Catering Resume Samples: How to Write a Good Resume? [Examples Provided]

  1. Let’s Make Your Catering Resume “Live” Longer
  2. A Personal Website as a Catering Resume
  3. Catering Resume Templates

Catering resume. Catering is a popular service. It’s impossible to imagine certain events without catering. Important events require a professional-level catering service. The competition among companies that provide this kind of service is quite high. If you want to become a part of these companies, you need to have an impressive catering resume.

Writing a resume is always challenging. There are numerous factors and details to consider. You may spend days learning all the rules to write a nice resume, but this doesn’t mean that your resume will be 100% successful and you will get the job you want. A properly made resume will certainly increase your chances of getting a job. Moreover, you may not have enough experience to get the job you want, or you may have none of the skills required by the job you’re applying for. At the same time, you shouldn’t underestimate your resume’s style. If it’s properly made a recruiter will notice it.

It’s important to mention that a recruiter spends around seven seconds to study your resume. This means that your catering resume has to impress a recruiter and make them want to study it attentively. It’s difficult to say what exactly makes recruiters spend more time on your resume. There are only some general tips that can make your resume “stay” longer without it being thrown away.

Let’s Make Your Catering Resume “Live” Longer

When you write a caterer resume you should consider the following factors:

  • No creativity. Keep in mind that a resume is a document. It’s important to include important information only.
  • Information. You need to provide an employer with the necessary information. You need to tell them how you can help the company—this is when you need to include as much information as necessary without mentioning any unnecessary facts. An employer doesn’t want to know how good you were at school. The resume should be laconic and informative. It has to be one page long if you look for the first job or two pages long if you already have some experience.
  • Don’t add too many photos.
  • Don’t focus on your achievements too much. These tips can help make your caterer resume stand out in a good way. Therefore, a recruiter will spend more time on it and study it carefully. Nevertheless, there are other nuances that you need to keep in mind:
  • File format. It may be a good option to use a .pdf file. This file format can be used by software that some companies use to find employers. Moreover, .pdf files always look correctly on different devices. If you want to print your resume, then you should consider using a file format that supports vector elements (you can scale them without losing quality). Don’t forget about Microsoft Office file formats as well.
  • Grammar. Check your catering resume several times to make sure that it has zero mistakes. Consider using online tools that check grammar. A caterer has to be attentive.
  • Formatting. A resume has to be easy to read. You can use various ways to divide the page visually. You can use whitespaces, bullet points, etc. You can add some colorful sections. You also need to find a readable font. However, you shouldn’t be too creative. Numerous colorful sections will make your resume look less serious.
  • Personal pronouns. You should avoid them when possible. You should focus on an employer.
  • The reverse chronological order. When you write about your experience, you need to use the reverse order—start with the recent position. This section should include crucial information only, like your position, the company name, the work period, responsibilities and your key achievements.

Your resume should also include information about your education and key skills. Don’t forget to mention your language proficiency (it may be important if you want to work in another country). It’s important to include catering certifications.

Don’t forget the contact information section—you should include your phone number, e-mail or even your social media link. Your page may include the photos that demonstrate your skills.

An important section is “soft skills.” A caterer has to interact with other people. You need to make sure that you satisfy everyone. You also need to deal with non-standard situations or problems. Some of the key soft skills may include:

  • Stamina;
  • Strength;
  • Friendly attitude;
  • Personal hygiene;
  • Confidentiality;
  • Etc.

When writing a catering resume, you should also mention the summary and objective.

  • If you already have some experience, then you should include a summary. You need to write about your experience and achievements. This section should include some details. Add some numbers for the recruiter to understand your experience better. “Catered numerous events” won’t impress anyone. “Successfully catered over 200 events with over 120 guests” is more detailed and helps you to understand what experience you have.
  • If you look for the first job, then you should include the objective. You need to mention what you want to achieve working for the company.

It may be a better idea to write the summary and objective sections later when the whole resume is ready. You will get a better idea of what you need to include.

Don’t forget to check all the information again. Make sure everything is correct. Check grammar. Check the contact information section.

Again, the tips mentioned above will make your resume look more professional and impressive. However, it doesn’t mean that you will get the job you want. You may not have the necessary soft skills, or someone may have more experience than you. Don’t give up and you will get the job you want.

A Personal Website as a Catering Resume

Websites are often used to provide people with information. Nowadays, you have numerous options to create a personal website. A website can be used as a resume to show your skills. This can be also a great option if you have a catering company and you want to promote your services. The best thing about modern web technologies is that you can create a website without any coding. The whole process is simple. You download a template, modify it and you have a personal website.

That’s how simple it is. You can easily drag and drop the necessary elements to create a website. It’s quite easy.

Catering Resume Templates

Just like with websites you can save some time by getting a template and modifying it. You can modify a template—change colors, add your photo, etc. Then, you need to fill various sections with the necessary information. Here’s a place where you can get some stunning templates. These templates are easy to modify. Here are some of them:

Name Short description Features
Brenner Here’s a minimalist template. It doesn’t use any colors. You can also add a photo. Multiple file formats: MS Word, .eps, .ai, .pdf

Resume and cover letter page

Two-page design

Free fonts are used

Print-ready 300 DPI, CMYK, A4 size

PDF help file is included

Jane Professional This template looks modern with some smooth shapes. A photo can be included. Resume and cover letter page

Multiple file formats: MS Word (.doc and .docx), .eps, .ai

Free fonts are used

Print-ready 300 DPI, CMYK, A4 size

Multiple layers and objects are used

Luna Adorno It has three large sections, which are divided into smaller ones. It doesn’t include any colorful elements. Two-page template

Cover letter and reference page

Multiple file formats: MS Word, Pages, .psd, .eps

Help file

Free fonts are used

Print-ready 300 DPI, CMYK, A4 size

Vector elements are used—you can scale them without losing quality

Bleeds and guides are included

Rohan A modern template with some colorful elements. It has many sections where you can add the necessary information. Resume and cover letter

Free fonts are used

Print-ready 300 DPI, CMYK, A4 size

Multiple file formats: MS Word, .ai, .eps

Support file is included

Easy to change colors

Daniela It hasn’t any unnecessary elements. However, it still has all the necessary sections where you can include the information you need. Two-page template

Cover letter

Multiple file formats: MS Word, Pages, .psd, .eps

Free fonts are used

Instruction file

Print-ready 300 DPI, CMYK, A4 size

Bleeds and guides are included

Vector elements are used

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An experienced marketing specialist, traveler, and lifestyle blogger. In the rapidly changing and constantly growing digital world, it's important to keep an eye on innovations in the field. Follow me on Quora and Facebook for the latest updates.

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