Top 5 WordPress Quiz Test Plugins 2020 – The “Let-Me-Ask-You-Something Compilation”

  1. Reasons to use a WordPress quiz test plugin
  2. What should you consider when you create a WordPress quiz test?
  3. The most popular WordPress quiz test plugins

A quiz is a good option for your website if you want to get information from a user or you want to make your web page more entertaining. Some websites have quizzes as their main elements, but you can use it to know what customers think about your company, a product, or service. Overall, it’s another way to get information from a visitor that you can use to improve something.

WordPress quiz test.

Entertaining quiz tests are quite popular and they may become the focus point of your website.

We can split a quiz test into two parts:

  • Something that a user sees – there are questions and answers
  • Something that processes the users’ answers – the “logic” that will provide a user with a result

The WP platform is super versatile and you can create almost anything you want. Of course, a quiz test is no exception. However, you need to have some solid coding knowledge to make everything work correctly.

You can easily find a powerful WordPress quiz maker that will meet all your requirements. Therefore, you don’t need to worry about anything. Please, consider checking the official plugins page – there are hundreds of them.


Reasons to use a WordPress quiz test plugin

One of the key reasons why people use WP is that it’s incredibly easy to use and you don’t need to know how to code. If you aren’t familiar with coding then a good plugin will help you. You can easily add a quiz widget that will work properly. Again, you don’t need to write a single line of code.

Therefore, the main reasons why you should use a special plugin are:

  • You get a fully working element – it will look as you want it to and you don’t need to create the “test logic” that will analyze the answers to provide the visitors with information
  • It speeds up the entire process – plugins are user-friendly, so you can easily add the necessary element without any trouble
  • A plugin lets you modify everything easily so you can add new questions or create a brand new test

The main idea of using a plugin is to make the whole process easier. Therefore, you don’t need to worry about the technical side of the project – the plugin creates an element that has all the necessary logic (a visitor sees variable options, chooses one of them, and the input data is processed to generate the output information).

What should you consider when you create a WordPress quiz test?

This is when everything becomes more complicated. What questions should you ask? What answers should you include? How do you treat the results? There are many other questions as well depending on your situation.

Here are certain factors you need to keep in mind when you create a quiz:

  • A clear objective

Tests can teach, evaluate, or entertain. Teaching may include questions related to a new product, while entertaining is typically made for fun only. Evaluation quizzes are great when you want to know if a person meets certain requirements.

  • The questions

A question should be clear; you have to avoid any ambiguity. The question shouldn’t be too long – it should include necessary information only. If you have an entertaining quiz – make the questions fun.

  • The answers

Avoid ambiguity. Don’t forget about adding gradation – it can make the results more precise. Again, the answers shouldn’t be too long or way too short.

  • The time to complete the test

It shouldn’t include too many questions – ask the right questions only. It would be a good option to add the questions counter as well. Some visitors may not want to spend 20-40 minutes just answering questions.

It would be a good option to learn about some quizzes. Consider checking this test and pay attention to what questions are asked.

Another important factor is the quiz layouts. Make sure that the quiz widget element doesn’t stand out. It should look like an inseparable element of your website. Again, consider checking various other tests to see how all the elements are arranged – make sure your quiz looks great and everything is easy to read.

Consider getting one of the themes that are great for such occasions. Of course, such templates can be easily modified to create exactly what you need. A template allows you to add, remove, or customize various elements to create a unique page.

The most popular WordPress quiz test plugins

Here are some of the plugins that can help you:

Quiz and Survey Master

This is a versatile solution that allows you to customize various elements. It can create tests with multiple-choice, false and true questions, number, fill in the blank, etc. You can add an unlimited amount of result screens. The plugin can also send emails with the test results. A user can share their results on social networks. It has many other features that can help you create different kinds of tests.

HD Quiz

This one helps you create tests quickly and easily. It may use image-based answers, animated GIFs can be used for questions or answers, a timer, random questions, answers order, etc. This plugin creates mobile-friendly quiz tests. Developers continue to work on the plugin and they add new features to make this plugin even more versatile.

HD Quiz
HD Quiz
Developer: Harmonic Design
Price: Free

Quiz Maker

This is an easy-to-use WordPress quiz test plugin to create tests with unlimited questions. The question types include single choice, dropdown, number, text, multiple-choice, etc. it can randomize questions and answers as well. It uses the question bank system (you can have 50 questions in total, but the test will choose to show 10 of them only). You can also disable data storing, so it doesn’t use your database. It includes an informative and customizable results form.

There are two versions available – “Free” and “Pro”. The “Pro” version has many advanced features, like image answers, user location, exporting results to CSV files, custom attributes, etc.

Quiz Maker
Quiz Maker
Developer: ays-pro
Price: Free

Watu Quiz

This plugin is completely mobile-friendly. You can create quizzes, exams, and tests easily. You can use open-end questions, single- and multiple-choice questions. This plugin uses the questions pool – it chooses questions randomly. It can import questions from CSV files and export the test results to CSV files. A visitor can share their results on Facebook. The plugin can also notify an administrator when a visitor takes a quiz.

It’s available in a “Free” or a “Pro” version.

Watu Quiz
Watu Quiz
Developer: Bob
Price: Free

Opinion Stage

Here’s a good WordPress quiz test plugin when you need to create quizzes, polls, or surveys. It comes with various templates that you can use as a starting point. You can customize colors and fonts. You can also use the CSS override feature. It can work with CSV and XLS file formats. This plugin is compatible with social networks. It has a branch logic feature – the question a visitor gets is determined on the previous answer. The plugin optimizes its elements based on the device used – and it’s completely mobile-friendly.

The last element (but not the least) of the whole process is to choose the correct design. Again, you can simplify the whole process by choosing a template. You can customize various elements and make a unique website with a nice quiz test. Please consider checking out our templates.

Of course, your website may include many elements. Various plugins can facilitate the whole process of creating a web page. As you can see, adding a new element isn’t that challenging. A quiz test can make your page more user-friendly and it can also provide you with important information. Especially if you sell something and you want to know what people think about your products or how you can improve your services. Such elements can be a nice addition to different kinds of websites. If you are a musician you can add a quiz to learn what people expect from you. If you have a website dedicated to various movies – you can learn what people think of different movies. It helps to make your website more user-friendly and fun, which also can attract new visitors.

Best Plugins For A New WordPress Site [Free Ebook]

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An experienced marketing specialist, traveler, and lifestyle blogger. In the rapidly changing and constantly growing digital world, it's important to keep an eye on innovations in the field. Follow me on Quora and Facebook for the latest updates.

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