Upwork Agency. Interface and Opportunities of the World’s Leading Freelancing Website [Free eBook]

Everyone who is somehow related to the web design and development industry has heard about Upwork. That's one of the most popular freelancing platforms where businesses and creative professionals collaborate remotely. This is a simple, quick and cost-effective way to find new clients, get hire or work independently with customizers from any place on earth. And what do you know about the way the platform is structured? What is it like to be one of the freelancers from the Upwork agency? Our brand-new free eBook from TemplateMonster is already here to give you the answers.

Any creative and talented freelancers available here? If you have reached this post, I believe you fit in with this characteristics.

What's Upwork

Upwork is a huge freelancing platform that appeared several years ago as a result of Elance and oDesk teaming up with one another. The company claims to gain its position of the premier freelancing websites for top companies to hire and work with the most talented creative independent professionals around the world.

  • There are more than 12 million registered freelancers and more than 5 million registered clients.
  • There are more than 3 million jobs posted annually.
  • More than $1 billion is earned on an annual basis.

What's an Upwork Agency

An Upwork agency is a unique business that is created to coordinate the work of freelancers and an offline company that are related to one project.

Every Upwork agency is made up of exclusive and non-exclusive freelancers, each of whom fulfills a certain role. For example, there is an Owner of an agency, Admin, Business and Financial managers, and contractors.

Depending on the appointed role, different members of agencies have different rights, obligations, and permissions. For example, an exclusive freelancer can accept invites, run personal work diary, view work diaries of other freelancers, and access Agency reports. However, he cannot accept offers (those are appointed by the admin or the owner), change member roles, withdraw funds from an agency account, change privacy settings of other members, etc.

Owners and admins of Upwork agencies have more rights and obligations compared to others members. These are the only members of agencies who can hire or dismiss freelancer, set the hourly rates for exclusive freelancers, and manage roles in agencies.

It's All about Reputation

One of the most common questions that business owners search in Google is how to find a reputable freelancer on Upwork. It's avid that the higher score one is given, the higher chances to get hired he has. However, on Upwork not only freelancers but also agencies are given a score. Moreover, new freelancers who join Upwork agencies are given the agency score until the moment they receive their own contracts.

There is more hidden truth about the way freelancers and agencies are rated. See more details in the eBook and don't forget to check out our other free ebooks 😉

These were just a few of the highlighted topics discussed and explained in the eBook. Take a quick look at the table of contests to see more of what's inside.

  1. General Information
  2. Agency Roles
  3. Staff management
  4. Agency reputation. JSS and badges
  5. Agency profile
  6. Freelancer status
  7. Agency Fees
  8. Upwork Agency Connects
  9. Invitation to Interview
  10. Sending cover letters
  11. Chats with agency clients
  12. Contracts of agency contractors
  13. Reports, stats, and information available in the agency
  14. Upwork Agency Finances
  15. Agency Teams
  16. How to Earn More on Upwork

Download the eBook for free to get a better understanding of how Upwork agencies work. Forewarned is forearmed. Learn the hidden truth and become one of those top-earning freelancers on Upwork.

Upwork Agencies. Interface and Opportunities [Free eBook]

Katherine Crayon

copywriter reporting on tech news and all aspects of the web design industry. Anyone looking for more inspirational posts, tips and advice or simply the latest industry news, meet her in person on Quora and Twitter.

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