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Some Wiki & Knowledge Base Plugins for WordPress Website

WordPress Website
  1. Installing a knowledge base on your site
  2. Wiki plugins for your WordPress website

Installing a knowledge base on your site

Today I want to tell you how to install the Wiki knowledge base on your WordPress website. Wiki knowledge base can be created in case you want to add a special section to your site. It can be anything. The most common example is creating a glossary. The easiest way to create such a knowledge base for a new website is to install a special theme. It can be installed in a subfolder, like “”, or on a subdomain, like “”. After this is done just activate the theme. The biggest drawback is that you won’t be able to use this theme on your main site. You’ll need to install it on a subdomain or in a subfolder because the theme probably won’t really match your design and you definitely don’t want your main site to be defined as a Wiki.

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Wiki plugins for your WordPress website

If you want to add a knowledge base to an existing site, then the best option is to install a special plugin. The knowledge base, in this case, will already have its own custom post type with headings and tags. Your advantage here is that you can implement the Wiki functionality in the design of the existing site, so it will match your design. Also, the plugins usually come with their own voting system, their own widgets, drag-n-drop functionality and many other features.

I’ll skip an overview of all existing Wiki themes, as this article is devoted to plugins. You can visit our WordPress plugins section I bet you will find a suitable item there.

Most of the paid ones work right out of the box. Free themes usually require some extra tweaking, but if you’ve used WordPress themes before there shouldn’t be any problems.

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