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10 Top WordPress Button Plugins 2020

  1. Types of WordPress Buttons
  2. Tips for Creating a Converting WordPress Button
  3. What to Look for in a WordPress Button Plugin
  4. Best WordPress Button Plugins
  5. Sum up

What makes a web resource interactive? There are many design tools ready to realize this. Meanwhile, a tiny little thing such as a button can make miracles concerning interactivity and site converting rates.

A simple button on a site allows for performing numerous actions. Thus, it can be an instrument of passage to the next stage, or a user can accept certain terms and conditions.

Ideal buttons don't distract visitors; they are found to constantly click on them. A good button design should look natural and organic so that the user does not evaluate it at a conscious level but automatically follows the specified call. From this article, you will learn what ideal buttons should be found on the site, what they should look like, and some WordPress button plugin solutions.

Types of WordPress Buttons

There are three basic types according to their purpose:

Tips for Creating a Converting WordPress Button

Button design trends have changed during the last few years, from flat design and minimalism to various parallax and other 3D effects. Buttons almost always contain CTA, but users are far from always clicking on them. To increase clickability, you need to make them convincing.

Icons increase the efficiency of user interfaces. People perceive visual patterns of icons tens of thousands of times faster than text. This is true when the figures are depicted in transparent background. Interactive buttons prove to be very effective. The visual change of the button when you hover over it further convinces the user to take an action. These can be the change of gradients, a font color, the appearance of the cursor, or a parallax effect.

What to Look for in a WordPress Button Plugin

There are two basic ways to add buttons to your site–coding or using plugins. While for the first method you need to have some HTML or CSS skills, the second path will not require such knowledge and is rather simple. The only obstacle you'll face is the selection process of the best WordPress button plugin. There are many offerings, and we have prepared a list of the most demanded and helpful ones. Some of them are specialized in social icons, others in likes and dislikes, while some provide all types of blocks for your site. See the list and pick the best one for you.

Best WordPress Button Plugins

Buttons Shortcode and Widget

This tool has a clear and easy to use interface. Basic properties:

Developer: OTWthemes
Price: Free

WordPress Button Plugin MaxButtons

This is a free tool allowing users to get beautiful and elegant buttons. It also has over 700 top rankings and is one of the most customizable instruments. Basic properties:

Forget About Shortcode Buttons

This tool represents a way to add buttons in the rich text editor instead of adding shortcodes in the post editor. This approach contributes to making the process more realistic. Basic properties:

Developer: Code Amp
Price: Free

Shortcodes Ultimate

This is another highly rated WordPress button plugin. Namely, this is the tool providing a collection of various visual and functional elements. You can devise not only buttons but also tabs, boxes, sliders, carousels, videos, and more. Basic properties:


The laconic name of this tool reflects the simplicity of its use. With its help, you can generate buttons and customize them. Basic properties:

Developer: BurgerThemes
Price: Free

Ultimate Blocks – Gutenberg Blocks Plugin

Aside from a button block, it has a number of blocks helpful for marketers and bloggers. Basic properties:


This WordPress button plugin is another tool for Gutenberg. With its help, you can add custom high-quality blocks to your page. Basic properties:

Social Share Icons & Social Share Buttons

This instrument allows creating the social share icons and is very simple for exploitation. Basic components:

Social Media Share Buttons & Social Sharing Icons

This is another tool to add social media buttons for a variety of networks. Main properties:

WP Ulike

This tool will help you integrate like and dislike buttons on your site. If you want to add any kind of voting to your site, then this plugin will come in handy. Basic features:

Sum up

Website design is one of the most significant aspects of internet marketing. The share of performance depends on how easy it is to navigate your page and how well it is thought out. Regardless of whether you are selling something or not, you are always doing commercial work. Even if visitors are not fully informed, they evaluate everything by the design of the site. Buttons are one of the important elements of a beautiful design. If they are well-designed and generally suited to blog topics, users will be more likely to use them.

Therefore, you need more than just buttons. They should be beautiful and guide conversion from your landing pages.

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