10 Things to Achieve Magento Development for Ecommerce Success

E-commerce is a top-dollar industry increasing at a double-digit ratio every year. There are over 2,000,000 online stores actively operating on Magento alone. Magento is one of the major e-commerce platforms with 26% market share. But online merchants are dealing with some tough competition to survive in this highly competitive market in spite of opting for an ecommerce website development platform that offers world-class functionality and features. Every so often, while looking up online retailers for Magento e-commerce solutions, both Magento Community & Magento Enterprise, customers ask– “Why aren’t we selling more? How can we transform visitors into customers? Are we forgetting something?”

Hence, in this post, we have decided to share some imperative conversion guidelines you shouldn’t leave off your checklist while launching and optimizing a Magento themes online store. We’re not talking about just the instructions; wherever possible we have also incorporated a “How-to” segment to teach you how to implement a specific task. There following are four important things that can help in Magento development to make your e-commerce site successful.

magento themes

1. Launch a mobile-first online shop: Go responsive & offer an effortless user experience

Mobile devices are now responsible for around 50.3% of all e-commerce traffic and mobile commerce is currently the default system that people use to buy online. Still, we stumble across so many Magento stores that look terrible on many smartphones. Implementing a multi-device methodology by using responsive design is not only suggested by Google itself but also makes it easier for upgradability and lets you utilize only one digital strategy for the whole thing – might it be marketing campaigns, optimization of keywords, or URLs. As an example of a responsive design, you can check out one of our client sites – Petsworld – that we performed in Magento e-commerce. There is an emphasis on providing a unique user experience to your mobile consumers by customizing the design of your store and the size of your “Buy,” “Add to Cart,” and other buttons to make them a nominal size that visitors can easily tap with their fingers and thumbs.

How to go responsive: To change your existing Magento shop into a mobile-ready shop, you can use extensions such as Couch commerce and Tenfoot. If you are beginning from scratch, you can make use of a proper responsive theme such as Argento or Magento Mobile HTML 5 Themes, but don’t overlook the opportunity to customize it.

2. Use a professionally designed Custentoom Magento theme design in spite of free Magento themes

Every online store is distinctive. Every store retails different types of products and focuses on various customers’ demography. Therefore, from a marketing viewpoint, a custom-built Magento design transforms better than a free Magento theme. Here are four strong points that should provide you enough reason not to choose a free theme design:

  • Brand image – A prospective customer might have seen the same page design before. Your website design could be displayed by any other brand because free and even some premium themes are utilized over and over by several online stores. This will provide your visitors an instantaneous red flag not to purchase from you as they’ll suspect your genuineness and might hesitate to share their credit card information with you. They may wonder, “Is this the same company operating under a bunch of different names?” It raises suspicion. This is why we always recommend that clients hire a dedicated Magento Developer that can offer them a full range of e-commerce website development services and obtain a custom theme design that will symbolize their corporate individuality and create an exceptional brand image with their target consumers. Buyers will be more likely to keep you in mind and keep coming back.
  • Technical support – Free themes don’t come with any technical support. If something goes wrong, you can’t rely on anybody for assistance. Opting for a trustworthy Magento Web Development Company to craft a custom theme for your store will ensure that you have someone available to assist you with any problems.
  • Upgrades – Magento is an ever-growing e-commerce platform that is continuously upgrading and adding new features. Free themes might begin having errors or you might not be able to take advantage of exciting new features or trends as they arise. This is why when Magento e-commerce Development India builds a custom-made theme we always pay attention to incorporating themes that are easily upgradable.
  • Functionality – You may want some exclusive features or extra functions in your store which are not possible to obtain with a free theme. Whatever theme you choose, free or premium, you will need professional Magento ecommerce Development Services from a well-experienced Magento Website Development Company to assist you in creating the best online store and offer great solutions for any issues.

3. Customize the Shopping Cart Page for more conversions

When a consumer reaches the shopping cart page, you have already won half the battle. All you need is to encourage your visitors to tap on the “Continue to Checkout” button as soon as possible to finalize the transaction. By default, Magento themes make use of a design that is not at all optimized for conversions. Alter the size and color of the “Proceed to Checkout” button on the shopping cart page. Also, you want to convert the design to one that encourages customers to buy and includes a more effective call to action like “Go to Checkout.” By doing these few things, you may be able to achieve double the amount of sales in your online store.

4. Use One Page Checkout Booster in spite of the Default Magento Checkout

Research shows that up to 15% of shoppers reject their shopping cart for each page they’re required to fill in while getting through the course of checkout. The default Magento Checkout Page damages the online shopping experience of many consumers with its extensive checkout process. If most of your consumers are forsaking shopping carts without ultimately completing their orders, then there is a great possibility that you’re mislaying sales because of an intricate and long checkout process. To avoid this, you have to streamline the checkout and reduce it to just a few nominal steps for faster order processing. Also, concentrate on all the sections of your checkout page from design to content and navigation to usability.

How to do this: Make sure to have the Magento extension “One Step Checkout Booster” installed when you’re building your online store. Or, we recommend that you choose a fully customized online store from a professional Magento Website Development Company who will do the whole thing for you.

Bonus Tips

1. Use a persistent shopping cart

Make sure that the user doesn’t have to enter similar information twice during the checkout process.

Maintain customer information if a validation mistake arises so that users don’t have to re-enter all of the information again and become irritated.

Try to eliminate required (*) fields as much as possible.

Tag all the spaces and if possible, write example information in the requested fields.

Consider offering a “guest” checkout option for those who want to enter very little information to complete the purchase.

2. Selling all over the world?? Localize your Magento shop to specific countries

If you’re selling your products internationally, then it is imperative to make your consumers understand that you offer international delivery as well. To do this, you can just use an IP identification technique and then send your consumers to a Magento store view in their own language; say for example, a customer with a U.S. IP address goes to www.your-magento-store.com/us.

3. Optimize the Magento Product Page and Product Search

It is vital to optimize the product pages and the product search for enhanced conversions. After optimizing, don’t fail to recall checking the precision as well by trying it out yourself.

How to optimize your product search: When users search for products using a plural form – like dog food – they might search dog foods or dogs food or dogs foods. No matter how they put in their search, the search result should look similar. If the correct product is not displayed in the search result, you must add more product tags to your online store using all the variations you think a customer might search.

Magento backend –>Catalog -> Tags-> Add a new Tag and then fill the search tags and place it to the necessary product.

How to optimize your Product Pages for higher responses: Use only high-quality product images so that consumers can easily get a good idea about your product. Make sure your default image, i.e. the base image, is of superior quality. Also, try to show more than one image in diverse angles below it. Create a pleasant background and if possible, make use of product videos for your most successful products. Don’t overlook the importance of writing an appealing product description that people can easily comprehend; and make the content SEO friendly.

4. Don’t make your customers wait. Avoid performance logjams & optimize for speed

Waiting is the last thing that a consumer wants to do while shopping online. Don’t exterminate the shopping experience of your customers. Optimizing for high performance not only ensures better SEO but it assists in gaining an edge over your competitors. Every page must be as fast as possible, particularly the checkout if you want your consumers to purchase from you.

Use the smallest amount of JavaScript code lines necessary and clean up your CSS by eliminating the redundant rules. This will accelerate the page and reduce load time. If possible, you can syndicate your JS and CSS codes in one file.

Optimize all the images. To do this, you can merge images into CSS Sprites. Gathering a bunch of images in a sprite can diminish the page load time by a great extent. To do this you can utilize the tool Spriteme.

5. Work on your USP’s (Unique Selling Points)

Try to use some unique selling points that go through the psychological obstructions a buyer goes through while shopping and make way for higher conversions. For instance, offer Easy Returns, Free Shipping, Price Guarantee, or Risk-Free Shopping.


Final Word of Advice

Show your numbers! Publish your Facebook Likes or Twitter followers count and product reviews so that visitors can see how popular your products are and make the purchasing decision straight away.

Today's picture is such that every business organization is heading towards globalization and also willing to enhance their customer base. With the development of technology business companies have extended their range of development and expansion in many countries of the world by offering them the best of the best products and services.

The idea of e-commerce development arrived onto the scene when business enterprises crossed geographical borders for business transactions. Most business proprietors have faith that shaking hands with the other nations is the only way to develop and their organization in the international market. In addition, e-commerce is the only choice for them to convert website visitors into customers for the product or service you offer.

The range of e-commerce is increasing rapidly and there are many factors that play into the growth and development of any business. To provide your business with innovation and beat out your competitors, an e-commerce website from the Magento Agency in the USA proves to be the greatest solution for your business.

Develop an E-commerce Online Store

If you have created a plan to convert your business online then you will need a well-managed and organized online store which proves prolific in terms of business. You will find several options available but Magento is one of the most popular, powerful, and easily accessible options in the world of internet technology. It is suggested to hire Magento Developer India to help develop a better e-commerce site.

Magento is an open source platform and it is most desired in the industry to develop e-commerce based applications and for that, you have to hire a Magento Programmer. It is always advantageous to approach the top Magento companies in the USA who own some unique skills and knowledge to build your online portal as per your specific requirements.

The top Magento companies in India are proficient in developing highly optimized and customized online stores. Moreover, you have to make sure that it meets all your requirements in the web application.


Whatever might be your e-commerce business model, the bottom line is final sales and fetching more revenue for higher ROI. Therefore, building a beautiful online store and throwing it onto the web just isn’t adequate. Optimizing your Magento Developers USA shop to obtain optimum sales also becomes the most essential feature to consider if you’re truly focused on development. When it comes to budget then you can check out which e-commerce website development company offers the best possible prices.

Hopefully, you have enjoyed this post for Magento Website Development and will start applying these tips as quickly as possible for enhanced sales. Hiring Magento Development India will provide amazing and wide-ranging results.

get a readymade website

Read Also

Tips and Tricks for Magento Performance Improvement

How To Create a Magento Store

How to Create Product Attribute in Magento 2

How to Create Order Attributes in Magento 2 Checkout

Manan Ghadawala

Manan Ghadawala is the founder of 21Twelve Interactive which is one of the best app development agency in India and the USA. He is an idealistic leader with a lively management style and thrives raising the company’s growth with his talents. He is an astounding business professional with astonishing knowledge and applies artful tactics to reach those imaginary skies for his clients. His company is also recognized by the Top Mobile App Development Companies. Follow him on Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

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