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Want to Speed Up Your WordPress Business Website? Here’s How

Business Website

In today's market, business owners, marketers, and designers have countless options when it comes o digital platforms to enable a web presence, WordPress is far most preferred for a company that has plans to scale and grow. A lot of business and startups still don't know how great WordPress is or why they should use it. It becomes a common concern after all as there are dozens of different website builders, platforms, and content management systems to choose from. Among all, what is best for your business?

We all are aware of the fact that WordPress is free which makes it just awesome. It is very easy to use, super powerful and you can do anything with it. Not only that, but there is a huge WordPress developer community along with unlimited tutorials, guides, videos, ebooks, and even few businesses are dedicated to helping you grow and maintain your WordPress website.

WordPress is basically a content management system at its core which allows you to build your site and create, edit and manage content without knowing how to code. Originally, began as a blogging platform, this has gone far more to power some of the largest sites in the world whether for business or personal use.


When working for the business goals you must have different needs than some other users who just build out a simple site for personal use. Being a business owner, you need your website to be flexible and controllable, easy to use and meet the growing demands of your business. Not to be surprised, WordPress has initiated some of all these things and more.

#1 Choose your site type

Before we jump into any suggestions, it is very important to understand that not every WordPress website is the same. There is two range of websites mainly static and dynamic based on the types of the user. Static would typically include the blogs, small business sites, lower volume news sites, personal activity pages etc.

Static is something which you cannot change very often and also the requests can b served directly from the cache on the server at lightning fast speeds. While dealing with the dynamic website requires additional server resources and database queries which is frequently changing and thus not all requests to the server can be served directly from the cache. These sites include e-commerce, community, membership, forums and learning management systems etc.

#2 Shared Hosting

The most popular type of WordPress website hosting is called shared hosting. These include some of the huge hosts in the industry like EIG companies as well as providers like Siteground, GoDaddy, etc. and utilize cPanel where the average customer pays for the hosting site. Shared hosts are typically seen to work slower as they overcrowd their servers which ultimately impacts your site. You also experience site suspensions, site downtime, and frequent errors as they have to place limits on everything and consolidate resources to survive.

Often, if you calculate these hosting companies don't generate any good sum of revenue and so they charge hidden fees or upsell things including migrations, domain registrations, SSL certificates, etc. Shared hosts have to showcase themselves very thing to make a little profit leading to the unpleasant customer experience. Hence, the customer service and support with shared hosting are always subpar due to the sheer volume of sites towards support representatives.

#3 DIY VPS or Managed Hosting

The virtual private server type of hosting is typically made up of bootstrap startups and users with a little more development, server management, and WordPress experience. These users commonly set up the system including a third-party VPS provider such as Digital Ocean, Linode, or Vulte with a tool like ServerPilot to manage it easily. Depending upon your setup, this approaches can cut costs, but if something breaks then you are held responsible to optimize your server for performance. This DIY VPS is great but you have to be careful as it is sensitive to use, one should not opt for this route if you are not tech savvy or just a tinker.

On the flip side, managed hosting handles all the back-end server related tasks for you by providing you with all type of support when you need it. These hosts are typically fine to tune with as it includes features such as one-click staging environments and automatic backups. The support teams are more informative as they have to focus on one platform on daily basis. Huge companies like jQuery, Intuit, Plesk, Dyn, NGINX etc are using WordPress to host their website.

#4 Vast Online Community

One of the far reviewed reasons behind using WordPress is its large online community you can lean on. You find a treasure of support materials from your theme to plugin providers and a lot more in just a Google search away. As WordPress is popular across the globe, a dedicate and helpful community of developers has sprung up to teach you ins and outs if you come up with any issues with your site. There is a wide range of tutorials to help you do everything from installing WordPress on your site to troubleshooting different issues. Also, WordPress is easy to use, affordable and provides infinite flexibility. Such a huge community helps anyone be it a beginner or a techie to build a wonderful website to promote the business.


#5 Control Over your Data

Being open source and self-hosting, WordPress allows you to own everything regarding your website i.e. files, content, media and even the place where you want to host your site. This means that you can effectively pack up and bring your website whenever you would like to. Using another hosting service you never really get the full control of your data which migrates you away from such platforms. Whether for business or personal use, you always want to know whos in control of your website's data for sure.

#6 Huge Variety of Plugins

WordPress comes with a wide variety of plugins which you can utilize in your site for effective responses. It provides Google Analytics which is free to use the platform for measuring the performance of your website. Also, there is an SEO plugin called Yoast SEO which allows handling complete optimization of your website for search engine. With the help of it, you can write content visitors readability advice by reading their queries. MailChimp is for email marketing which embeds the sign-up forms anywhere on your site to integrate with your email marketing platform.

There is also more for marketing automation called Hubspot that integrates well with WordPress and has an easy setup plugin for blogs and websites to inbound with their marketing and sales software. To build and deploy pop-ups across your websites, all you need is a Ninja Popups plugin. Next, is the Woocommerce Multilingual which allows you to serve your store in multiple languages and currencies. Along with this,the Polylang tool allows you to assign multiple languages for pages, posts, and media on your WordPress website.

Exciting times ahead…

We have always seen WordPress as a robust evolution by constant updating it with popular trends for the users. Having an elastic architecture and scalability, it makes your website manage heavy traffic all the time. Dealing with the server load by caching and use a dedicated search index to improve performance with sophisticated features like voice search, automatic index, and custom taxonomy. We hope now you see that choosing WordPress to scale up your business website growth is basically a no-brainer. It is flexible, affordable, and scalable and ease of use are just a few reasons why it should be your top choice.

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