Complete Guide to Best Lawyer Website: Tips, Tricks, and Law Firm WordPress Templates

The times when people were seeking for a law firm in the yellow pages or newspapers are now long gone. No modern company can stay visible and efficient if it has no website. Almost every adult in every big city on Earth has a smartphone and access to the internet. Seeking for, literally, everything is now only the matter of a few seconds. So, if you are a lawyer or own a law firm – you need a solid and attractive website to be profitable.

Of course, you can hire a professional web developer to create a website from scratch for you. But that will cost a lot because such kind of work is time and efforts consuming, so it will never be cheap. It could become an issue if your budget is low. Besides that, “if you want something to be done well – do it for yourself” – isn’t it? It could be a really wise decision to try and create a website for yourself. It is not that complicated as you think, and I am going to show you all the basics, tips and examples that could help and inspire you.

Cool presentation ideas can speak a thousand words. Professional presentation design is twice more effective.

First steps in creating the best lawyer website

law firm first steps

Before you start your law firm website you need to define what CMS to use. I assume that you don’t have time and desire to get coding skills, so you will need a simpler way, which is using a content management system. To my mind, WordPress CMS will be perfect for a lawyer website. This system was created for blogs originally, but it got far from that by now. There’s simply no such website that you won’t be able to build on WordPress, be it a blog, online store or, of course, a lawyer website.

As you choose the CMS it is time to get yourself a hosting and a domain name. Those are a place, where your website will be stored, and the name that will help to find it. The algorithm of registration and WordPress installation is very simple. We have a nice detailed tutorial on WordPress website creation – Easy as LEGO. Follow it to get yourself a starting point. The tutorial will tell you how to get the hosting and domain name completely for free, but I will still recommend getting a paid hosting. Usually, the domain name goes with the hosting and you won’t need to pay twice. Besides that, hosting will sufficiently affect the speed and safety of your website, and those are the features you shouldn’t ignore.

When WordPress is installed and everything is ready – you will have to get a lawyer WordPress theme. I will list some best of the Template Monster WordPress law themes, so you will have a variety of professionally built items to choose from. However, before the list, let’s talk about some features you should add to your law website. There are a few tips I would like to give you, that will help you to create a really efficient and attractive lawyer website.

What parts should every lawyer website have?

As you probably know, different websites could have different blocks in its structure. An online store doesn’t necessarily need a blog module, and a personal blog doesn’t need the “Brands” section. Every type of website has a set of its own must-have blocks every website owner should add. Let’s take a look at what parts of the website structure will help you to make the website more profitable and effective.

Reviews & Testimonials


People will entrust you with their law issues only if you show them you are worth it. Your company’s reliability could be shown in several ways, but reviews of other clients are the most efficient. The comments left on such reviews platform as Yelp look more trustworthy than the ones placed to your page by default, so try to get some positive comments there and add the feed to your site. A rating system with comments will also do the job. Your main goal is to show the website’s visitors that other of your clients were satisfied with your service.

A few means of communication


Clients evaluate efficient, fast and friendly communication over all other features of the website. If the visitor got the answers to his questions quickly and clearly – he will love your firm. That’s why you should add several different ways to communicate with you. First of all, add a convenient and smoothly working contact form. Put your email, phone number and messenger address to the most visible place. If you have enough employees – add a text chat form, so the clients could discuss something online with a specialist. In the modern world of extreme speed, fast communication with clients is key to success.


certificates rewards

The documents that confirm your high qualification increase the level of trust to you and your company. Clients want to work with the best possible specialist, who has experience and skills to help them, and the only way to be sure they are working with such a specialist is to take a look at the certificates. Of course, it means you have to get some certificates to show, but I guess it is useful one way or another. And additionally, mention the number of years you are practicing somewhere on the homepage of your lawyer website. The more experience you have – the more trustworthy you look in the eyes of your clients.

List of services

list of services

If you will write that you can deal with each and every problem the client has – it would be an obvious lie. The law is a complicated sphere and it has lots of branches. You can specialize in a few of them, but mastering all of them looks rather impossible. Create a clear list of services you can do for the client and describe in what cases you will be able to help. Looking at such a list visitor will quickly understand if he came to the right specialist and what to expect from him.



Believe me, you need it. First of all, it will really positively affect SEO. The more texts with the keywords you will have – the easier it will be for you to get to the top of search engine results. The second advantage is that you will be able to share the latest news, changes in law and offers of your firm. And the last, but not the least is that you will increase the level of trust to your law firm. Articles about some complicated terms or issues written in a plain language will show your professionalism. Only the most knowing lawyers can describe complicated things in simple words.

Design tips

Appearance and structure are very important, those are the “clothes” of your business and visitors evaluate them one way or another. To be efficient, your website has to look stylish, up-to-date and attractive. Of course, you should design your lawyer website according to your taste. And no advice would guarantee you that every visitor will like the way you structure the pages or color scheme. That’s why I want to give you a few insights about what an average user awaits to see om the law firm website.

Brand logo and colors

bad color selection

The color scheme you use for your lawyer website is a matter of taste. Someone could love it, but there will also be some people who will not. However, using the colors of your logo is a win-win solution. Besides that, putting the logo on all pages of the website will increase the chances visitors will recognize it further. Using more than one bright color for the logo is a little risky, but I guess you understand that too. The law firm should choose some more classic and calm colors, so it won’t look funny or childish. People who need some help from lawyers would prefer to deal with a solid company.


lawyer website

Modern design uses big and high-resolution photos, placed to the top of the homepage. There are several variants, but in general, the website won’t be considered up-to-date without them. That’s why my first recommendation will be to use the real pictures of your office and your employees. The photo session with a good photographer will be costlier than the stock photos, but it will be worth it. A client like to know how the people they are going to work with look like. Though, if you have no other way besides taking the stock pictures – avoid unnatural emotions and poses. There are lots of photos on the stocks where models have a “plastic” face expressions or weird poses. Spend more time and find more natural variants – it will make the website look more professional and attractive.

Short phrases

long text

Forget about big and plain text pieces on the homepage. Only short phrases are written with a bold text – they should be eye-catching and simple. A homepage is a sort of business card - you have to place only the most important things on it. All long texts have to be hidden into adjustable boxes or, what is better, to be written on the separate pages. Then you will be able to leave on the homepage only a short description and a link, leaving the visitor to decide for himself – to read the information or not.

Call to action

call to action

If you want the visitor to do something (call you, subscribe for the newsletter, leave you his contacts) – tell him about it. The visitor has already done the main action he should – he came to your website. If you want some additional actions, you will have to ask for it. And don’t hesitate to place the call to action in several places along the homepage – you have to make sure the visitor will see it.

Other features of lawyer website

There are some additional features the website could have in general. They are not connected with appearance or structure parts, but they affect the whole website and the way it is evaluated by visitors. Each of those features could be applied even after the whole website is done, so if you created the website first and then understood it is not as efficient as you wanted it to be – check out this three points and improve them to fix the issue.

Convenient navigation

complicated navigation

The whole website you created, no matter how beautiful and solid it is, will be completely useless, if the visitor won’t be able to find the things he came here for. The main reason for such crap is bad navigation. The menu of your lawyer website should be clear and intuitively understandable. When looking at the menu user has to understand immediately where he has to go to get the information he needs. To make the navigation through the website more convenient you can add the following functionalities:

  • Mega menu. A big tile, showing all the information the visitor will need to get along with your website. Besides that, mega menus not only help to navigate, they also are some kind of decoration.
  • “Back to top” button. When the user scrolled down to the footer of your law firm website he has to have an option of an immediate return to the header menu. This button will give him such an option.
  • Bread crumbs. This is a narrow bar at the top of the screen, which shows you the name of the page or post the client is currently at and the pages he went through to came here. Bread crumbs are very convenient to quickly get back to one of the previous pages.
  • Sticky menu. This one could be used instead of “Back to top” buttons. Floating header menu follows the visitor through the page, allowing him to change position any minute he would like to.



We now live in the age of smartphones. People use them way more often than their PC’s, so websites have to adapt to that. Your lawyer website has to look great and be convenient for use no matter what device a potential client will use to enter it. If you are only starting to create your site – make sure that the lawyer WordPress theme you choose will be responsive. Most of the freshest templates are made responsive, but if you liked one of the oldest items – check it out. You can make your web page mobile friendly even if it is already created – there are plugins that can help you with that (like WPTouch or WordPress Mobile Pack).

Loading speed

loading speed

There’s nothing more annoying than chasing someone or waiting for something. In the modern world time is money, so no one likes to waste it waiting for your website to download. First of all, check your lawyer website on GTmetrix and if the downloading speed is more than 5 seconds – it is time to fix that. Usually, there is a set of factors that affect the speed and if you improve them – your site will transform into a rocket. Check your website according to this list of most common speed affecting factors and follow the instructions about how to solve that issue. Besides that, if you failed to handle it or don’t want to spend your time for it – you can ask for help from professionals and order speeding up service. TemplateMonster has a Speed Booster, so if you get stuck – it will be able to get you out.

Promotion tips


It is not enough to create a law firm website and put all the parts together. The tips I gave you previously will help you to catch the visitor and make him stay on the page, but firstly that visitor has to enter your website. I won’t describe the process of promoting your site – there are dozens of great articles about it. I will mention only a few features that are connected to the creation of a lawyer website.

Use social media

social media

Social media are now the most efficient platform to make your brand visible. It is hard to imagine a person that has never created an account on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. People of different age prefer different social media, and if you choose the right tool to target your audience – you will see how successful such kind of promotion could be. Create an account of your law firm in several social media and put the sharing buttons to the header and footer, so the users will have free and easy access to them.

Google My Business

google my business

Have you ever tried to seek for something on the Google Map? It was really convenient to see some company’s location and working hours, isn’t it? To make it easier for clients to find your law firm – add it to Google My Business. It is completely free, you just register a business and type in some information about it. The system will send you a confirmation letter and after verification, you will get the option to add some more details about your firm. After that, it will be great if you put a piece of a map on your website – it will show the exact location of your office and all the additional information you would like to show.

Get rated on Avvo


Avvo – is a reliable platform that provides lawyers ratings. You register on the resource and start offering your service. Your clients can rate you there and leave some reviews and comments, so the other clients could understand who they are dealing with. All the lawyers are sorted according to their practice area, city, state, name, and legal topics. If you or your company will have high rates there – it will affect the number of clients you have. To make sure your clients will know about your rate and leave some comments – put the link to your Avvo profile to your lawyer website homepage.

Make every lawyer a little brand


Even if you have a big law firm – the clients hire not the whole company, but a single lawyer. And those clients want to who are they dealing with: the personality, professionalism, even hobbies, and interests. That’s why your law firm website should contain links to all employees’ social media account. Ask them to create separate accounts with professional photo and work experiences. Let them add links to publications, add certificates and licenses. The more information about a lawyer your website will contain – the more interesting it will be to users.

Legal requirements for the lawyer website

As a website of a business, that protects the law, it can’t violate any legal requirements. There is a set of rules that every site has to comply and you have to especially careful. The laws connected to the internet and website design can differ according to the country, so it will be wise to check it out. I will list here the most common legal requirements, that are used almost all over the world.



In May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation documents were adopted in European Union. If you have any connection to it – you have to comply with it. If you want to get along with it for your own – visit the EU GDPR website, but here is a detailed article, that explains its essence in plain language. If to say short – GDPR is a set of laws that help to make the internet a more secure place for intellectual property. Even if your company is not located in the EU you should still get along with it, if you deal with EU countries or citizens in any way.

Check out the licenses


All the content you use on your website (like pictures or videos), has to have a license. If you bought the photos on the stock – store the messages and documents that go with it. If you worked with a professional photographer – sign up a contract, where your rights to the images will be clearly stated. And don’t forget about the terms of use – find the way to remind yourself when the license is expired and it is time to renew it.

Additional pages

privacy policy

If you haven’t done this by now – add a Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions pages to your website. Privacy Policy page is a clear statement about the ways you are going to use your clients’ private information. It will not only help you to protect the legal requirements but also will make the visitors feel more confident about your company. Terms & Conditions, on the other hand, is a document that limits your responsibility and protects your company. In some countries there are laws, that demand every website to have those two pages.

Enable SSL


SSL means Security Socket Layers and it is a technology that provides protection for the sensitive data you gather from your clients. Most of the websites now buy and enable this certificate and if your lawyer website will have it – that will add you a few more points. If you have no idea about what is it and how to set in for your website – get through this detailed article. The text will also help you to understand why SSL certificate is so important.

Make your website as safe as possible


Every code can be cracked and every website could be crashed. No matter how good will your protection be – if some hacker would like to break it, he will. However, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t protect your website. No, you have to do everything you could to make it as safe as possible. It will scare off the less experienced hackers, so it won’t be for wain. Website security is a very wide topic and it would take too much time to write about it here. We have a detailed eBook about security, so if you want to know more – check it out.

Warn about cookies


Almost every modern website use cookies information. Those are little files, stored on your computer, that hold some specific information about you, as an internet user. This file allows the server to deliver you a website, that is tailored to your computer features. If your website also uses this information, you have to warn the user about it describes how and for what purpose are you doing that. The notification doesn’t have to be big – the warning and the link to the page with details will be quite enough. This notification could be a simple pop-up that emerges when a user enters the website.

Start learning from the best

As I said previously, the website is a tool that can make you profitable and successive. It is a business card that shows your attitude to work, to clients and an eye for the fashion. A good looking and up-to-date website played a sufficient role in the growth of modern top law firms. To give you a little inspiration I will show you websites of the most popular and known lawyer companies. Hope it will give you some ideas about the design of your own site.

Logo Attorney, Law & Lawyer WordPress Theme

Get all you need to craft a stylish platform for your law-related project. This modern lawyer WordPress theme looks super trendy with its simple design and cutting-edge features included. It is suitable for both large or small projects. Logo can satisfy all your demands in your future beginnings because it is also SEO-optimized. Create enjoyable connections with the targeted audience with ease. Increase conversions and boost sales effortlessly. Other significant features include regular updates, one-click demo content import, mobile-friendly design, and others.

Cravath, Swaine & Moore


Just look at how simple, sophisticated and laconic this website is. It looks like the first page of the newspaper – nothing redundant, only pure usefulness. No animation effects or big photos – this is the design of really solid professionals. When you enter it – you understand that this firm is very experienced and has years of practice. However, if you are a beginner it is better to create a more fancy-looking website. Only those companies that already have a very high reputation and huge client’s base could afford such a simple design. Others have to follow the latest trends and try their best to impress the visitors.

Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz


I definitely love that top background picture – it is so wide. That photo perfectly radiates the message – WLRK is a company where a cohesive team of lawyers intensely focus on solving clients’ most important problems. The navigation through the website is understandable and clear, all pages are small and accurate. In fact, every page of this website looks like a business cart and that is a very cool idea. Such an approach makes the clients focus on the case and set a serious mood. The laconic design is one of the best solutions, so if you could shorten the texts and instructions – do it.

Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom


An excellent example of the lawyer website, built according to all modern trends. First of all – nice background video on the top of the homepage – it attracts attention really good. Than – parallax effect on a couple of web page parts. And of course – an understandable and minimalistic hamburger menu, that allows combining sophisticated design and convenient navigation. The website has no “About us” page – instead, they created a whole separate website, telling about the Skadden Foundation. If you have a big cooperating group – you can also create a separate website or landing page to tell about it.

Sullivan & Cromwell


The best thing about this website to my mind is that it uses the photos of employees for the slider on the top of the homepage. I allow visitors to see the faces of people they are going to work with. The visual impression is very important, so it is a nice solution. In general, this website is very simple and minimalistic and that is a variant that always did its job. If you are not really sure about the design – choose a minimalistic approach, it will look stylish no matter what content you put to the pages.

Simpson Thacher & Bartlett

simpson thacher

This lawyer website is another example of an up-to-date solution. Big photo at the top, accurately separated blocks on the homepage, built-in video player – that are all features most of the fancy websites use. However, what I don’t like is the low resolution of photos. You have to remember – low quality of photos make your website look cheaper and not so reliable as it could. Simpson Thacher law firm website is. In general, very good, but the first impression from the pictures at the top could ruin the whole interaction with clients.

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton


Websites that fill only one screen (without an option to scroll it down) are popular nowadays. And this company decided to create such a lawyer website – the homepage is composed of a single background video in the retro style, understandable menu, and links to the latest news. Nothing redundant, only pure style and accuracy. I also like the color scheme very much – the combination of black, white and light pink looks very stylish. As I said previously – minimalism will always help you to win a few additional points.

Weil Gotshal & Manges


And this lawyer website proves that even the most solid and reliable company could have a bright look. Just look at that color scheme! Grassy green and white – it makes you feel happier just while you look at it. There are lots of hover animation effects – the text boxes change color or expand when the cursor flies over it. Animation effects make the website look more dynamic, but, once again – do not overdo. If the website will flicker and flash over the eyes of the visitor, he will only get annoyed and leave. This website creator didn’t get too far, so the website looks nice.



Dentons is a global law firms network, it has offices in many countries, so that’s why its website has eight language variants. Multilanguage module increases the user experience and helps this company to become even more popular. As you can see, this firm also uses contrasting colors, which highlight some important parts of the page and separate the different blocks of information. The other features are also very convenient for users – sharing social media buttons on the top, sticky menu, cookies usage notification. This lawyer website is built to be a useful tool and that is how it works.

Lawyer website templates

These lawyer WordPress templates created by TemplateMonster's web design crew have well-thought structures and rich functionality. Thanks to the drag-and-drop page builder and a user-friendly interface, these templates are easy to use and modify. Opting for a law WordPress themes has lots of advantages. They will definitely fit the requirements of any possible lawyer WordPress template.

All law firm website templates in this collection have a 100% responsive design and are cross-browser compatible. So, your website visitors will be able to view your website from any browser on any handheld device.

Moreover, lawyer WordPress themes in this blog post are optimized for the search engines. SEO-friendliness means they have special plugins that help them rank higher in search engines. Most of these legal websites templates are licensed under the GPL v.3.0. That means you can install them on a great number of domains. Clean and valid programming code is web standards compliant.

Solicitor - A Perfect Juridical WordPress Theme For Lawyer

Solicitor - A Perfect Juridical WordPress Theme For Lawyer.

Details | Demo | Hosting

This WordPress theme for a lawyer will help you create a cool portal. This finished design differs from similar products. It is unique. Each web developer tries to make a product that isn't similar to others. The WordPress theme for the lawyer is just like that. At the same time, in appearance, you see all the necessary tools for the successful work of a law firm.

After watching the demo, you may appreciate the laconic, stylish, and convenient design. However, appearance isn't the only important feature.

All Solicitor customers receive the following benefits:

  • Three homepages to choose from web developers.
  • Fully editable header and footer.
  • Faster website loading.
  • An elegant and restrained 16 pages to create a perfect juridical website.
  • Amazing video instructions for editing. You will also receive information in text form.
  • Responsive layout.
  • A one-click installation of the WordPress theme for the lawyer is a special option so that even someone without experience can install the template.

Emon - Attorney and Law Firm WordPress Theme

Emon - Attorney and Law Firm WordPress Theme.

Details | Demo | Hosting

Websites for law offices, lawyers, and attorneys can be difficult to navigate. There's a lot of information required to keep up with all their legal needs, making it tough for users to find what they need. In addition, the legal team's customer service experience needs to be as seamless as possible. They need to provide a cohesive feel to aid in customer retention. Using a law firm WordPress theme will let you offer a better customer service experience while staying on budget. With its minimalistic design, you're sure to retain customers while feeling confident about the aesthetics of your company.


  • Elementor Page Builder
  • Mobile-first design;
  • Admin panel;
  • Canvas animation;
  • Booking form;
  • Team member block;
  • Tab support;
  • Drag-n-drop functionality;
  • Lazy loading.

Hocla - Law Firm WordPress Theme

Hocla - Law Firm WordPress Theme.

Details | Demo | Hosting

Your law firm or law department deserves a sleek, modern website that reflects your sophistication and professionalism. This law office WordPress theme is created for lawyers and attorneys, with all the required features. It is cross-browser and mobile-ready and uses the Elementor editor with a drag-n-drop system. It also has a dropdown menu that you can customize to match your content perfectly.

What's more:

  • Responsive
  • Revolution Slider
  • Scroll-to-top option
  • Team members
  • Blog support
  • Google Maps
  • WooCommerce-ready
  • Newsletter signup
  • Images included

Attorna - Law Firm WordPress Theme

Attorna - Law Firm WordPress Theme.

Details | Demo | Hosting

While lawyers, legal consultants, and other legal-related businesses rely on WordPress to do their work, they often struggle to find a theme that suits their needs. Well, it's time to create a professional and attractive website for your law office with the all-in-one attorney WordPress theme. Attorna is the template with 100% customizability; you can customize it however you like. This fully responsive theme comes with all the tools you need in a drag-and-drop page builder — it's mobile responsive and offers custom content widgets. In a word, it is the best choice for law firms and advisors.

You'll love all the features that come with the template:

  • Compatible with WordPress 6.x.;
  • Search engine friendly;
  • Mobile-first;
  • Retina-ready;
  • Dropdown menu;
  • Google Maps;
  • Blog support;
  • Background video.

Attorlaw - Law Firm WordPress Theme

Attorlaw - Law Firm WordPress Theme.

Details | Demo | Hosting

For your attorney’s business to thrive, it needs to build trust. And a website that appears at the top of the popularity list can help. Attorlaw is a minimalist law firm WordPress theme that will give you the helping hand you need to win over new customers. It works for law and tax institutions, consultants, and law firms. Want to use the template for any other topic? You’re not limited in actions.

Your visitors will like your lightweight and fast-loading web page. Its responsive layout makes your web page visible to mobile users worldwide. And those are not all benefits of Attorlaw. Take the time to check the other:

  • Elementor page builder;
  • Revolution Slider and MailChimp support;
  • Optimized for better performance;
  • MegaMenu support;
  • Google Maps integration;
  • Sample content;
  • Header & footer builder;
  • ElementsKit Addons.

TRIBUNAL - Lawyer, Law Firm and Legal Attorney Landing Page WordPress Theme

TRIBUNAL - Lawyer, Law Firm and Legal Attorney Landing Page WordPress Theme.

Details | Demo | Hosting

For your lawyer website to get new clients, it needs to build trust. TRIBUNAL is a premium landing page WordPress theme perfect for that. It works for legal firms, attorneys, or anyone who wants to prove its expertise in the niche. Clean and attractive design will help you generate leads making users close deals with you.

The theme is built with the Bootstrap framework for better performance. Elementor is the major page builder and lets you skip tricky issues. It is a WPML-ready option that supports the RTL. Speaking of other benefits, let’s mention:

  • Clean valid HTML5 code;
  • Blog functionality;
  • Parallax effect backgrounds;
  • jQuery;
  • Best-inbuilt SEO features;
  • Responsive and Retina-ready layout.

Professional Law-firm Elementor Kit

Professional Law-firm Elementor Kit.

Details | Demo | Hosting

Make your life goal come true - install a Law-firm lawyer Elementor kit today and bounce a hat trick! There are many reasons to check this product out. Customize your website without having any programming experience. Law-firm gives you numerous options to best apply it and create a project to be proud of. This web asset is perfectly suitable for law centers or firms. Let's discover some of the top-notch features together:

  • Responsive design.
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility.
  • SEO-optimized.
  • Blog Page.
  • Clean code.
  • Google fonts library included.
  • Simple usability.
  • Lightweight.



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This is one of the freshest templates of TemplateMonster and a top item, that is extremely popular among the users. Thanks to the numerous skins that go with it, Monstroid2 is also an awesome law firm WordPress theme. It has not only a great design that impresses the potential client but also has lots of useful instruments included. While creating this lawyer WP theme we learned from the best existing websites, so it contains all the best ideas we could find. Taking this template, you can be sure, that your website will attract attention and help to assure your clients they could trust you.

Jarod Steffes

I just started designing with this theme and I absolutely LOVE it! Monstroid2 makes it soooo easy for anyone to use it. Highly recommend!

Oscar Español

The staff has been very helpful. I need to get one more for another portal. I hope to have your discount has been a great professional and aesthetic help. Thank you

The Legal Way

Details | Demo | Hosting

This lawyer WordPress theme has been built with Power TemplateMonster's drag-and-drop page builder. Build pages easily without touching a single line of code with our flexible Power builder. Take advantage of more than 25+ modules, a library of presets, and drag-and-drop functionality. With an advanced set of configuration options, you can easily customize the design of your theme. Take control over your site with Power. Cherry plugins pack all meant to enhance your website's functionality also come in the template's package.

Jarred Hamilton

Beautiful and perfect for my application!!!

Proxima Computers Snc

I have bought from Template Monster about 10 WordPress themes and every time I get a complete solution. I know there are many different solutions on the market and on line but Template Monster is the only one that give you support and (in most case) real-time chat support. For my work and for my websites is the most important thing. Other very important thing is that with the template you get all files such as plugin, add-on and manual.


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It is one of the best legal WordPress themes which offers you multiple layout options. Choose from them and experiment with your pages’ structure. Speed up your building process by saving your favorite layouts in a built-in library and use them whenever you need to create a new page. Content modules allow you to add multiple content types to your page. This includes buttons, images, pricing tables, contact forms, sliders, and many more. Each of them has an extended set of options that you can tweak to match the style of your lawyer website.

Cameron Webster

Good template, easy to install and configure. Documentation ok, but could be improved for beginners, but ok for seasoned WordPress developers.


Fenimore - Law Firm WordPress Theme

Details | Demo | Hosting

This legal WordPress theme was crafted with the greatest care. You will enjoy its sleek, modern design. Each layout element is thoroughly executed and corresponds with the latest web design trends. Take advantage of the theme's custom widgets that enrich your theme with advanced functionality. Simple Slider, post carousel, and social media widgets help you build a stronger online presence, and offer you additional ways for displaying your content. The theme is mobile-friendly and looks great on any device and screen resolution.

Jeffrey Niver

great template, easy to setup and use. Great support also. Very pleased

Che Borden

This website template, is designed really nice, extremely happy. Simple clean design. Great support from templatemonster too! Easy to upload and the PSD files are a great source to have if you want to make changes. Really recommend this template. I get great assistance from your live chat support when i am faced with problems. They would provide the code for changes I wanted to make and guide me where to enter that code. The support team was the best part of the purchase installation creation process. Love working with Template Monster on all my websites. Customer support is top notch!!!


Details | Demo | Hosting

This attorney WordPress theme is provided with an appointment manager. It will help you save your time by letting your customers book an appointment directly on your site. Organize your schedule easily and be more productive with the Appointment Manager plugin. Customize your site with multiple theme options. View all the changes you make to your design alive, without reloading the page. Live Customizer makes adjusting the design of your theme as simple as it gets.

Website Café

Extremely easy to use and navigate. Some custom adjustments were needed, however the TM support to assist in getting the customisation solved was exceptional.


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Choose this law firm WordPress theme to make your website SEO friendly. Theme's code and structure are additionally optimized to fit the Google guidelines for websites. The theme will help you reach the top of search results. Choose from over 500+ Google web fonts to customize and adjust the design of your website according to your needs. It is licensed under GPL v.3. This means that you pay for your theme once and own it forever.

Jodilyn Salice

This is a very-well put-together template. I was able to complete a client’s website in very little time to accommodate his lower budget.

James Metcalfe

I have never used wordpress before and can say that the template is certainly easy to use. Beginners like myself can design pages and modify the colours, margins and pretty much everything on the page without having to know anything about coding, using the powerbuilder. The templatemonster support team is super friendly and always offers excellent service and answered all my questions. Overall I would recommend this theme or any other theme which uses powerbuilder. Literally anyone can easily make a website the way they want it.


LawPress - Law Firm Responsive WordPress Theme

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Being fully responsive is a must for every modern lawyer website. It's natural that all theme's elements are responsive either. You can take advantage of its custom widgets that enrich your web page. Simple Slider, post carousel, and social media widgets help you build a stronger online presence and provide you with alternative ways of displaying your content. Google fonts are integrated into this lawyer WordPress theme. This means you can choose from over 500+ Google web fonts to customize and adjust the design of your website according to your needs.

serge Romanyszyn

Great template. Easy to set up and design the perfect site for any company. I highly recommend 5****. The dashboard is easy to use and has all the necessary required panels.

Serge Bittar

I faced a challenging project for a client of mine who needed a legal website that showcased his firm properly. I sent him several TemplateMonster Themes to choose from and he finally chose one that he liked. However, he wanted to make some design changes to the site and that’s where working with Template Monster becomes so great ! They worked with me in re-designing some of the theme to suit my clients needs and were very accommodating with their expertise and wound up suggesting some things that I did not consider. In the end the work that was performed was in line with what I could charge the client and everyone was happy. template Monster does not just sell themes and templates, they support their products with customer support that goes beyond what the other template companies offer. I would highly recommend you give Template Monster a chance and see what I have been enjoying now for over two years.


Femida WordPress Theme

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The design author selected a very nice light blue color for law firm WordPress theme's background. Its layout also has an uncommon structure. It is crafted in the infographics style. I believe that such a minimalist content arrangement is beneficial for lawyer agencies or business companies, for instance. Neat geometric shapes of the icons seamlessly blend with the rest of the layout. Text in slider tells the visitors main info about the agency. Lawyers' bios are accompanied by their photos, which shows that there are real, highly professional people behind the solid company image.

Guillermo C.

Great templatemonster service


Law WordPress Theme

Details | Demo | Hosting

I offer you to check out this responsive WordPress law theme specially designed for security service and lawyer websites. It is fully responsive, i.e.: it automatically adjusts the content to any screen resolution without hiding the unnecessary elements. This way more people will be able to reach your website from their smartphones, tablets, laptops, whatever. It features a clean layout with minimalist design and a full-width slider at the top of the page. You can easily customize this law web template in compliance with your business requirements and make it more profitable.

Tiago Moura

Great Template and very easy to install and customize. I recommend

Erhard Englhofer

Excellent template, exactly what I needed for my legal consultation business



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The wooden texture in the background imparts a serious look to the theme. Slider images are accompanied by the explanatory text. The main drop down menu has lowered position. It is placed right under the slider. Content is arranged in four columns. Headings and lists are available for easy scanning. Round social media icons can be found in the footer. You don't need to scroll all the way upwards to get to the top of the page. Just click back to top button.

Hugo K.

I used this template for Law firm, named Hatada Associates. I’m a brazilian webdesigner, running a small business at my country. Template Monster has been a amazing supplier, providing me many WordPress templates, i can delivery the job before the deadline and my clients are very satisfied so far. Cherry framework allow us to have many great effects and features, i recommend you to keep update due the old version security bug. The SEO and responsive settings is good, and this template is easy to customize. I have no complains to this template.

Dave Clark

dave clark

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People are excessively meticulous when it comes to legal issues. That's why a lawyer website should be serious and trustworthy, first of all. And it's better to stick to modern web design trends to show the users that you are competent and qualified enough to solve any of their current issues. The combination of dark and green colors in our template is absolutely perfect because it makes it look solid but not gloomy. Large fonts are easy to read and show that you have nothing to hide from the client. In general, the template makes a positive impression on the user, which is extremely important for such kind of business.

Jason H.

I am a full-time web developer and I do freelance work on the side. This client is a law firm in Florida. They came to me with a lower budget than I normally accept, but by using this template I cut my coding time by 75% so I will still make good money on the project. In looking at templates I worked with a sales rep who was able to answer my questions very quickly and to point me in the direction where I could go back and read the answers later. I have another similar project I am working on this week... I will be back 🙂

Law Press


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Everything in this legal WordPress theme is created to make the client feel he can trust you. First of all – the color scheme is just perfect – this is exactly what people expect to see on the lawyer website, different tones of brown and white. The contrast is ideal for accessibility – every element will be clearly visible even if a person can’t see the colors. The drop-down mega menu makes navigation much simpler and increases the user experience. A counter and very sophisticated animation effects spice the lawyer website template up a little and don’t annoy the user.

michael Piccoli

I’ve been using this theme for about 2 weeks now and I’m very pleased. The backend editor is easy to use, no fuss. I barely had to customize anything and those customizations were because I’m extremely picky. I’m pretty confident that this theme could be used straight out-of-the-box as-is. The editor makes it easy to differentiate your website from other Law Press WordPress sites so you don’t have to worry about looking too cookie cutter. TLDR: highly recommend.

Rights Defender

Rights Defender WordPress Theme

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I would call this lawyer WordPress theme an ideal solution for the company that works with millennials and teenagers. Its design is bright and up-to-date, but it still doesn’t make you feel that you are looking on the entertainment website. No, it looks solid and strict. This legal WordPress theme has all the trendiest animation effects – hover animation boxes, parallax effect, and counters. The menu is quite understandable and there is a “back to top” button, which makes scrolling more convenient.

Juuso Kataja

Very good looking template which happens to be quite easily modified. Nice and elegant template already just as it is, but it’s always nice to give some personal twist. I always give my credits for templates that don’t restrict and tight your arms completely but let’s you give your own personal touch for it.

Attorney Group

Attorney Group

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A very stylish WordPress law firm theme, just look at those black borders. In most cases that empty space is left white, but for this template it is black and that looks original and fancy. The brands your company is working with are placed right under the top block. It will help you to get users to trust faster if your law firm already works with some known companies. Information blocks are accurately separated and attract attention to the text written inside. There also is a counter, but no other distracting animation effects. This lawyer theme is accurate, clear and professional.

Femida Law Agency

Public Justice

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The dark color scheme is an original but still classy solution. A few bright accents underline the most important parts of this WordPress law template homepage. The theme is well-optimized for SEO and fast downloading. It has a “lazy loading” feature, that makes page speed higher without losing the quality of pictures. With this template, your website will be multilingual ready, because it is WPML compatible. If you work with abroad clients – it will be very useful for communication.

Tony Reese

Very easy to manipulate and edit. Unique and creative layout


Law Firm Responsive WordPress Theme

Details | Demo | Hosting

Starting a website with the catalog of spheres you can help the clients with is a smart solution. Especially is that catalog is beautifully designed. This WordPress lawyer theme also uses dark tones, as the previous one, but it looks elegant and attractive. The template is completely responsive and will look gorgeous and understandable on every type of screen. Newsletter and contact forms are included in the theme package, along with the online chat widget – this will help you to make communication more pleasant for you and your clients.


Easy installation and good support. I recommend this template.

Marc Serra

A good theme for a short and simple website. Easy to use, easy to configure.


Cherry Law Firm WordPress Theme

Details | Demo | Hosting

This law office website template is so stylish – it is created to attract attention. The original slider at the top of the screen makes visitors stop and observe the pictures, and if you place the photos of the employees where – you could be sure the user will recognize them further. As I say previously – people like to see the faces of professionals they are going to work with. The design is light and laconic – the minimalistic look is always a win-win solution.

jeffrey Goldstein

Nice Template, and even nicer customer service as I (a novice) worked to get the site up.

Test Name

This template is hands down the best one for getting a site done for a lawyer or a law firm. Totally straightforward.


lawyer wordpress theme free

Details | Demo

Despite design is very important, the first things you buy a template for are its tools and features. And this law office WordPress theme not only has an impressive design but also has all the instruments you will need to become efficient and profitable. First of all – it has lots of pre-made pages that will help you to build the website faster. It also has Elementor Page Builder on board and a few Jet plugins that expand its capabilities. The template is completely responsive and cross-browser compatible. Theme package has a few additional bonuses: all the pictures are included to the package and booked appointment plugin goes with it for free.

TOP 20 Law Firm Website Templates for WordPress 2022

Template Name Theme Provider Template Category Price
The Legal Way - Lawyer & Attorney WordPress Theme ZEMEZ Lawyer Templates $75
Duncan - Lawyer Company Responsive WordPress Theme ZEMEZ Lawyer Templates $75
Fenimore - Law Firm WordPress Theme ZEMEZ Law firm website templates $75
Justizia - Lawyer Services Responsive WordPress Theme ZEMEZ Lawyer Templates $75
Immigration Lawyer WordPress Theme ZEMEZ Lawyer Templates $75
LawPress - Law Firm Responsive WordPress Theme ZEMEZ Law firm website templates $75
Femida WordPress Theme WT Law firm website templates $75
Law WordPress Theme WT Law firm website templates $75
Law Responsive WordPress Theme WT Lawyer Templates $75
Private Lawyer WordPress Theme WT Lawyer Templates $75
LawPress - Law Agency WordPress Theme wordpresstheme Lawyer Templates $75
Rights Defender WordPress Theme ZEMEZ Consulting Templates $75
Attorney Group - Law Firm WordPress Theme ZEMEZ Law firm website templates $75
The Legal Way - Lawyer & Attorney WordPress Theme ZEMEZ Lawyer Templates $75
Monstroid2 - Multipurpose WordPress Theme ZEMEZ Construction Company Templates $75
Public Justice Agency WordPress Theme WT Law firm website templates $75
Law Firm Responsive WordPress Theme WT Law firm website templates $75
Cherry Law Firm WordPress Theme WT Law firm website templates $75
Integritz - Responsive Law Firm Elementor WordPress Theme ZEMEZ Law firm website templates $75

Did you like our WordPress themes? Which one did you like the most? Please share your impressions, thoughts, additions, whatever, at the comments section.

Thanks for reading this article and have a nice day!

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Elizabeth Thistle

A passionate WordPress monster since 2018. Loves professionally built website templates, is Elementor Page Builder fan and becomes extremely curious when it comes to trying some new site creation tools. Quora account

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