A Simple Guide to a Successful Email Marketing Campaign Today

If you are an online marketer in the contemporary business environment, you appreciate how competitive this marketplace has become. Whether you are a small business or an established brand, you have to compete on a globalized platform. But that’s not all; marketing techniques that had previously delivered the goods are rapidly being swept away. A reliable SEO company will help you stay up to date with trending strategies to stay ahead of the pack.

Truth be told, the internet marketplace is very volatile and it is no wonder many brands are struggling to optimize their marketing campaigns. Before you even master the latest digital marketing technique, another one will already have emerged and you have to keep tweaking your strategy. Well, one of the most versatile marketing strategies today remains the email. This is a tool that has withstood the onslaught from other popular marketing methods to continue delivering the goods.

Email Marketing in Numbers

email marketing
[spqacer] If you have been wondering how to rejuvenate your fading internet marketing campaign, it is time to give email marketing another try.The numbers have clearly spoken and they support the case of email marketing as a modern marketing strategy. According to a Radicati’s 2016 Email Statistics report, the email will be used by 3 billion people by 2020. The same report says that 205 billion emails are sent daily and by 2019, the number will have increased to 246 billion.

It gets better; the return on investment (ROI) for emails is immense. On every $1 spent on email marketing, you will get an expected average return of $38. In an eMarketersurvey of marketing professionals in 2015, 80% said email marketing is a very effective tool in customer acquisition and retention.

Email beats Facebook and other social media networks hands down when it comes to conversion and efficiency. In fact, email beats Facebook and search combined when it comes to conversion according to Smart Insights. If you have been looking for the ideal business communication tool, 72% of consumers say they prefer email compared to any other tools. This is according to a study by Marketing Sherpa.

The same report says that 61% of consumers enjoy receiving a promotional email every week because of the brains and deals they find. 38% more say they would like to receive these emails even more frequently. Well, a study by Campaign Monitor shows that you are 6X more likely to get a click-through from an email campaign than from a tweet. Another study by McKinsey says email is 40x more effective at acquiring new customers than Twitter and Facebook.

Looking at all these numbers, it becomes obvious that email marketing should be at the heart of your online marketing campaign. If you are not already leveraging email, you are losing out big time. You need to talk to your SEO agency on how to integrate email into your ongoing campaign or even run it on its own.

Boosting Business with Email

business email

Now that you appreciate how emails fare in terms of the numbers, it important to consider what this means for your company. Whatever the type of business or organization you are marketing, email can unlock your potential.

Some of the greatest email campaigns run by Poncho, Mom and Dad Money, Birchbox, Postmates, Dropbox and Cook Smarts are really simple ideas that are creatively packaged into awesome emails. The resultant effect is a boost to these brands. To appreciate what a well-designed email campaign can do to your business, consider the following:

  1. Customer segmentation – This helps in easier targeted marketing. This, in turn, leads to more engagement, which is what every marketer wants.
  2. Low-cost marketing – Compared to all other marketing tools today, the email must be the cheapest considering there are no printing, distribution and advertising costs. If you decide to automate and track, this is just a small overhead.
  3. High return on investment (ROI) – Every marketer wants the highest ROI but this is easier said than done. With email, you get a very high return on every dollar spent.
  4. Immediacy – If you are building a startup, there is no better way to market than through email. The results are immediate because emails by nature, are considered urgent and need action immediately. If you have a good call to action, it is easy to spur subscribers to take immediate action.
  5. A global reach – Email allows you to reach your target customers wherever they might be in an instant. There is no other digital technique offering such benefits and with email, you can track the results easily. Social media might be popular but you have no way of knowing whether people are actually reading your content.
  6. Easy to create, send and track – If you are looking for a marketing campaign that can be set up quickly, email marketing is the way to go. It is possible to set up and get your emails running within no time as long as you have your email lists. Automated email marketing tools will help you track the open rates and the click-through rates as well. This makes it easier to improve your marketing content for better results.

Of course, there are many other reasons your SEO service should leverage email marketing; it helps build brand awareness, makes marketing easier through targeted marketing and helps increase brand visibility as it is easy to share emails.

Optimizing Your Emails for More Effectiveness


It is important to enlist the services of a highly experienced SEO expert to help optimize your emails. This should be done through segmenting your customers, including the necessary links to relevant pages, making it easy to unsubscribe, avoiding spam techniques, keeping the text short and easy to scan and testing your emails before sending them. You should also give your customers space and avoid bombarding them with too many promotional emails and don’t over rely on automation. Your emails should also be optimized for mobile now that most internet users are using small screens.

An email marketing campaign can easily change the fortunes of your struggling business. It is a cost-effective promotional strategy that helps you target the right customers. When done professionally, email boosts conversion on your business website increases engagement and builds your brand in your niche. It is the most versatile marketing tool that an internet marketer can find today.


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Charlie Brown

Charlie is a professional writer with many years of experience working in the web design and development field. He also enjoys writing about SEO and digital marketing.

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