the features on my new website, and could easily modify content and small changes to suit my business. I was really very surprised at how easy it was for someone like me without the IT background to set up a website for my business which matched exactly what I was seeking.
I highly recommend Template Monster to anyone seeking a new website - even with little IT knowledge like me. The support is fantastic, and the process is so easy and affordable.
Alessandro S., 5 stars
This template sent us back to Joomla development
As a partner and team coordinator in an Advertising agency, I´m focused in good quality of our works and delivery at time. We are used do create and develop all the work of clients, but this is not always possible, due tight schedules or low budgets. In this cases, we found TemplateMonster as a good partner to help us.
We are specialized on WordPress theming: 90% of our works are based on WordPress. But, specifically in this case, we found a good Joomla template that was perfect to our client. And we decided to went back to Joomla, a nice framework but not too friendly as WordPress.
It was a Real State website, and this theme was perfect for this use. For our happiness, this theme was very easy to install and customise: our developer took 3/4 hours to adapt the template to the key visual of our client. In less of one day, the job was finished and delivered.
It was too easy that we are considerating to start developing with Joomla again!
Another good poing of this template was the PSD included: all the changes was made directly into PSD and exported to CSS in a few minutes. We are very satisfied with this product and TemplateMonster at all.
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