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Breathe Life to Your Design With a Trendy Plaid Pattern

Plaid pattern. When starting to work on the next creative project, web designers are sometimes looking for brand new solutions to spice up their design. This is where patterns can be advantageous and yield benefits. They have recently been back in web design and are in great demand among the creatives. Carefully designed, patterns can add realism to the site and make it stand out. When patterns are closely related to information, architecture, and coding, they can make a website more dynamic.

Among other patterns, plaid is one of the most widespread in the world. It is used in web design every day, and available in almost every color and shade. While leveraging this pattern for your project, you have the chance to make people keep an eye on it for longer. So, if you feel like this is right for you, read on our expert guide to the plaid pattern in web design.

  1. Unlimited Downloads of Plaid Patterns and Other Graphics
  2. Plaid Establishment: a Brief Story
  3. What’s Inside?
  4. How to Use Plaid Patterns in Web Design?
  5. Plaid Patterns Showcase
  6. Other Patterns to Inspire You
  7. Wrapping It Up

Unlimited Downloads of Plaid Patterns and Other Graphics⬇️

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Plaid Establishment: a Brief Story

You may be surprised, but plaid is not an original name of the pattern. First, it was called a tartan when Scottish people needed a term to properly describe the individual colors and patterns used for clothes within different clans. At the same time, plaids referred to traveling overcoats worn in winter. As soon as the tartan pattern became popular among British and American textile producers, it was soon replaced by the “plaid” term. Since that time, plaid has taken a leading position and seems like it will never be out, no matter if it is the textile industry or web design.

What’s Inside?

Now that you have read a brief story of plaid becoming popular all over the world, it’s high time to consider what actually makes it so famous. Let’s have a look at the plaid pattern from the designer’s viewpoint.

Plaid Colors

Color is a core element of a good plaid design. There are unlimited color combinations that make it a favorite pattern of all web designers who are eager to experiment. Color combinations may vary from neutral to vibrant depending on the project idea and message it tries to communicate. Just as clothes can tell a lot about the person who wears it, the plaid pattern allows for making a brand recognizable among broad masses.

Web designers, in their turn, have an opportunity to mix up to six colors which let them create an absolutely unique design. They can mix the colors until the result goes well with the other elements of the project.


When it comes to a pattern of plaid design, it may tell a lot about your creativity and the urge to experiment. The patterns can range in color, although the principle idea of design remains the following: horizontal and vertical stripes layer creating halftone mix. This halftone technique is highly visible in digital art—designers have access to the elements of plaid, like lines, rectangles, symmetric patterns, to add dynamic to their projects. Consequently, they have the freedom to create a fully inimitable look.

Types of Plaids

Plaid is not a single name used for this specific pattern. There are at least a few different names characterizing plaid variations. So, let’s get to them.

To sum up, color combinations, bandwidth and pattern density are directly connected to a certain group of the audience. No matter if you are selecting clothes or colors to use for a website, you have an opportunity to express yourself through colors, patterns, and textures, and hence turn to a target audience.

How to Use Plaid Patterns in Web Design?

Today, you can push a few buttons and get a plaid design. While computers and certain software make the process relatively simple, they still can neither replace a human eye nor display a natural taste and aesthetic.  But what they can do is facilitate the process of creating a plaid-like design.

With most of computer design software, such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, PlaidMaker, etc., you'll access light, medium and dark shades of major colors. If you are new to the plaid pattern, it is ideal to start from using them. After reaching the tartan-like design, you can start picking shades more carefully. When you are completely finished with your first pattern, don’t rush to implement it into your project. Play around with the existing design, change colors, remove one line and add another, so you end up with a few patterns and will be able to choose the one that suits your project.

In short, you can use a plaid pattern for different design purposes. For instance, it can be used for:

Plaid Patterns Showcase

On the Internet, there are a lot of free and premium plaid templates that you can easily use for your design projects. Because they are all fully editable, you can apply changes to any of them if needed. For that, use Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator.

So, let’s have a look at some of the templates available at your disposal.

Tartan seamless vector patterns

14 Christmas Plaid and Checkered Patterns

Red White and Blue Plaid Patterns

Camp Plaid Pattern

Halloween Plaids, Dots & Patterns

Other Patterns to Inspire You

Aside from plaid patterns, you may want more options for your design. This is why we’ve decided to save you the hassle of finding some other pattern ideas and put them in one place. Go and have a look at them. Who knows, maybe there is one that would suit your project design perfectly.

8 Leopard Pattern

This animalistic pattern is perfect to use for printed fabric design as well as wallpaper prints and scrapbooking. The collection includes eight print-ready pattern designs; each has individual EPS and JPEG high-resolution files. By using it for your project, you’ll make it stand out among competitors.

High Definition Floral Bundle Pattern

This pattern design is suitable for any kind of web project, no matter if it is modern and contemporary, vintage or traditional. Wedding stationery, packaging, branding and logos are just a few options you can use this pattern for. Floral patterns are equipped with highly-organized layers with elements separated into details, which allows for simple editing and recoloring.

Geometric Luxurygold Pattern

Those of you who want to acquire a pattern for an outstanding brand presentation will find this product a perfect solution. This set of patterns is good for cards, posts, blog elements, fabrics and more. Inside the package, you will find ten various designs in two styles comprising luxury gold pattern with transparent background and white pattern with luxury gold background. With this creative pattern design, you’ll create a remarkable design that boosts the interest of potential clients.

Graphics Pattern

If you prefer the nature-like design, this set of patterns will come in handy. It is a great solution for business cards, phone covers, notebooks, prints and printed fabrics. With a set of twelve seamless patterns, you will be able to play around with the design using Photoshop or Illustrator. All the elements are vector and each element has the individual file, which makes the editing process hassle-free.

MALINA 36 Seamless Pattern

This is one of the fullest pattern sets comprising thirty-six designs. The patterns are hand-drawn and ideal for cards, flyers, posts and blog elements. Taking them for your design project, you’ll be able to create a creative and outstanding product that draws attention to design. Every single element in the pack is fully editable and requires Photoshop or Illustrator to adjust.

36 Blur Backgrounds Pattern

Another full-pack set of patterns refers to blur backgrounds in the amount of thirty-six elements. It is ideal for a graphic project and other web solutions that require a magnificent background. Consider all these backgrounds to choose the one that would perfectly suit your project idea and apply it at the push of a button.

Graphics Pattern

This is another solution for a web background, which will make your project stand out. Inside the package, you will find a seamless watercolor background set comprising six designs, a bunch of different colors, as well as transparent, white and textured options. Everything you may need for creating an eye-catching background is gathered in one pack.

4 Organic Shape Awesome Backgrounds Pattern

If you require a graphic solution for printing projects, stationery designs and web backgrounds, have a look at these organic-shape patterns. It contains four background elements available in JPEG files available for pixel-based programs including Photoshop. The editing process will not take a lot of effort, so you will be able to work on the design on the fly.

4 Organic Shape Pastel Background Pattern

Another organic shape pattern will be a good fit for everyone who is looking for a non-flashy design. Like the previous set, this one is suitable for printing, stationery, backgrounds on websites and blogs. It comes with four different patterns that can be edited in Photoshop at the push of a button. So, have a look at this design if you need something that would emphasize your design. 

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Geometric Rosegold Pattern

A geometric pattern aims to make a design classy and boost the interest of potential clients to it. The pattern is good for printing materials, backgrounds and stationary. Its rose gold color will emphasize the advantages of the product or web design greatly. Give it a try if you are looking for a pattern to make the project unique. 

Sacred Geometry Mandala Creator Patterns Bundle

It is not exactly a pattern, but rather an add-on for Adobe Illustrator software. More than one hundred distinctive patterns with action scripts, thirty-one pre-made geometry symbols, quick video tutorials, and unlimited licenses are all included in the pack. This set has been created for your full artistic freedom, so get started to build the most beautiful designs right away. 

Wrapping It Up

After getting familiarized with the plaid pattern closer, you will have no chance to skip using it for your design. With a modern and classy look, it aims to bring more dynamic to your project as well as make it stand out in a crowd. With a plaid pattern implemented to your design, you have a chance to express yourself to the fullest and attract more potential clients.

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