WordPress Give plugin the Comprehensive Donation Solution 2020

  1. How and when a donation plugin like WordPress Give plugin should be used?
  2. Why is WordPress Give plugin so important?
  3. How to choose the plugin, if the WordPress Give plugin isn’t an option?
  4. The WordPress Give plugin and its’ alternatives
  5. WordPress Give plugin FAQ

Websites are great when you need to provide people with information. However, they are also great when you want to help someone (or even yourself) financially. You can accept donations from people who want to support you and the WordPress Give plugin is one of the best options to do that. There may be different reasons to start accepting donations:

  • You may want to collect some money to help someone (protect animals)
  • You are an artist or a musician or a developer and you may need some money to buy new equipment or software

WordPress Give plugins.

Donations are great when you want to support someone. Usually, a donation module handles everything so the person who wants to donate can do it quite fast and without having any issues. According to nonprofitssource.com online giving in 2017 reached $31 billion. The number of people who donate to support someone or something is quite large and it is still growing.

Donations are a good way to show support. Therefore, if you create something new and interesting, you should add the donation feature. It will not only help you raise funds, but you can also see how much people like your project.

How and when a donation plugin like WordPress Give should be used

There are two major options here.

The first opportunity to use this plugin is when you have a website and you want to help someone else. For example, you may want to save animals. You can use a special plugin to raise some money for a group that helps some endangered species. Then you will give all the money you get from donations.

The second way to use the plugin is when you ask people to help you with something. For example, you are a software developer and you want to ask people to donate if they like your software. You may also have a music band and your website may be used not only to tell people about your music, but you can also use it to raise some money for new equipment or touring costs. You can install the WordPress Give plugin and ask your fans to give you some money, which you can spend on entertaining them with more music. A donation plugin is also great if you run a non-profit like an animal shelter. It may require much money so donations can be quite useful for your cause.

Of course, installing a donation plugin is just one of the steps. Your website should provide people with some important information about your cause – a person wants to know how you are going to spend their money. It’s important to provide people with all the important information – why you need the money and what you plan to spend it on. It would be also great to show the total donation amount and set some goals. For example, you need to get at least $300 to buy new equipment.

It’s also important to show how you already spent money that was given to you. Again, if you have an animal shelter, you can post some photos that show what you bought. If you have a music band, add some photos that demonstrate new instruments, equipment, etc.

You shouldn’t ignore your website design either. It should look modern. The page should load fast, so you need to avoid adding too many elements. Of course, creating a theme takes some time even if you are a professional. Luckily, you can take a template and modify it. Please, consider checking our templates – you can find various ready-to-use themes here. You can easily modify them to fit your personal style and goals. You can customize various components. It’s possible to change their size, colors, style, etc. All the themes come with everything you may need to create a nice looking website. The great thing about these themes is that they are completely optimized, so you don’t need to worry about performance. Moreover, you can create mobile-friendly websites. After customizing all the elements, you can install a plugin, like the WordPress Give plugin and you are good to go.

Keep in mind that website design influences visitors’ behavior. If your website is optimized (it loads fast) and it’s easy to use (a visitor can easily find what they need), it may become more popular, which means more people will see your website and start donating.

The great thing about the WP platform is that it’s open and you can find numerous plugins. If you work with WooCommerce, then you can install a WooCommerce donation plugin and raise some money as well. A plugin handles donations so you don’t need to worry about it. However, you need to do everything possible to make people want to donate and it can be quite challenging. Again, here are some important ideas (they are quite general and obvious):

  • Inform your visitors (tell them why you need the money and what you will spend it on)
  • Show how you spent money after the fact

It’s extremely important to build trust between you and your visitors – be fair. There are no plugins that can help you build trust. That part is up to you.

Why is the WordPress Give plugin so important?

Plugins can make everything a lot easier. Do you want to add new features? A plugin will help. Do you want to make website management easier? A plugin can be very helpful here as well. Plugins can improve your website, as you can easily add new features. There are several places where you can find a plugin for your WP website. Check the official WP plugin page. However, you should also check some additional pages as well. Please consider checking the plugins from Template Monster and don’t ignore this page as well.

Luckily, the plugin installation process is quite easy and it doesn’t take much time, especially if you use the official page. However, you can also install a plugin manually. Please, check our quick and easy-to-follow guide that shows how to install plugins.

Developers do everything possible to make sure their plugins work as they should. Modern donation plugins (like the WordPress Give plugin) are made to make donation processing easier for web designers. A plugin will do everything to make sure you get the money. Moreover, modern plugins guarantee a high level of protection, so visitors shouldn’t worry about anything.

It’s extremely important to provide visitors with the highest level of data protection. It’s another important factor when it comes to building trust between a website designer and a visitor. A visitor has to be sure that they can trust your website and they won’t lose their money to a scam.


How to choose a plugin, if the WordPress Give plugin isn’t an option

Choosing the right plugin can be quite a task. The main challenge is to find a solution that will meet your requirements. Of course, you want to find something that meets all your requirements completely. However, there are some basic requirements that every plugin should meet:

  • Data protection (you have to be sure that all the data is protected)
  • Efficiency (the plugin has to work properly and provide you with the necessary result)

It’s important to check the plugins description sections before you download or install them. Please spend some time and read everything carefully. Create a list with the plugins that you think would be perfect for you. Don’t hesitate to check official forums or websites for plugins – you can find some additional information there. You can also check what other users think of the plugin.

Consider using the plugins that are updated regularly. Finding the right option may take some time. Keep in mind that developers can add new features and improve their plugins at any time. Therefore, you should update the plugin regularly.

The WordPress Give plugin and its’ alternatives

There are many donation plugins available. Here are some of them:

WordPress Give plugin

This is one of the most popular donation plugins. It is very flexible – you can make it work with various services or third-party gateways. It has some amazing donation forms (which can be customized using the administrator panel). It also comes with various tools that allow you to manage donors or accept donations. The great thing is that this plugin uses your theme style so it integrates seamlessly in terms of design. You can also set goals or set giving amounts, etc. This plugin provides you with all the necessary information – you can see who donated and when it happened. All the forms are optimized, so you shouldn’t worry about performance. It supports various payment options (including the offline option). The plugin is easy to install and use.


The Charitable plugin is another flexible and powerful solution when you need to deal with donations. This is a fast plugin that can help you start a fundraising campaign within seconds. It allows you to start as many campaigns as you need. You can also set goals. The plugin can create time-sensitive campaigns so they will end automatically. It also uses the website style (just like the WordPress Give plugin) so it integrates seamlessly. It also supports various payment options. This solution is compatible with the GDPR Cookie Compliance plugin. This plugin provides you with various reports, so you can get all the information you need about your campaign.

Woo Donations

Here’s a powerful WooCommerce donation plugin. It’s very powerful and flexible. It’s compatible with WordPress Multisite installs. You can use a certain product as a donation from the list that includes products. You can change the location where the donation form is displayed. You can also customize the button color. The plugin allows you to modify the button text and its color. This is a great option if you use WooCommerce and you need to incorporate donations.

Developer: rajkakadiya
Price: Free

PayPal Donations

This is a great solution when you need to work with PayPal, which is one of the most popular payment systems. This plugin adds a nice widget that you can customize (you can set a new title, add a description, etc.). You can also customize currency and create a custom page style. This is a good, small but very powerful option. However, it works with PayPal only. If you want to provide potential donors with other options then you may need to find something else. However, this plugin is great if you work solely with PayPal.

Donations via PayPal
Donations via PayPal
Developer: mra13
Price: Free


This plugin is quite easy to install and use and it’s quite powerful. You can easily add payment forms. This plugin supports different payment types:

  • Static – a person donates a set amount of money
  • Dynamic – a person chooses an amount
  • Custom – a person enters the amount manually

This plugin is great not only for charity, but it can be used to accept online payments for products and services. The plugin processes recurring payments automatically, so you don’t need to worry about anything. It supports custom fields, so you can get additional information from donors – you can add a text field, an email field, a button, etc.

Here’s a quick table to provide you with the main information about the plugins (please keep in mind that developers work on their plugins so the information may change).

Plugin name Active installations WP version Tested up to Rating Multiple languages PHP version
WordPress Give plugin 70,000+ 4.8 or higher 5.3.2 5 Yes, 16 5.6 or higher
Charitable 10,000+ 4.1 or higher 5.3.2 5 Yes, 11
Woo Donations 1,000+ 3.0.1 or higher 5.3.2 3.5 5.2.4 or higher
PayPal Donations 50,000+ 3.0 or higher 5.3.2 5 Yes, 3
Paytium 3,000+ 3.6.1 or higher 5.3.2 5 Yes, 2 5.6 or higher

If you are an artist or a musician or a software developer, donations can be very helpful. You can buy new software or equipment. Various plugins can make the entire process of donations management much easier so you don’t need to worry about anything. A plugin will process all the necessary data. However, it’s up to you to make people want to donate – impress them and show them that you won’t waste their money.

WordPress Give plugin FAQ

How do you install the plugin?

You can do it automatically or manually – please check our article.

WordPress Give plugin FAQ


You can do it automatically or manually – please check our article.


It’s all about promoting your campaign and providing people with as much information as possible. Be fair and tell why it is important to donate (for example, to save animals, to help you buy new equipment, etc.). Fill your website with useful content.


Please check the official website.


Add [campaigns] into the page content.

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An experienced marketing specialist, traveler, and lifestyle blogger. In the rapidly changing and constantly growing digital world, it's important to keep an eye on innovations in the field. Follow me on Quora and Facebook for the latest updates.

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